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Well America is so busy that people forget real disasters approaching US...does anyone still remember Virginia Shootings or is that news not in fashion today???

You sell a gun to a young boy and then he kills 32 people in University Campus...and you do nothing about it...on the other hands you go far to Iraq to protect Americans from possible danger...how do you deal with possible danger when you have real one???

2007-08-10 19:24:28 · 15 answers · asked by josh k 2 in Politics & Government Law Enforcement & Police

Constitution is messed up document!

If you have a right to buy a gun I have a right to live in peace where no idiots swing their guns and shoot each other, right??? Rights intersect! If you have a right to kill (even for defense) I have a right to live.

2007-08-10 19:42:49 · update #1

15 answers

He was not a young boy. He was a grown man. How do you prevent anyone from doing anything criminal? Neither you nor the government can do so, so live with it. Some of the worse mass murders in US history were done with fire bombs and home made explosives (I'm not counting 9/11).

2007-08-10 19:30:50 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

Imagine if even 10% of the Virginia Tech students were armed. As soon as the perpetrator brandished his arms and began shooting people for no apparent reason, some of the VT students drew their weapons and dispatched the troubled man. There is no way to stop criminals from acquiring guns. We currently have no way of knowing who is going to commit a crime with a firearm or not. Just to name a few reasons why ordinary citizens are such good targets is because most people choose not to carry a concealed firearm, the government has seen fit to make the carrying of firearms illegal in all but the most rural surroundings, and we don’t have enough cops to assign each person their own cop.

Why are you so upset about somebody killing thirty-two people? I bet you never stop to consider all the things you do each and everyday that jeopardize and contribute to the death of people living in your country. You probably speed, talk on the cell phone while driving, tailgate, and commit various other forms of reckless driving. The emission of your car and the emissions from all the power you use and products you consume contribute to the death of other people. Why are you so worried about firearms? Since the 1950s, the car that America loves so much is still and has always been the number one killer of people under the age of 40.

If murder is already illegal, why would you even think that taking away all the guns would stop murder? Take a look at where 90% of firearm related murders are committed. It happens in large urban areas where firearms are already illegal.

Then there’s a thing called the Constitution. While the government has seen fit to diminish its power, it still gives us the right. If you don’t like it, move to a country that has outlawed firearms.

I will never understand the anti-gun faction.

2007-08-10 20:15:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Sorry but you are terribly ignorant of the facts. To get a gun legally from a gun dealer, one must go through a background check and anyone with a felony, who has been declared incompetent, etc doesn't get one. The methods you are talking about are black market sales where those who cannot get guns legally can if they have enough money to do so. Doubling the violent crime rate like happened in Australia and Great Britain when only the criminals could have guns and increasing the chances of a dictatorship do not seem to be a good trade off.

2007-08-10 19:56:31 · answer #3 · answered by Caninelegion 7 · 3 0

Because we're skint, and you know, every little helps. EDIT: Sorry, not sure I agree, I don't think these cuts seem tolerable from any perspective, but fair point anyway. I believe we're pretty skint, our economy is in a terrible state whichever way you look at it, and selling off the weapons is a quick and easy way to make some more cash (which they can waste on something else). But, to me, we'll never know exactly where the money is going, so hey ho may as well just plod along as usual.

2016-03-16 21:15:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Personally, I am upset with the laws on university campuses that prohibit law abiding citizens with legally obtained permits from carrying a gun to protect themselves. Perhaps if one of the Virginia Tech students had a gun at the time of the shootings, the whole incident could have been stopped before any innocent people were hurt. I feel it is the duty of the community to defend themselves against people like that. I'm not going to sit around and let myself get shot when I have the means to defend myself or the person next to me.

Since the criminals don't care about the laws, the laws only protect the criminals.

2007-08-10 20:23:32 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I have owned a gun since I was a kid and have never killed anyone or robbed a liquor store.

I like your statement about the Constitution being a messed up document. Which amendment should we get rid of after the 2nd? I say we do away with the 4th or maybe the 5th. I could give some equally silly argument for getting rid of all of them.

If I had been on the VA Tech campus the day that idiot decided to go on his rampage I might have been able to punch his ticket before he killed all of those people.

2007-08-10 23:22:34 · answer #6 · answered by El Scott 7 · 4 0

First off the young boy in the VA Tech shootings was over 21. Its our right to own guns. It isn't guns that kill you retard, its the retarded messed up people that buy them. So lets stop selling guns, and put no limitations on buying the ammunition! It is our constitutional right to bear arms, So when are we going to stop selling beer and liquor because it kills a hell of a lot more people than guns do every year? ... Next would you rather have daily bombings here in the United States, or would you rather our Men and Women in uniform go to the source and fight them on their own turf? Yes more difficult for our soldiers, but still safer for the people in America. Are you going to get mad at the Coast Guard for not stopping all the illegal drug shipments into the United States from other countries?

2007-08-10 19:34:19 · answer #7 · answered by dontblamemeivoted 3 · 5 1

Do honestly believe that he wouldn’t have done anything if he didn’t have a gun? You’d you prefer he did it with a bat or a sword? Have you actually checked the violent crime rate in areas with strict gun control? Would you prefer laws that make it illegal for you to protect yourself when an illegally armed criminal breaks into your home intending to harm you and your family?
Do think that Iraq really has anything to do with protecting Americans (the ones that don’t own stock in oil companies)?

1 incident has made the national news of legal gun ownership gone bad, in the last year 2 stories have made my local news: 1 an enraged 21yr old male followed a 52 yr old male to his house (road rage) and attacked him with a knife (stabed twice) in front of his wife, the 52 yr old male defended himself with a firearm killing the attacker, no charges filled, DA ruled justified shooting in personal defense.
a 92 year old man was confronted at a carwash by to young males demanding his keys at threat of bodily harm, the man agreed and went to his truck for the keys but returned with his pistol and held the would be carjackers at gunpoint until the police arrived.

By your logic all Muslims should be imprisoned or deported, all political groups not in agreement with the current administration should be considered a threat.

I do have a right to own and bear arms so long as it does not intrude on you life, if it does I become a criminal and I'm subject to the consequences. Chances are that will never happen and I'm one of over 80,000 with an active CCW permit in my county that are willing to stand up for our own protection and yours(of approx 750,000) part of the ccw training involves trouble avoidance (as well as the laws, gun handling ect). From personal observation police response time: hit and run accident 45 mins (two of these involved the party at fault beating the person they ran into), violent (to property) mentally disturbed individual.....never showed. When a criminal puts a knife in your belly or a gun in your face do really trust the police to show up and save you? they are busy, they have a big job to do and cant work magic (did you forget they showed up more than 2 hours after the first 2 shootings and didn’t do anything about the person chaining the doors several weeks before the shootings?), your personal protection to a large degree is in you own hands how you choose to approach it is up to you.

Not to mention what your question infers violates my rights and life.

2007-08-10 22:23:28 · answer #8 · answered by nikomat77 4 · 2 0

Why are people like yourself so ignorant about weapons? If all guns were to disappear right this instant, just about anything can be used as a weapon, if someone really wanted to kill you. You worry so much about being killed, you can't enjoy living.

2007-08-11 04:13:44 · answer #9 · answered by WC 7 · 2 0

If you don't like the Constitution then you need to move your butt out of this country.
The shooter at Va Tech was an adult not a young boy, there is a difference. Of course that doesn't make a difference to you because then it wouldn't support your argument would it?
One of the real dangers to this country are people like you and your desire to suppress the rights of the people.
If you take away the right to keep and bear arms you will only increase the other dangers that exists.

2007-08-11 04:49:06 · answer #10 · answered by Tater1966 3 · 1 2

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