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Don't give me that "The Muslims are gonna follow us here and wage was against us" bullshit. I would prefer answers about what will happen in the region. IE: between Iran and Iraq and things like that. Educated answers please!

2007-08-10 16:35:41 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Military

15 answers

Iraq will divide into three states. The Kurds in the north , the Sunnis in the centre and the Shia in the south
These states will be hostile to each other.
Turkey will eventually attack the Kurds, the Sunnis will be supported by Syria and Saudi Arabia and the Shia will be supported by Iran.
The price of oil will double and it will take generations to sort out the mess.
On the other hand if the occupying troops stay there will still be a mess so the war was the biggest mistake by a US government in living memory.

2007-08-10 18:06:30 · answer #1 · answered by brainstorm 7 · 1 0

It is a complex situation. The reality however is worse than many people are prepared for. If the US were to pull out of Iraq tomorrow without their being a viable government or even an agreement for a government, it would likely lead to a collapse of the middle east. It would potentially create a fundamentalist Islamic regime that would stretch from Pakistan to North Africa. With the collapse of Iraq would come similar failures in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other countries of the middle east. While the loss of oil and resources from the region would be huge, its affect would be global, particularly in Europe. The continued extremism would continue to grow and spread, and as the fundamentalism increased, so would the danger to the rest of the world, particularly the US and its allies. Once such a war begins, it would be very difficult to stop.

2007-08-10 18:29:28 · answer #2 · answered by brianu237 2 · 1 0

The Muslims won't have to follow us here there already here. If we leave the Middle East our country will be taken over by Muslims just like Europe already is. There goal is to kill all westerners. They will stop at nothing less. Our best chance is to stay in Iraq and fight as hard as our country used too. I hate when our country with the best trained army in the world, backs off of fighting. We should go full force. We shouldn't follow all the "Rules of War". If we want to fight to win we shouldn't worry about civilians. If we have to kill 20 civilians to get one terrorist thats fine. Nowadys our military is so political. If we pull out the moslems will take over Iraq again and start to come after us with bombings everywhere. We need to go full force to destroy the moslem terrorists. If we don't I would hate to see what will happen to our country. We must fight and win this war, because we are to great of a country to not use our mighty army.

2007-08-10 17:59:18 · answer #3 · answered by The Man With The Plan 2 · 1 0

They will kill each other instead of our people. The goal of al' Qaeda has always been for the U.S. to leave the Middle East, by attacking us on 9/11 they induced us to remove the single biggest obstacle to al' Qaeda power, Saddam, and allow their supporters free reign in Iraq, which they'd never had before. They have also induced us to extend our military beyond it's capacity to function effectively in any theater without critically undermining all others, and reduced confidence in our leadership, both at home and overseas to levels on par with Nixon, if not McCarthy. If we pull out we will be sending a message to all our allies that our promises of support and unity are meaningless, just as we did in the '70s when we broke our treaties with Taiwan and the Shah of Iran. The Shah was our single biggest ally and supporter of any Arab leader at the time, and our refusal to honor our treaties was the direct cause of Khomeni taking power, the Iran Hostage crisis, and the rise of Saddam, whom we put in power, supplied, and trained. If we stay the ongoing body count will force a Nam style withdrawal since no one in the Government can produce a coherent set of achievable goals, and not concrete plan of action for achieving such goals if we had them. It is a complete lose-lose situation, and we knew that going in. As Churchill said about the situation in Ireland, any solution that is sound is unpopular, and any solution that is popular is unsound.

2007-08-11 08:24:50 · answer #4 · answered by rich k 6 · 1 0

my guess would be either a new dictatorship or the country would crumble in on itself through civil war, then iran would most likely invade. lets not forget that iraq and iran were at war for almost 10 years in the '80s. and the government in iran is already openly hostile to both the iraqi government and america. so leaving would only cause a genocide of the iraqi people.

2007-08-10 18:23:29 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I think that there would be a power vacuum in Iraq. The violence would escalate into full civil war. Iran would perhaps invade. Many people would die.

Although the violence would be awful, it would perhaps be best to let things in the region work themselves out Middle East style. They're the ones that have to live with it, let them take care of it.

2007-08-10 16:41:01 · answer #6 · answered by hannibal61577 4 · 2 0

It has extra to do with the state of the Iraqi government and their potential to manage and police their very own united states than it does would desire to do with the logistics of moving all the troops out. So the gov, of their united states did no longer exist at one ingredient. So, they have geared up it up from scratch (save in mind that there are a distinctive communities of extremists that desire the previous way of govnt returned in potential or a extra strict version of it. And those ppl are doing their appropriate to ward off any and all involvement from the U. S. and our allies or maybe the Iraqi police themselves.) So, we've an exceedingly instable ruling potential with little to no logistical networks (roads, good electric powered, and so on) being supported by using troops. in case you pull all of them out at as quickly as, that entire living house of enjoying cards comes crumbling down. Or worse, those extremists (who under no circumstances somewhat warmed to the full united states as saviors ingredient) take administration and we've a worse subject than we began purely tens of millions ineffective without leadway made. So, that;s the subject. there is not any longer an basic answer. i'm particular there is lots that we don't even comprehend with regard to the real situations, too.

2016-10-09 23:39:43 · answer #7 · answered by bickerstaff 4 · 0 0

Nothing good can come out of the US leaving Iraq regardless. The repercussions would be far reaching for both Iraq and the US.

2007-08-10 23:39:56 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Millions will die. History repeats itself. 12 million people died when we left Vietnam. If we run from Iraq it will be an absolute blood bath. Millions will die. Libs like to say "its a civil war. not our problem." Thing is we created that problem (like it or not) we are moraly responsible for trying to fix it. A genocide in Iraq should we pull out puts just as much blood on liberial hands as it does on George Bush's. Do you want this blood on YOUR hands? I sure don't.

2007-08-10 16:45:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Genocide, New Dictatorship, Attacks on America, We go back to Iraq. The would kill the ones that supported America that would be the genocide part of it. A new government will have to be established and that will be a dictatorship, They will Preach how bad America is and then attack us. We would have to go back to neutralize the threat.

2007-08-10 16:49:58 · answer #10 · answered by afcs09 2 · 1 0

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