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Currently, I am in a long distance relationship. However, I am gradually not wanting to allow him to visit. Now, I am 19 and I am a virgin and he is 20 and had been in a sexually relationship before. In the past, we talked about sex and he respected my decision to not do anything until marriage. However, now he is saying that I am frigid etc. I am worried bc he seems like he is becoming more and more aggressive/ aggravated w/o sex. Now, I am just curious to now if all men get upset when they are not getting any sex. I do not want to go and visit him and then he attempts to do something. He keeps telling me that men and women have urges that they just can't suppress. I know to an extent he is truthful, but that does not mean that a person can't control his/her sexual desires. I also feel that he is trying to persuade me to have sex. My question is.. do men typically get more upset and angry without sex?

2007-08-10 19:19:03 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

By the way, I know that most people are going to think negatively bc I am 19 and a virgin, but I honestly would feel very sorrowful and guilty if I had sex before marriage.

2007-08-10 19:19:54 · update #1

28 answers

Way to go young lady.

Save it till you are married.

and yes, men will do anything to get sex. even act angry and or do angry deeds.

It sounds like you need a new boyfriend.

One reason why one should wait till married to have sex is just what your boyfriend is going thru.

He wants to be faithful to you but he know what sex is like. therefore he wants it more and more. he is probably doing this to force you into a sexual act/intercourse/relationship.

walk away and save your virtue for someone else.

Forget what the world thinks. Don't let your principles be wasted by this simple act. trust me, you'll enjoy it.

My wife and I were 24 before we lost our virginity to each other. 13 yrs later, it is still wonderful.

You are an example to other young people, don't let it go to waste.

2007-08-10 19:27:57 · answer #1 · answered by jaramir99 3 · 3 1

I fully respect you for remaining a virgin. However, I suggest that you should end this long-distance relationship. That bit that this guy was saying about people having "urges that they just can't suppress" is not a legitimate excuse and his reasoning there is wrong- what are we: humans or animals? Yes, we do have natural urges, well at least most of us I think, but we have the willpower to choose whether to act out on those urges.

Just like all women are different - all men are different. Some men are not aggravated at all when a woman says that, some might be a little, some may be a lot.

But really, wouldn't it be better if one avoided all this heartache and just got married to somebody that they really love and are ready to settle down with?

2007-08-10 19:27:31 · answer #2 · answered by Adel 6 · 0 0

I promise you, two things will happen in the next 6 months. Number one, your boyfriend will be having sex with all kinds of women you will never know about (if he isn't already). And two, he will break up with you for one of those girls he's been banging. I promise. Don't believe me? Watch what happens. He will dump you by Christmas, I promise.

YOU SAID>"Now, I am just curious to know if all men get upset when they are not getting any sex."

Upset? No. All men do not get upset if they are not getting sex.

The better question is ....What do ALL men do when they are not getting sex from their virgin girlfriends?

Answer? They go out and get sex from other women that will give them sex and you'll never know about it. Just remember, you're virgin p*ssy is not strong enough to hold any guy. However, you can still remain a virgin until marriage and keep your man. To do this, you better figure out how to "rock your man's world sexually" in other ways. And I mean blow his mind (if you know what I mean). Either that, or settle for some religous or insecure goofball with a little doe in his pocket that you will never be attract to. Then sex becomes a chore.

Good luck!

2007-08-10 19:52:34 · answer #3 · answered by Ian D 5 · 0 0

I wud never berate u 4 beening a 19yo old virgin, I actullay find u 2 be a person of g8 morals, standards, and sum1 who respects themself. Now I might raise an eyebow, if u could not find some1 willing 2 take it from u. I will give u my complete and honest thoughts, k. I know he is trying 2 get u 2 give in 2 him. And I admire ur restraint. However my gut tells me he is being truthful, in saying and acting( statement that m/f have urges that "can't B suppressed"). That he probably never stop supressing his urge 2 have sex. And he dosen't come across like he can control himself with u, can he control himself when a girl is pursuing him. Not saying ur not irreistable, but 2 gether with that comment makes me question whether he is faithful 2 u. U deserve sum1 that respects ur discison. I hope that he isn't but I dont seeing him telling u if he was/n't. Just keep your eyes/ears open, and hear what he may or may not b telling u. Besta luck!

2007-08-10 20:10:54 · answer #4 · answered by Peas 4 · 0 0

Dear Inform me,
Hello . How are you?
So confused isnt it.?
I really respect you for your decision that you wont have sex before marriage. I really wish that there were more and more girls like you. World would be such a nice place. I also respect you for your commitment values , that you will commit and stay commited to the one you marry. Hats off to you.
Well men can and should control. You are also getting urges but you are controlling na... the same way he should control and should also control his temper.
If he cant then he should leave you and go to some person with loose morals and waste himself there.
My humble opinion he doesnt deserve you. Let him go.
You will get someone better.
All the best

2007-08-10 19:29:21 · answer #5 · answered by Ash 4 · 0 0

First of all, be extremely proud of yourself for being 19 & a virgin. Not many girls can say that these days.
Secondly, yes humans have urges, and YES we can control them. Men/boys choose not to. It is completely your choice wether to sleep with him (or someone else) or to maintain your virginity until marriage. A person who really cares about you will accept that whole-heartedly & love you for who you are and the decisions you make. Your boyfriend is probably getting burnt out on the same old situation and is probably tempted to look elsewhere for satisfaction. It doesn't mean he doesn't care, you just can't offer him exactly what he wants right now.
Best of luck.

2007-08-10 19:28:28 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hitch™ says:
It is your body and your right to keep your virginity. It seems to me that if he is saying you are 'frigid' now, he might not be staying much longer. He will either dump you, or cheat on you to get what he wants. In this situation, you have to do what is best for you. If you really care for him, try to work out a compromise, without sacrificing your virginity. As far as men getting angry without sex, it depends on the individual. We all act differently when that situation arises. Not every man will be angry, but not every man will go with it. If all else fails, find someone who will respect you, but furthermore, commit to you because they won't be going there unless you tie the knot. I hope this helps you. Good luck!

2007-08-10 19:27:45 · answer #7 · answered by Hitch™ 3 · 0 0

You are a very sensible girl in this day and age. Virginity is like a balloon, one 'pop' and it is gone forever. I was a virgin at age 23 when I met the man who has been my husband for 38½ years. He had been married before, but that didn't and has not ever worried me. He was experienced and knew how to treat me so the first time was enjoyable for me too. Don't give in to your boyfriend. Rather, give him the elbow. If he really loved you he wouldn't put pressure on you. Don't let him say 'Oh everyone is doing it, what's wrong with you?" There is nothing wrong with you. You can be very proud of yourself. Good luck...........

2007-08-10 19:28:51 · answer #8 · answered by montysmum45 2 · 0 0

On the most part, it's true that guys get more fussed about sexual frustration.

It's obvious you care about him and his needs. That's good but also bad.

Remember, if it ever comes to an ultimatum, stand your ground. If he tries to make you do it or you will break up, break up. It's not worth having a guy who prizes his sexual relief above your morality. There are too many good guys in the world to let yourself go in a way you don't want. Don't let him make you think you are "frigid" or anything other insulting name. If he can't supress his urges for you, I wouldn't trust him.

2007-08-10 19:28:00 · answer #9 · answered by Rach 3 · 0 0

There are some men that do pressure their woman into having sex. But not all of them. And yes, they CAN control what they do with the desires they feel. That he desires you is flattering and natural, that he becomes aggressive and angry is when you stick to your decision to remain a virgin would tell me he is not for you.

2007-08-10 19:26:25 · answer #10 · answered by dizzkat 7 · 0 0

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