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2007-08-10 17:01:19 · 50 answers · asked by Anonymous in Environment Global Warming

50 answers

Next time you want to play a video game, play a board game instead. Next time you need a ride somewhere, ride your bike instead. Take shorter showers. Turn off the lights when you leave any room vacant. Talk to your parents about getting energy saving light bulbs and then change the bulbs for them. Ask your parents if they mind buying you a few fruit trees to plant in the back yard. Hang a hammock in between your fruit trees in a few years and enjoy the shade and the breeze outside and leave the A/C off. Reduce using your computer or watching TV and read a book instead. In winter time wear an extra sweater instead of cranking up the heat. Check your parents tire pressure on their cars for them when they go to the gas station. Since you are having shorter showers turn the temperature down on the hot water tank, and if it is not properly insulated then tell your parents to help you get the proper materials to insulate it. Be a good role model and talk to your friends about following your example. Study hard in school so that all the doors will be open in your future so that you may then go to university and study any field relevant to reducing global warming. Don't overindulge on foods, especially imported ones. Eventually pick the fruit from the trees you planted. Don't encourage your parents to have the family holiday in a far off place that requires travel by air or cruiseship, instead encourage travel to somewhere more local, possibly travelling by train or bus. Write your representative in government with a petition signed by you and your friends stating that the environment is an important issue for your generation. Talk to your parents about installing a solar system on the house, frequently these systems come with a tax break from the government and can pay for themselves over the next decade in savings off the electricity bill, help install it! Make sure that your houshold is recycling and composting, use this compost for your fruit trees and also plant a small vegetable garden in the summertime. That should be enough for now, when you are done with all this I'll provide you with another list!

2007-08-14 16:45:05 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First, there has been at least three warming periods during this inter ice age period. Most man made climate scientists have had to say that these warming periods where localized, only during the summer, and did not effect the Global average. During all three of these periods man actually exploded population wise just like we have been doing for the past 150 years since we exited a mini ice age. I would not listen to all of the doom and gloom. I am old enough to remember when they first tried to scare us with the coming ice age, then it was the hole in the ozone, now it is global warming that will wipe us out.

2016-05-19 04:43:41 · answer #2 · answered by savannah 3 · 0 0

I hope this helps you.

Global warming is a big problem, but every kid can make a difference. Keep reading to learn what you can do to help.

Write letters
Writing letters to politicians is a great way to make sure your voice is heard.

Write to President Bush
Tell President Bush why global warming is important to you.
Write to Congress
Urge lawmakers to pass laws that reduce global warming pollution from U.S. power plants, factories and automobiles.
Write to politicians and businesses in your town
Ask them to look for ways to cut down their greenhouse gas emissions.

Go on a Virtual March
Join the Virtual March to Stop Global Warming. Encourage your friends and family to sign up.
Follow the march across the country.

Ask your teacher if your class can join the march.
Ask your parents if you can join the virtual march as a family.
Ask your friends from school or clubs to support the cause and spread the word.

Learn About Energy Efficiency
Share what you have learned with your friends, parents and teachers.

Learn about energy efficient cars. Electric or hybrid cars produce much less pollution other vehicles. Next time your family has to buy a car, ask your parents to consider these environmentally friendly automobiles.
Ask your school librarians for books on global warming and the environment. Ask your teachers if you can study the climate.
Look into energy efficient stereos and house appliances. Work with your parents to make your home better for the environment.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Trash gives off methane, a greenhouse gas. Recycling can reduce the amount of pollution in the air.

Little Things That Make A Big Difference

Reduce the extra electricity that comes from your house. Make sure to turn off the lights, computer and TV after you leave the room.
Cut down on how often you use your family's car. Carpool with your friends and ride your bike when it's possible.
Plant a tree! Trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and help limit air pollution.
Check to see if products are good for the environment. Try to buy products that are either energy friendly (look for the energy star) or made from recycled goods (look for the arrow logo).

Learn more at the Environmental Protection Agency's website for kids.

2007-08-10 17:14:43 · answer #3 · answered by Shavon 6 · 2 1

Alot of people gave you some really good general answers. I'm going to try and give you some age specific things you can do.

-Start buying clothes at thrift stores and vintage stores. Second hand is your friend.

-Never buy bottled water. If you need portable water, bring a refillable container.

-When I was 14, we went to coffee shops to hang. If they don't offer reusable mugs, bring your own travel mug. Many places will give you a discount for this.

-When shopping, BYOB. (Bring your own bags, preferably cloth.)

-You're 14, in 2 years you'll be able to drive to school. Don't. If you can walk or bike comfortably, do that. Otherwise ride the bus. If you can't be hardcore enough to ride the bus, arrange a carpool.

-If you do get a car, try and make it one of two things. Fuel efficient, or used. Preferably a fuel efficient, used car.

-Become a vegetarian. This is a huge thing that goes mostly overlooked. Veg food is tasty, and good for you and the environment. I'm not asking you to become a fanatic, but consider your meat intake and try and limit it.

-Use ITunes or another (legal) downloading program instead of actually buying a physical copy of the music you listen to. Cd's are made of petroleum and have to be shipped.

-Hang out with your friends in the real world. Walk somewhere and meet up to hang, rather than spending hours chatting online.

-Plug your electronics into a powerstrip. When you leave for school (8 hrs?) and when you go to sleep (8 hrs) you won't be using them at all so just switch the whole lot off at the source.

-plant a vegetable garden during your summer vacation

-In a year or so, you may be tempted to jet off to some island for a spring break. Consider an alternative spring break volunteering somewhere (looks good on an application) or at least don't fly. Take a train somewhere. Trains are more fun than general society lets on.

-Finally remember to live your life, enjoy your time with friends and family, and find a balance for yourself so you are living in a way that is sustainable for you and for the earth.

2007-08-10 18:06:20 · answer #4 · answered by joecool123_us 5 · 0 1

It is great to see someone of your age asking such a sensible question. There is plenty you can do. Turn your light off when you leave your room. Switch off your stereo at the wall. Ask your parents to buy more energy efficient light globes. Ask your parents to cut down the use of the air conditioner. If you do chores around the house, use environmentally friendly cleaners. When you do the laundry, make sure that you have a full load every time. Don't use the clothes dryer, or if you have to as we all do when there is constant rain for days on end, make sure that you follow one load with another. The heat from the previous load helps to use less energy. Cut your showers down to 4 minutes. When washing your hair, turn the taps off until you're ready to rinse. When you initially start your shower, have a bucket to cathc the cold water and recycle it onto your garden or use it for washing your dishes. If you use a dishwasher, make sure you have a full load. Everyone can do something to help, even 14 yr olds. For more tips google global warming, energy savings or water saving tips.

2007-08-10 17:15:09 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 2 1

As a 14 year old, u are most probably still schooling. If you are a student, try to recycle the paper for writing notes or printing information from the web. If you take a bus to school and yr school is near your home, you can try cycling occasionally instead of taking a bus. Do everything with the end in mind. Most importantly, you are still young so the future belongs to you. If the world dies in the hands of pollution in future, so will you or your children. Do something while you can before it's too late. Being young, you can make a difference now. Have fun doing things to help mother earth. Cheers... : )

2007-08-10 17:10:16 · answer #6 · answered by sharon t 1 · 2 1

You can actually quite a bit, here's a great link:
Here are some things you could do:
1. Replace your light bulbs with CFL Light bulbs
2. Recycle and start a recycle drive in your community
3. Plant trees
4. Make use of public transportation
5. Donate to organizations that do research on reducing global warming
6. Make people in your school and your community that Global Warming is an issue and should be much importance

Also here's a great link that describes some steps you can take to reduce global warming:
Link: http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/environment/article/0,28804,1602354_1603074,00.html

Hope that helps, and good luck!

2007-08-10 17:05:47 · answer #7 · answered by goboilers21 2 · 3 3

the best way to stop it is just say NO!

as you get older, and hopefully wiser, you begin to see how people will manipulate the truth to serve their purpose.

some people fall for their lies willingly, becausae the want what they say to be true (hitler for example).

others will take the lie at face value because they won't research and look for the truth. (getting ripped off by buying a junk car that "looks like new")

and still others who know better go along because they think it's cool or everyone's talked them into it. (shop lifting, drugs)

BE YOUR OWN PERSON! don't fall for everything.

global warming, just like global cooling and the ozone hole, are normal cycles.

we have rainy seasons, we have drought. we have record hot days, we have record cold days.

i listened to the hype when i was in school, years ago. i was worried like you are, but nothing has changed.

well, the only thing that has changed is how the lie is packaged and the amount of people falling for it.

2007-08-11 06:08:07 · answer #8 · answered by afratta437 5 · 0 0

Understand that that global warming may or may not be caused by human activity. The best thing would be to adapt, since if global warming is happening - it's really not anything you can change. A complete de- industrialization wouldn't help - and that just simply isn't going to happen. I personally think there's a lot of researchers who cash in on fear and political pressure.

Your 1998 Ford Explorer didn't cause the Ice Age to stop.

2007-08-10 17:07:11 · answer #9 · answered by wigginsray 7 · 3 3

Global warming is a natural occurrence, the only thing that humans are doing is speeding up the process. throughout history, cycles of warming and cooling are present. there is no way to put an end to this cycle until the core heat of the earth runs out and the solar radiation ceases due to the sun burning out. don't worry though, you have another 4.5 billion years at least.
P.S. Gore is fat

2007-08-10 17:06:39 · answer #10 · answered by fortunateson59 1 · 4 2

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