Yes, huge variety. Most common are Lithium Ion batteries (think cell phone batteries, just sized up), but now days there are all sorts of flash (and expensive) types. I believe the next big ones are going to be Li-Sulfur or something like that.
2007-08-11 12:46:07
answer #1
answered by palmerdrury 1
Try to find what is called a gel cell battery.
No lead or acid.They use them in a lot of area but found more commonly in emergency lighting system.You surely seen the two spot lights on an electrical box that come when the main power fails in buildings.
Battery may not have same amount Ampere/hours as a lead-acid battery.You may have to buy several of them and put them in parallel to get the amount of Ampere/hours needed
2007-08-11 19:56:23
answer #2
answered by n2ltr 2
Does it really have to be lead free? or did you just want it to be safe in a unventilated area? If so you can just buy a sealed car battery. They have them at most car part stores or boat shops.
2007-08-11 19:48:34
answer #3
answered by Yoho 6
Note: a gel cell does have lead and acid, the sulfuric acid is simply kept in a gelatinized for so it cannot slosh about. Your best bet is to build one out of NiCad, NiMH, or lithium-ion cells. Failing that, you could buy a "jumper pack" for a car and make sure it doesn't have a Lead-acid battery in it.
2007-08-11 23:06:21
answer #4
answered by quicksilv3rflash 3
I'm not sure about lead-free either, but Optima batteries may be worth a look:
I've seen them at AutoZone, and other stores may also sell them.
It may be necessary to charge it before you use it, so be sure to ask.
2007-08-11 20:17:48
answer #5
answered by night_train_to_memphis 6
Look here for Ni-Cd in engine starting sizes:
2007-08-11 19:51:18
answer #6
answered by Tom K 6