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2007-08-10 18:23:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Hari Krishna is a good example of hypnosis, brainwashing, and conditioning combined, because it leads the individual into a totally new and structured environment. Each new symbol, food, exercise, or gesture hold a post-hypnotic key to line the cult member to the one experience that "saved" him from his former way of life. these cultists are fanatics, slaves, zombies-almost without hope - unless you can isolate them forcibly from the group long enough to remove the post-hypnotic suggestions of the words and conditions that keep them locked in a trance state.

2007-08-10 18:41:13 · update #1

David S, Irregardless of what method you used, be it Silent Meditation or Breathing or music focusing or Chanting Mantra with word (s). Apparently they looks harmless-the meaningless Word Mantra - yes even Be one- Be peace- be love. You might think it appears not to be loaded with the suggestion often work best when they are implied, rather spoken. Suggestion leads to worship, so much so that mantra meditator winds up worshiping a deity without being able to see that that is what he is doing.
For example, TM (Transcendental Meditation) claims that is is not a religion, but it is, even though the hard-nosed, anti-religious businessman or politician fails to see that he is caught in that trap.
Whatever frees you from conscience, whether in a wrong way or a right way is religion. And in this world of deception, religions exist that are simply very subtle forms of devil worship.
People relate to inference and symbolism better than they do to words because the symbol represents a ....

2007-08-11 19:37:39 · update #2

..mystical "something" that cannot be seen. And that happens to be the way the human soul was structured to respond from the beginning. It was meant to translate the unseen into the visible and tangible in thought, word, and deed.
Dictators rely heavily on symbols for their profound meanings, and their ability to effect greater changes in behavior patterns than words can. A good symbol, into which you can read meaning, has a basic root that flowers out to become an elaborate system of thoughts, either maniacal or heavenly, depending on its source-symbols like the swastika or the Cross of Christ. The mind was designed to elaborate on an inplanted myster, so taht a total personality grows up from the symbol in the heart. Your implanted mystery makes you read meanings into things that may, or may not , be there.
If you look careful, then, you will see that the meaningless word is not so meaningless after all !
People are word-oriented. They have been painfully deceived and mislead ..

2007-08-11 19:50:43 · update #3

..by word manipulation. They are afraid of all words; yet they need direction. Some of us are even afraid of honest, meaningful words, because they tend to awaken in us the pain of conscience. Enter the specifically-designed, meaningless word mantra! Viola! Instant Relief ! Like magic, instant "salvation"
The mind is no longer in a state of confusion, rebellion, or conformity. Here is a new sound that inspires the soul to innocence, that triggers no memories. Nothing comes with it to lie to you, and nothing comes to wake you. But it does carry the implication that you are alright the way you are ! Are You Dave seriously ?
Your problem disappears because all you can hear is the meaningless word or some words or music you conjured up for your own liking, and you lose yourself in it as you float away from Reality in a trance. Confusion gives way to peace and happiness. You no longer have to tempt guilt by monitoring your vain goals, because the guru, or his duly authorized agent ,...

2007-08-11 20:01:40 · update #4

..is in control. The love reverence you feel is a growing need that you think of as love.
The hypnotic trance state is restful (only if it is control by an outside operator) because, by it nature,it smooths out conflicts and mental
suggestions, thus saving you the energy you used to expend on fighting your impulses. The mantra you were given or made up yourself, smooths out the mind, which have been running away with itself, exhausting its energies by having to come up with answers.
What could be more refreshing ?
No person will smoke or drink under structured hypnosis. Why?
Simply because, in that state, he does not required drink, smoke, food, or drugs, by reason of the fact that the state he is in takes the place of the other things and has the same effect on him. Hypnosis effectively reduces the conflict that used to drive you to stimulants, both by removing awareness of the problem and by distracting you with another presence (the hypnotist -man or demon),
So you are happy for

2007-08-11 20:16:36 · update #5

..a while, but hypnosis has a diminishing return. You have to find new ways of reinforcing it through people, drug, religion, music , etc.
As long as you are locked into your meaningless word or mantra, of course, you cannot see that you are hypnotized. You can not see what your guru, the master hypnotist, is up to, because the excitement of his presence and the meaninglessness of the word preclude your being able to understand anything at all. At the same time, the gratefulness you feel toward your guru makes you want to please him, and you think of your worship as love. You think nothing of kissing his feet, if that's all it takes to succeed without guilt. Later, after your initiation, all you need to throw you back into your restful trance state is "the word-the mantra" A word is a thought, you see: a thought that can conjure up the image of one who can throw you into a state of panic, o of infinite calm.
All you know is peace, joy, relief from an inhibiting conscience, freedom

2007-08-11 20:24:43 · update #6

..to go on, to take the forbidden route without a trace of guilt. But the link to your guru is always there. This link is know as "rapport" among the hypnotic elite.

What saves you claims you !
So you had better be sure that what saves you is GOD, the Parent Spirit of Conscience, Who silently testifies to these words about the deceiver of the world and the angels of hell who do his bidding.
Dave, if you are reading this, please re-examine your position in the light of what I just said. Will you ? Also all who are in the same boat as Dave - it's a matter of death and life ! Will you too ponder on these ?

2007-08-11 20:32:47 · update #7

8 answers

it.s called mind control . as the first answer told you as well a cult. pal my opion?

2007-08-10 18:48:13 · answer #1 · answered by the_silverfoxx 7 · 0 0

Close enough. You got the chant part down.

It's kinda like a catchphrase of a religion. The "Hail Mary" in Catholicism is an example of a mantra, as would be the "Now I lay me down to sleep..." child's' prayer. It is intended to be done in worship or reverence, but has turned into more of a mindless tradition.

2007-08-11 01:29:22 · answer #2 · answered by SDW 6 · 0 0

I don't know much about Mantras but I do practice choice-less awareness meditation. It helps dissolve the constant mind chatter. You know things like "I'm only human" "I'll never be perfect" "I'm a sinner" things like that, that were taught to me. Getting rid of that garbage I begin to wake up to what I and everything else truly is.

2007-08-11 01:52:08 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, actually it is simply a word or phrase to help focus the mind.

I have developed simple nonsectarian, universal spiritual practices based on my experience and background with various religious and spiritual paths. For me, the purpose of any spiritual practice is to encourage self-reflection, internalizing this awareness, and to develop wonder, gratitude, and awareness of the interdependent forces of the Universe. I have taught these techniques to my children (ages 7 and 9) and we do them together. We also do a Sacred Meal where we think and are grateful for all of the things that have contributed to the food and drink we are about to consume (we do this by "presenting" the food to a picture of the Earth while chanting "Be One. Be Love. Be Peace."). We also have a family drum and chant circle to help express a connection with the interdependent forces of the Universe.

Here are the simple techniques that I have developed. For both chanting and silent meditation practice, your specific posture does not matter. If you are uncomfortable sitting on the floor, you can sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor.

Way of Oneness Chanting Practice

Being more musically inclined, I created a nonsectarian alternative to the combination of chanting a rhythmic phrase (or mantra) to a visual object (often a scroll, picture or statue). This is a more active form of meditation as compared to the silent form of meditation which is discussed below.

You are more than welcome to use this chanting practice if you think you may find it possibly useful. While there are many folks that seem to believe their particular mantra (which is a phrase which is repeated as a focusing device has "magical power", it really is the mindfulness that matters. The mantra is just one of the vehicles you can use to get there.

I recommend "Be One. Be Love. Be Peace." as the chanting and meditation mantra which is appropriate for nonsectarian, universal spirituality in the Way of Oneness. This phrase is a reframing and translation of the Hindu term "satchitananda" (which means pure being, pure consciousness, and pure bliss) and is another way of referring to the interdependent forces of the Universe or the universal divine (or Brahman or God or Goddess or Dharmakaya or whatever label you prefer).

I use two forms: "Be One. Be Peace." for those who prefer a four syllable "mantra" or more often I recommend "Be One. Be Love. Be Peace." for those who prefer the pace of a six syllable "mantra". As in drumming, people who like to chant are attracted to the rhythm and they find it an easy way to center themselves and become mindful.

The specific chanting practice method that I find helpful in the vein of the Way of Oneness (the realization of interdependence) is to chant "Be One. Be Love. Be Peace" in a position of reverence (palms together in front of chest with fingers pointing upward - a traditional gesture of respect) to a picture or photograph of the planet Earth which is a wonderful visual representation of the interdependent forces of the Universe. Just chant this phrase loudly or softly in a comfortable pace until you are satisfied.

Silent Meditation Practice in the Way of Oneness

Meditation is simply learning to live in the moment, when nothing distracts you and when you are not tied to the past or anxious about the future. In meditation you become peacefully aware of your real self. The more you use it, the more aware you become. When you learn to live life for each moment, to enjoy and appreciate life to the fullest at that moment, you suddenly become impervious to the myraid
of doubts and fears that you've lived with all your life.

There are a couple of simple techniques for silent meditation as well. You do not have to sit on the floor. You can sit with erect back on a chair. Many people say try for 15 minutes twice a day. I say start with a simpler goal - 5 minutes twice per day. The benefits include stress management and relaxation benefits which help the body, increased mindfulness and focus, and increased energy. The mindfulness can be a benefit to your spiritual life, but meditation also has "non-spiritual" benefits. Here are two easy techniques:

Breathing meditation - 1) Check posture. 2) Close your eyes and relax. 3) Focus on your breath entering and leaving your body. 4) Count breaths mentally one to four. Repeat. 5) Don't fight a wandering mind, but calmly direct it back to task. 6) Sit for a minute afterwards.

"Mantra" technique (choose a personal "calm" word or phrase that you will repeat in your meditation – I use the nonsectarian "Be One. Be Love. Be Peace.") - 1) and 2) as above in the Breathing meditation. 3) Listen to your breathing and let it relax you with each breath. 4) Once you are relaxed, mentally "hear" your "calm" word or phrase in your mind. Let it repeat in your mind. 5) Don't fight a wandering mind, but calmly direct it back to task. 6) Sit for a minute afterwards.


That is all there is to these very simple but beneficial silent
meditation and chanting techniques. Many people think that
something "mystical" should happen during meditation or chanting. Most often "nothing" happens and "nothing" should be expected.

I hope these are helpful!

Be One. Be Love. Be Peace.



2007-08-11 20:17:13 · answer #4 · answered by David S 4 · 0 0

a word or phrase used to alleviate stress relaxing the mind to where it functions best such as nom myoho renge kyo .
the chanting is done at a level of vibration where the nose actually feels it when done as I've been told .

2007-08-11 01:30:15 · answer #5 · answered by dogpatch USA 7 · 0 0

It could be like a phrase. I think it originates from Buddhism, but it can be practically applied to anyone's situation. For example, my therapist might instruct me to repeat a montra of "That is a negative thought, and I don't have to think that" whenever I have a negative thought.

2007-08-11 01:28:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

you were doing okay until you got to the guilt part.
guilt is a tool of western religion

2007-08-11 01:25:53 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Guilt!?......Where the heck have you been getting your info?

It is a spiritual tool used to help still the mind and allow oneself to just "be"

Blessings to you and yours

2007-08-11 01:30:37 · answer #8 · answered by trinity 5 · 1 1

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