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Hell is generally depicted as a place of eternal torment. That is, torture.

I recently asked if torture was a sin, and the general consensus so far is that it is wrong, evil, sinful and heinous to torture people. A few answers suggested it might be acceptable under very special circumstances, such as if it were necessary to obtain information that would save lives. But it was generally agreed that torture for its own sake, when no useful information could be obtained, is an evil act.
Here's the link to the question:

Now, this presents a conundrum. If God created Hell (as it is generally described), and chooses to send some people there, then God is torturing people for all eternity, and cannot possibly gain anything from it except perhaps his own perverse enjoyment. If this is the case, and I have seen devout believers on this very site claiming that it IS the case, then God is evil.

Why would such a being be worthy of our worship?

2007-08-10 16:55:41 · 22 answers · asked by au_catboy 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

This is not MY idea of Hell. This is the idea of Hell that people keep saying THEIR God created, as punishment for anyone who doesn't believe exactly as they do.

2007-08-10 17:24:28 · update #1

phax, is there any crime a mere mortal could commit that would justify INFINITE punishment? Really? Without any limit? Without any end?

2007-08-10 17:27:35 · update #2

So, jimguyy, God DOESN'T want anyone to go to Hell, but will send them there anyway? An all-powerful being created a place that he didn't want to use, and was forced by circumstances beyond his control to use it anyway? That simply doesn't make any sense.

And if God told you that Jesus could save you, why did he tell so many other people something different?

2007-08-10 17:40:11 · update #3

Da Mick, I cannot see any reason any God would send anyone to Hell except pure sadism.

2007-08-10 17:41:46 · update #4

PaulCyp, if Hell is nothing more than separation from God (which makes more sense in some ways), why do so many believers babble about lakes of fire and pitchfork-wielding demons and such bullshit? Do all these people throwing around threats about eternal damnation really not even know the first thing about the place they're talking about?

2007-08-12 06:45:46 · update #5

22 answers

Humans would and possibly are creating a hell here on earth.

2007-08-10 17:00:06 · answer #1 · answered by Sean 7 · 1 0

Hell does exist God did create it however your idea of hell is wrong At least I think so there is no way to tell but this is what MY heart says.There is a very old story that goes like this.
There once was a boy who wanted to know what hell was like. So he traveled all over his country asking what hell was like. He visited the village of his uncle who had raised him and who he loved dearly. Uncle he Asked what is Hell. WHAT a stupid question! his uncle replied what a silly and stupid question and you must be stupid for asking it. The Boy was shocked flabbergasted he felt week HE loved his uncle How could he talk this way he felt the anger rise in him HE wanted to HIT his uncle.
Just then his Uncle said THAT feeling you have now That is hell. THIS is heaven and he hugged the boy. The boy was glad he had found his answer.
GOD did not create HELL we do. when we insist that we are separate from God. WE choose to live here in hell. We can be in heaven any time we choose. IN FACT God desires nothing else then for us to all be in heaven,

2007-08-10 17:11:13 · answer #2 · answered by Rich 5 · 0 1

A celibate priest with a LOT of time on his hands dreamed up Hell. I mean, some of these guys put Marquis de Sade to shame...no disrepect to the Bad Dude,of course.
True, I haven't had any action in a LONG time, but I'm not a mean or vindictive person either. I use both Wicca and karate strictly as a means of defense.
Yes, it is true that the world is a cruel place, and that the "Winners" of the world are often cruel to the rest of us, bu that is no reason to make things any worse than they are. Most problems in this world are caused by greed...wanting more than you need. "You take what you need and you leave the rest"- The Band

2007-08-10 17:05:44 · answer #3 · answered by Roger B 2 · 2 1

We are the monsters who created the need for hell. God intended eternal bliss for all of us, but gave us the freedom to accept or reject that incredible gift. Some people choose to reject God, shut Him out of their lives forever, and refuse the gift of salvation. Since God love us and respects our decisions of free will, it is therefore necessary that He provide a place where that decision can be honored, and people can in fact remain totally separated from Him forever. That place is hell. No-one goes there except those who desire to go there. The "torture" of hell is total separation from God, and total failure as a human being - but it is not inflicted. It is freely chosen.

2007-08-10 17:14:02 · answer #4 · answered by PaulCyp 7 · 2 1

You people talk of these monsters who need to be sent to hell, but all it takes is not believing in christ.. Your actions are worthless, your good deeds, charity and being a good parent are all for nothing unless you believe in some 2000 year old myth?

If there were a god and a heaven, I would hope your deeds would outweigh belief with no proof.

Believing in the irrational to try and avoid the irrational is, well, you figure it out.

2007-08-10 20:51:58 · answer #5 · answered by Gawdless Heathen 6 · 1 1

why ward off the actuality approximately Hell and dying, while all and sundry will some how would desire to bypass the gate of dying and circulate the two Hell or Heaven ? to ward off the subject count of hell is a denial of certainty. even however Hell became into no longer created for believers, yet nonetheless we would desire to make it an expertise to all non believers, to place a concept till now too previous due. God gave us loose decision so as that we would do as we please, and Heaven and Hell are the implications of our strikes. you will think of that as a result God would desire us to stay our lives as we wish, although God loves all of his little ones and has additionally intervened in the fortunes of the international on distinctive activities, for this reason helping somebody to maintain a reliable existence is a sturdy ingredient and you'd be rewarded, no longer punished! additionally you ever seen pulp fiction? "the path of the righteous guy is beset on all aspects by using the inequities of the egocentric and the tyranny of evil adult males. Blessed is he who, in the call of charity and robust will, shepherds the susceptible by way of the valley of the darkness. For he's somewhat his brother's keeper and the finder of lost little ones. and that i'll strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger people who attempt to poison and smash my brothers. and you will comprehend i'm the Lord as quickly as I lay my vengeance upon you." As for believing in hell, that would no longer be undesirable. God needs us to concern devil, and worship the holy trinity.

2016-10-09 23:40:56 · answer #6 · answered by bickerstaff 4 · 0 0

No God is not evil. He does not want you to go there. And, I have some good news for you. You don't have to go there! Just repent of your sins and ask Jesus to save you and to come into your heart and make you a new creature washed in his blood. Then you too can have peace of mind concerning your future and then go and tell others how to escape the torments of Hell.

2007-08-10 17:05:16 · answer #7 · answered by Jimguyy 5 · 1 2

Man created Hell, just like man created Heaven and The One True God... Just Men not God....
Blessed Be... )O(

2007-08-10 17:04:19 · answer #8 · answered by Bunge 7 · 2 1

many believers do not subscribe to this insanity. We know God is an all loving God. Incapable of nothing but unconditional love. I'll say it again. If this is what an all loving God would do to his children, then what would an all hating god do?

2007-08-10 17:07:09 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

You are confused because you don't know the scriptures. Hell was created for Satan and His daemons, and He didn't choose to send people there, people choose to go there when the deny God.

If you go to hell it is because you choose to follow the ways of this world and its ruler Satan.

2007-08-10 17:02:04 · answer #10 · answered by L.C. 6 · 1 1

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