I am a Christian and I totaly believe in God,atheist don't believe so who are we as Christians or atheist to judge or ridicule each others beliefs?I know as a Christian I am to share God's word and love and I do. Isn't all about free will?So why doesn't it seem like any of us have free will?If it were about free will shouldn't we respect the other's beliefs? No we don't have to like it but shouldn't we just let people believe the way they believe cuz we aren't going to change each others mind's.I think the only way to reach someone is with love no matter what the situation is.What are your thought's?I really would like to know.
25 answers
asked by
simple serenity
Society & Culture
➔ Religion & Spirituality
Thia is a neutral question so please don't be rude.
05:11:57 ·
update #1
You all are taking my question the wrong way.
05:16:03 ·
update #2
I don't push my beliefs on any one that is what I am saying in my question.
05:17:16 ·
update #3
Well I can say Im right when I tell you that you spelled "rite" wrong.
2007-08-12 05:13:28
answer #1
answered by Indiana Raven 6
We don't all understand where each person has come, their families or background. Some have been badly hurt and misunderstood. Yes, love is the greatest gift we can give to someone. True Love is not judging, but listening and trying to understand, even though we do not agree. Even Jesus listens to us when we are wrong. To encourage one another, because we all need it through this life, is another gift we can share. Let's all care about one another, no matter how we may disagree.
2007-08-12 13:18:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I understand your sentiments when you ask this question but please consider this -
Let's just say that I see your house on fire & you are inside asleep. My reaction is to bang loudly on your door as hard as I can to wake you up. I can see the fire, the danger, and in my view naturally your life is at stake.
Someone else comes along & their view of things is different than mine. They don't see the fire as I do. Maybe they see the fire but they don't see it as a danger to you. Others come along and don't see any danger at all.
These are all views of the same thing or situation.
It's like that with Bible interpretation.
All cannot be right.
My ministry as a Jehovah's Witness is very similar to that situation. I see a danger that is coming soon. A danger that will cost the lives of those who do not heed the warnings. I try my best to 'wake people up to the times we are living in.'
Many other religions will say that we are not in any danger & that things will just continue as normal (just like the others in my illustration) -
2 Peter 3:3,4
JW's are doing a warning work.
Surely if what we say COULD be true then isn't it worth examination?
Isn't it worth looking into to see why we think we are living in the times that Jesus talked about in Matthew 24:36-39?
He said that it would be just like in Noah's day when they took no notice until the flood swept them all away
How we interpret the Scriptures DOES matter
2007-08-12 16:24:53
answer #3
answered by New ♥ System ♥ Lady 4
This is a difficult one. I'm an atheist and am perfectly happy that way. In my time I've met atheists who have been perfectly horrible people but I've similarly met plenty of churchgoers who display an enormous lack of compassion and sympathy. I do have a bit of a problem with your idea that you are to "share God's word and love". I object to people feeling that they have a perfect right to share whatever their beliefs are with me. I really object to people knocking on my door and trying to pursuade me that their way is the right way (in particular Mormons and Jehova's witnesses). This is incredible arrogance. People should make their own mind's up and then follow their beliefs in private. In public surely basic virtues necessary to live in a free society such as respect, dignity, tolerance, charity and compassion are the best way to allow us to live harmoniously and without conflict. Religions do not have a monopoly on these virtues.
2007-08-12 12:22:06
answer #4
answered by Tony S 1
Each person knows what is right or wrong for them. Just because your religion says you have to share "God's word" infringes on our right not to have to listen to it if we don't agree with your beliefs. You say we should let people believe the way that they want to believe, yet you insist on pushing your beleif on others. You really should stop that.
2007-08-12 12:16:12
answer #5
answered by AuroraDawn 7
you're right. who here in a human form can say and judge what is right and what god really wants? i'm not christian, i'm pagan/wiccan. my belief system has been put down for eternity without really knowing a real good reason why except the fact that its misunderstood. i like alot of us do not try to judge(though theres always bad ones who do) who believes in god and how they do. all god ever said was to beieve in him. You believe how you feel is right and may god bless you for it. there are some of us out there who are grateful to an open mind to love in the heart
2007-08-12 12:21:15
answer #6
answered by born2magic 1
No, it isn't a neutral question. Your choices are nice and modern and hippy dippy and if you really look at the Christian beliefs, they have to be seriously modified to agree with you, which is what I prefer. True Christians ought to be slaughtering those who don't believe "Have no other God before me" like the Muslims who kill those who abandon Islam for insulting God.
By the way, if you are going to spell "right" as "rite" shouldn't you be spelling "wrong" as "rong" especially as "rite" is a good word that means something else and has a religious meaning?
2007-08-12 12:17:25
answer #7
answered by Mike1942f 7
First of all to ur question God is Right and the Bible says so!Matthew 6:24. Now to Anonymous:She did not say equal!!!To your comment about God sending people to hell .God give us all a free will if you choice to go to hell that is on you not God!St. Matthew 4:17 , and this is why she said that I'm sure Matthew 5:44.May God Bless you.
2007-08-12 12:26:45
answer #8
answered by notthatagain 4
i always respect people's beliefs. and i don't believe in extreme right and wrong, especially when it comes to religion and spirituality. if a faith is working for someone who am i to tell him/her that it's wrong? but just as a christian u r trying to share your faith and your feelings about your faith i am also trying to share how i feel about my beliefs and non beliefs as an atheist. my beliefs are right for me because they are doing good for me and your beliefs are right for you if they are doing good for u.
2007-08-12 12:21:09
answer #9
answered by krishnokoli 5
well free will gives me the choice to scoff at your beliefs or not, BTW as an atheist i don't have beliefs but lack there of. thats just free will
at any rate, i think what i think, based on what is around me, and as someone said 'why give up the heaven around us for one that might exist'
theres no evidence to my mind if the bible is evidence enough for you then so be it
2007-08-12 12:18:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Respectfully - you say 'shouldn't we just let people believe the way they believe'
Well, what if what they believe incites people to dehumanize each other? What if what they believe incites them them to hate or kill?
What if what they believe forces you (by law) to make medical decisions you do not agree with?
2007-08-12 12:18:54
answer #11
answered by Ben H 1