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39 answers

When your kids are ready. There is no set age. If your kids are inquisitive early, then you can tell them if you feel they are ready. If they show no interest in knowing, you might want to wait a bit longer and give them books they can read on their own time.

2007-08-10 20:06:55 · answer #1 · answered by Alyssa and Chloe's Mommy 7 · 7 0

I dont think you should say an age but be open with children and answer their questions in a age appropate way when they ask from the start. Some children are more curious and ask earlier and a new baby/pregnency in the extended family friends of neighbourhood can be a starting place and a trip to a farm is useful too . But to actually sit a child down and say right this is "THE FACTS OF LIFE" is one way to make things difficult . My grandchildren see babies & animals being born and we as a family watch HOME & HEALTH and even the 4 year old knows how the get out and has a good idea how they get in there .And with being open with them they know that if they want to know anything they can ask without fear .

2007-08-11 21:56:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This needs to start early, actually with teaching them the proper names of body parts - when they are learning they have an arm, a leg, a knee, they need to learn boys have a penis and testicles, girls have a vulva and a vagina, women have breasts.
Usually around 5 or 6, a child will start asking where babies come from. This is best handled simply and honestly, according to the values and morals of your own family. From that age, bring up things as you can, and answer questions honestly. It's WAY better that information come from the parents, than the kids believe the myths from friends on the playground.
Girls are hitting puberty way earlier than ever, some around 9, so they need to be totally prepared for this - about the physical and emotional things related to it.
Just talk to kids at their emotional and mental level, not in big doses or lectures, but just talking. Use books if you want, ask at the library, the librarians are always very helpful.
Don't be afraid to say "I don't know" to a question, or "I'll look that up". Just don't joke about stuff, or tell silly stories.

2007-08-11 02:35:27 · answer #3 · answered by Lydia 7 · 1 0

My mother taught both my sister and I when I was 5 and she was 8. She checked out books from the library -- they have them in the children's section even for children as young as 5. We read through them together and she asked us if we had any questions.
I felt a lot better knowing from such a young age what to expect as I grew up. I also felt better knowing where babies come from. Waiting until puberty is too late. Especially today when sex is every where. Children are exposed to sex even in their cartoons. Watch any cartoon movie with a child and you will see and hear jokes aimed to keep the adults attention. In the theater you can hear the kids laugh, then the adults laugh, and the kids don't understand why.

The longer you wait to teach your kids, the more false information they will pick up from other sources. It is harder to UNLEARN something than it is to learn something. You need to start teaching your children as early as possible. Teach them about life as you teach them their basics -- letters, numbers, shapes, etc. You want them to know that if someone touches them in a private spot it is wrong don't you? Well, that is a fact of life. Teach them that, about drugs, cigarettes, drinking, and all the rest.

The younger you start, the more receptive they are. The more time you have for repetion.

2007-08-10 20:42:23 · answer #4 · answered by starwberry 5 · 1 0

Personally i think children should know the facts of life relatively early...IE when they first ask where babies come from answers should be honest and truthful and age appropriate, as your children grow answer all questions they have and make talking about sex and contraception an open question.

My youngest daughter is 3 and she already knows that daddy cuddles mummy n a special way and gives her a seed that meets mummy's egg that will make a baby...she knows baby's are born from a ladies privates and thy are fed either from mummy's breasts or from a bottle... all my kids have been told similar things and are all very aware of the facts of life...at 12 my eldest knows all about condoms, STI's and the morality and emotional sides of having a sexual relationship...

But then they also know about drugs, alcohol also....by speaking about things and giving them the facts they are less likely to ever think that a girl can not get pregnant standing up and all the other stupid myths that are spread around.

2007-08-10 20:29:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Children should be taught about the facts of life at age 12 yrs.
schools have started teaching young children about sex much earlier than this.
When a child reach the age12yrs. they are beginning to understand a little about life and the birds and the bees. if you neglect teaching your child about the facts of life then you are not doing your job as a parent, it is yur responsibility to inform them without going into details.

Children are smarter that some of us give them credit for so, if you don't, their friends will don't let that happen.

2007-08-10 23:57:58 · answer #6 · answered by sidestepper11 5 · 1 1

I have always been very open and honest with my children. When they asked questions I answered them with the truth as far as they could understand it. When they were little and asked where babies came from they were told that Mummys and Daddys had a special cuddle and daddy gave mummy a special seed that her body used to make a baby. From there I explained a little more each time they asked.
I always told my children the truth about relationships, contraception and sexual health once they reached 13 or so. It had to be when they were emotionally able to process the information that they were given.
Each of my children had a sex ed lesson in primary school and they knew they were able to ask either myself or my husband any questions they had. In fact each time one of the kids had this lesson at school, the topic round our dinner table that night was always very interesting!

2007-08-10 21:41:30 · answer #7 · answered by Denise H 4 · 1 0

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2016-04-30 00:32:03 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If your goal is to teach your son or daughter becomes smooth in examining both money and lowercase letters. Then you definitely will need the program, Children Learning Reading from here https://tr.im/5EQsL .
Children Learning Reading teaches your son or daughter phonemes therefore they've a truly solid basis in the abilities that'll allow them to be on to become a prolific reader. With Children Learning Reading may also targets creating on the skills learned allowing your youngster to take their studying abilities to the next level.
With Children Learning Reading is easy to instruct your youngster just how to read.

2016-04-29 14:36:43 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

In my house I was exposed to these sorts of things very early on. Ive seen both my parents naked--the human body was always an open topic in our house. I would just make your kids growing up an open topic. Tell them that their bodies will be changing, and allow them to come to you with any questions they may have.

It's good to let your kids feel they can come to you and talk about any questions they may have. Assure them that everything they will be going through is normal. As long as you keep communication lines open you shouldn't have a problem as they get older either (which is good).

This is a great opportunity to creatr an even stronger bond between you and your kids. Just bring the topic up naturally, maybe when you two are watching tv or just hanging. I would be careful, not to make them feel ashamed about their body. But I feel that having it in a normal , non pressured type of conversation is best.

2007-08-13 18:27:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd say you should start teaching children about the facts of life either when they ask or about 5th or 6th grade. Children are maturing a lot faster now-a-days, and they probably know a lot more than many people give them credit for.

2007-08-10 20:20:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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