There is no hope. they just hope there's hope, I hope. Take dope to cope when there is no hope? Nope! Just mope!
Sorry I'll just wash my mouth out with soap.
2007-08-11 13:08:31
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
As a lightworker I see so many people become disheartend by humanity,there is so much happening at this time,it seems like the world and time itself is speeding up at such a rapid rate ,we cannot keep up with it and feel all that we do recieves little or no recognition or help in the situation.
This is an illusion and as we awaken to this we can see what is real and what is man made. The way peoples ego"s and greed and desires run the human race is all nothing but a charade ,if you look closley at nature you will see this ,we are all connected the earth ,the land ,the sky ,the ocean, mountains all animals and plant life we are all here and now ,we are alive and living and growing and forming every second every minute we transform thought ,matter and population it is ongoing never stopping,it does not go to bed at night and wake up in the morning ,it is a constant it keeps flowing on and on and on,when we feel this sadness it is because the flow of life is being interuppted ,by rules and laws and different thoughts delays and controlls that were never there till man brought them to be . The dinosaurs for instance ,did not need cell phones or want to invent them,nor did they think up an ingenious thought like how could I accumulate more food so that I will not have to go and find it every day. These thought patterns are truley man made . nature does not need to think such materialistic thoughts ,it just is as it should be flowing on and on doing whatever it needs to do without question,it does not need improving it is perfection and it does not want for more,as man does.Man is such a complex creature,he wants everything he can get,he wants to change all to suit him,he wants and gets,even at the expence of his own kind,he will get what he wants at whatever cost,family, friends,nature ,nothing is sacred, nothing is good enough. Then he judges himself and compares"better" versions and creates more "perfect" people and on and on..... until one day he cannot improve ,he is only so smart and beautifull and perfect that there is no more he can do. What do I do now he says, Maybe I can get rid of evil and war and division and hunger and all the bad things that interrupt my beautifull life who will help me?We will say some It will be a really big job as there are so many that are not as beautifull and smart as us,they are destroying our lovley world,how will we do this they ask,? Some say that they have familys and do not wish to kill them,they will be alone and lost.some say that they could not live in a beautifull world with death on their concience it would not be right,How do we choose?Who do we choose to be the ones that we do not want to be part of this beautifull world.They thought for a while ....... We cannot do this they said ,if we do this there will be no one left,we all have imperfections we look beautifull from the outside but we forgot about the inside , we need more knowledge so that we can fix this,but how can we fix the inside,we have nothing there,.....I will create love said one .and so he did and gave all of the some love ,there you go. time went on and the love grew it got so big that all the imperfections were hidden and love only remained. love and light
2007-08-11 14:20:39
answer #2
answered by Lightworker 3
That is weird that I put in a search for the exact same thing you're asking. I'm so down on people that it keeps me up at night just like you. I question my belief in God, Im always asking 'why this' , ' why that'. I hate the way I feel, because you do occasionally run into a person that gives you hope. Try telling yourself that you will not become one of those people. Let them be miserable and deal with what they get out of life from being like they are. I hope I didn't sway toward my specifics too much, and answered your question.
2007-08-11 14:25:32
answer #3
answered by herekittykitty 4
You need to connect with some positive, loving, caring folks.
Establish some social connections and get involved with people; maybe take on some volunteer work in an area where you have something to offer: there's give and take in involvement; you will help them and they will help you.
And stay away from all the stuff that gets you down, like TV, movies and junk like that. Instead, invest your time in some worthwhile activities; build up your body, mind and soul.
1 Corinthians 13 says "And now abideth faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love".
That means that there is always hope; ALWAYS!
2007-08-11 13:16:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Find different people to hang out's normal and it goes with the circles you hang in...when i was in the military didn't have any 'drama' type friends or any issues or lost hope...but i have had that feeling with some friends or circles of friends i met after the's all realitive just change it up...move around the world is still a big place and it's diferent every mile you go...
2007-08-11 14:26:55
answer #5
answered by nonstp 2
It's all about the little teeny weeny things humans do for each other. When I feel that way, I just make myself see the brightness. I know, it is sooo hard to do when you are filled with so much despair going on around you. But, In the long run that is what we must do everyday to realize there is so much good on this Earth!
2007-08-11 13:12:37
answer #6
answered by Namaste 4
Ultimately your entire purpose for living is to become a better man by living the true word of God from the inside out - not just reading all about it. If you believe in God then do that - if your just reading about God then it isn't suprising that you've lost faith in human beings. Live the word - don't just read it. Good luck.
2007-08-11 14:19:29
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Some people see the glass as 1/2 empty
Some people see the glass as 1/2 fill.
Some people ask who drank the other 1/2
Some people ask where did the drink & glass came from.
DIfferent people, different ways.
2007-08-12 02:20:03
answer #8
answered by Rai A 7
Some humans are very good and really care about the earth and people. Just like Noah before the flood they are trying to find the truth from the bible and trying to serve God in the right way. It is up to us to cultivate a close relationship with God before the end of this system of things.
2007-08-11 13:12:51
answer #9
answered by cloud 7
I think the best thing you can do is go out and do something to help others. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, help the homeless, work at a rescue mission or even help out a friend who's in dire straits. Giving of yourself is the best way to restore your faith in humanity. Because losing hope in people only means that you've lost hope in yourself.
2007-08-11 13:10:02
answer #10
answered by Cheryl E 7
Yes, I guess we all do at times. Folks nowadays are too busy to be good friends.......or to help bear our burdens.......or just to be there for friendship. Folks are rude in the stores...and there is road rage. Enough to make one despair. However, we can make up our minds to be happy while here on is a mind set. Volunteer at a shelter or thrift store or senior citizen center.....or in a hospital or nursing home. Give of yourself to those who need help. Humans will always let us down, but God will not. Cultivate a relationship with Him! For time and eternity! Blessings to you, my friend.
2007-08-11 13:28:16
answer #11
answered by Anonymous