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So many theist get angry that there are atheist in the R&S section, but these same people will often insist that atheism is a religion. So, using the theist logic, atheist can't be in R&S because we don't believe in god, and god is part of religion. So, people who don't believe in god can't be religious. However, they believe that atheism and evolution are godless religions, but we should not *invade* the R&S section with our godless ways. Is that right?

2007-08-10 16:24:08 · 28 answers · asked by atheist 6 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

28 answers

You've got to consider the source.... these are the same people who believe that a cosmic Jewish zombie, who is his own father, can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him that you accept him as your master so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced, by a talking snake with legs, to eat from a magical tree... (etc.)... and they think that there is something horribly wrong with those of us who ARE NOT so gullible and droolingly stupid as to believe such outrageously ridiculous codswallop.

2007-08-10 16:30:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

Oh, every day there is one of those questions, "Why are atheists invading R&S," and along with a good deal more from the Fundies, I ignore them. Anyway, it's not all religious folk whose lives are so empty, it's the fundamentalist Christians. My hunch is that most Christians who hang out here do not want to destroy our Republic's democratic underlinings, or act as terrible little gods...passing judgement here, judgement there. And pulling verses from the bible out of the air if none is to be round in the book itself. I drop in on several sections--astronomy and zoology, for example. Would you believe it, Fundies pop up there too. While some really smart folks discuss the incredibly fascinating aspects of the solar system, our own galaxy, and the mysteries of the Universe, a Fundy is sure to enter the discussion with one of their standard 'Jesus is coming" et al. remarks. So far, I haven't posted a question, Why are the Fundies invading the often conversations about the galaxies and stars, which flatly reject religious beliefs--they are of no importance in the Universe. I have no argument with Christianity or any of the other religions and gods. But the Fundies scare the dickens out of me. I am an American and our principles matter big-time to me. Fundies would flush 'em down the proverbial drain and replace 'em with a wacko theogracy--like the one in Iran.

2007-08-10 23:47:00 · answer #2 · answered by Yank 5 · 2 0

She lost me too. But i think you have a good point. the definition of "Religion" would have to be fine tuned on this one to determine if not believing is a religion is a religion. Let me ask you this Do you make a religion out of your atheism? If so then you have made it a religion an qualify to be in the R&S section.

2007-08-10 23:32:03 · answer #3 · answered by Zdaddysdinosaurs 5 · 1 1

I'm not sure they are the same people. I mean, those who resent atheists in the R&S section probably wouldn't think of atheism as a religion. But your question reminds me of a quote by Abraham Lincoln: You can please all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't please all the people all the time. If it gets too lonely out there in R&S land, can you petition for an atheist section?

2007-08-10 23:33:36 · answer #4 · answered by ambigon 2 · 1 1

I think everything is a Religion technically, people choose to worship different things. Some believe in God, Some Believe in no God, some believe money buys happiness, etc. All in what a person want to worship.
But, it is how we respect the beliefs of others that is important.

2007-08-10 23:33:15 · answer #5 · answered by Snaglefritz 7 · 0 2

Excuse me, but God has NEVER been part of religion. Religion was used by men to try to get closer to God under their own power. Unfortunately, all of them miss the mark completely. There is a big difference between religion and having fellowship with the Lord. Jesus Christ called the religious leaders whitewashed tombs, beautiful on the outside but full of dead mens bones. Guess He didn't think much of RELIGION either.

Here is the definition of religion: A religion is a set of common beliefs and practices generally held by a group of people, often codified as prayer, ritual, and religious law. Religion also encompasses ancestral or cultural traditions, writings, history, and mythology, as well as personal faith and mystic experience. The term "religion" refers to both the personal practices related to communal faith and to group rituals and communication stemming from shared conviction. Guess what...atheism IS a religion.

2007-08-10 23:34:26 · answer #6 · answered by mysongsrhis 3 · 0 3

Atheism is the rejection of any kind of god. Evolution is a viable scientific theory. Creationists call evolutionary theory a religion, so they can justify its exclusion from science curriculum.

Don't just let them label you. Identify yourself as you are, and participate.


2007-08-10 23:32:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You're right. It is in the history of religion. Those who do not agree with their beliefs cannot and will not be tolerated but for so long before persecutions begin.

2007-08-10 23:31:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

thats not true, what about buddists, thay dont belive in God but it is a religeon. that and native americans belive in spirits, but not God, and that would go under the "spirituality" part

that and there is something that everyone has called inner spiritualtiy, like your likes, dislikes, values and things, that athiests have.

2007-08-10 23:31:02 · answer #9 · answered by Вячеславль Волковичь 2 · 1 0

well by merriem webster's definition athieism is the practice of not practicing a religion, but everyone else calls it a religion in which there is no god. it dosent matter really its just that everyone gets that we dont belive in any god of any kind, thats the important thing here

2007-08-10 23:31:17 · answer #10 · answered by Okami 3 · 2 1

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