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At 21, I think I've almost grown out of my desire to believe in God, but there are still times in life, like when I'm in a near panic attack over the prospect of dieing, when I want to believe in God. There are times when I even pray to God, but usually only in times of great distress or when I'm feeling grateful for all that I have.

The trouble is that even when I do want to believe in God, I just can't. There is something in my mind too fundamentally logical to allow me to believe in God. So answer me this: How do I delude my rational mind into believing in God?

And please don't answer with: "You've got to have faith." Because that's the only answer I've gotten when I present this question to priests, pastors, etc.

2007-08-10 15:50:53 · 76 answers · asked by Jason F 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

For those of you who think I'm an atheist thinking I'm better than Christians, I'm not. I truly envy those who believe in God. And I do want to believe in God. Delude may not have been the right word to use and I apologize if I have offended anyone.

2007-08-10 15:56:38 · update #1

76 answers


2007-08-15 07:19:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

It's not irrational to believe in a Creator God. I think the order in the universe gives substantial evidence that there is a being bigger than us who started it all. Some of it does rest on faith. But it's not completely blind faith. You can check out a website like www.drdino.com. Or you can do a Google search for creationist websites. There are many of them out there. You could read "Case for a Creator," by Lee Strobel or some other such book. And of course, read your Bible. You know, not all of it is supernatural stuff. Much of it can be applied quite easily, even by the most non-religious person in the world. And by obeying like something in Proverbs, or the 10 Commandments, you can see the natural benefits of obeying God. You can think rationally and determine whether or not it makes sense.

You should also remember that God is bigger than your logic, so your logic will never be able to fully hold Him. For instance, God created time. You are inside of time. God had no beginning. There was nothing before Him. Why not? Because "before" is a time word and God created time. He is completely outside of time and space, thus, He can be eternal. He is not subject to the laws of time and space. He is not natural. He is supernatural, which literally means "above nature" because "super" means "above" in Latin. The universe cannot be infinitely old because it would have to pass through an infinite amount of time to get to the present if it were infinitely old. It would never get here. That concept alone will make your head hurt if you try to figure it out logically. You'll never succeed in figuring it out completely. You don't have the brain capacity and neither does any other human being. Therefore, that particular concept must rest on faith. I wish you all the best. Oh, by the way, you should pray and ask God to help you understand Him/find Him. If you really mean it when you ask that, He will help you. After all, God can hide from any of us. We only find Him as He reveals Himself to us. But the Bible teaches that even though He hides some, so that we'll seek, He wants to be found. And He is benevolent. If He wasn't, we'd all be destroyed by now.

2007-08-10 16:10:14 · answer #2 · answered by fuzz 4 · 2 0

Well, think of this. Do you believe it is possible for the universe to evolve and become what it is now on it's own without a cause? Do you think the human mind can comprehend and box in God when we don't even understand our own planet. There are parts in the earth that nobody has gone to (deep oceans, remote places..).

From a faith point of view. Faith is not something you can acquire on your own "I'll get me some faith." Rather, faith is a gift from God. We can only pray to God to give us faith. Once God answers your prayers and your eyes are opened, you will see the universe in a totally different light. You will see the great truth in life, this is how God created the universe from matter from his in-material spirit. Read on the big bang theory, and you'll see that there was nothing before the universe existed, even before the explosion, there was nothing.

2007-08-10 16:06:27 · answer #3 · answered by Frank V 3 · 1 0

Go outside somewhere and lie on your back and contemplate the depth of the blue sky or the stars in the night sky. How far could you go if you could travel through space before you ran into nothing, not even any more stars and then how far before you maybe came on more stars and maybe who knows what. Contemplate your body and its function, the animals you know and how they and the world have evolved. How did life first start? In your rational mind could his all be a freaking accident? Or was there a guiding hand? The Holy Bible says God breathed life into clay from the edge of the sea. Science says life began in clay at the edge of the sea. In my mind the Bible is not to be taken literally. It just tells us the essence of God's plan in terms common people can understand and sets down a guide for the way we should live your brief lives. I do not believe that you must go to church to believe in God or worship God. I beleive I will be judged for how I live my life and not by how many times I set foot in the church. I have found God's presence felt more in moments when I am alone in nature than in the church. I do not reject the church or the people as being wrong but simply different than myself. They have their way of seeking God. I have mine. The Bible says pray in secret because God sees in secret. I say don't go to church to make an impression on other people. Open your mind and let God find you where ever it may be.

The real answer to your belief in God lies within you, not what I can tell you or the pastor can tell you.

2007-08-10 16:11:55 · answer #4 · answered by cold_fearrrr 6 · 1 0

I had this problem and it has alot to do with trying to rationalize everything. For me it was especially hard with all the "scientific evidence" to be convinced. I started looking for information for both evolution and creationism and figured putting it side by side I could make a choice (weird but it is how I do things). My findings absolutely confirmed for me there is a God. I cant sit here and convince you to go one way or another but there truly is a reason that you feel a tug in your heart for God. Here are some good resources I found very helpful if you want to check them out.

http://www.gotquestions.org/ - answers all religion questions you could ever think of.

http://www.answersingenesis.org/- good alternative information to popular science theories

Also I just read a short book that was really neat it took me maybe 1 1/2 hr called "Dinner with a Perfect Stranger" about a guy asking some of the same questions you are.

2007-08-10 16:03:13 · answer #5 · answered by fyrechick 4 · 1 0

sound like to me you are very smart toung person because i do here some concern about your life and rightly so . you are on the right track by beliving that there is a GOD and you have even thanked him for whatever good he done for you . have you ever been lied too have you be left out or alone have anyone mistreated you have you ever felt unloved if so you have not given the GOD of the heaven and earth a chance to really spend some time with you and sound like you have;nt gave him a chance to prove to you that he is closer than you think and if you ask for him to come inside you and you wait with out doubting and thinking it won;t happen to you then it will. HOWEVER it starts off small and soft but if you take care of it like pray and read the bible it will start to grow and then you will beable to say: greater is he that is in me than he that is end the world.1john 4:4 but if you want to look at an easy chpt to learn of GOD read 1st. John . go to the book of rev. in the back the move back two books one is jude then the other is john go to the first john read it and belive it and see want GOD help you to see him . a true brother in Christ

2007-08-18 09:37:01 · answer #6 · answered by mr.pattersonfromkc 2 · 0 0

God is a human invention. But we need answers to the ultimate questions regarding life after death, where we come from and why we're here. Religion appeals to our need for acceptance, validation and fellowship.

I think if you seriously pursue the deep questions you'll find yourself alone on the journey most of the time. But you know you're on the real path when you have few companions....

But the soul is not a human invention. We came from somewhere, and will go on somewhere from here. The universe is too incredible to have been made by the God of the Bible or the Quran. The true spirit is more awesome than these man made tails. If you have spiritual questions, you don't have to be bound by the limitations of others. Just be bold. And keep your rational mind.


2007-08-10 16:05:58 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Do you really want to delude yourself? This is one of those questions that may never be answered--Is there a God? Those who believe, say Yes, those who don't, say No. It's a personal belief. Either you believe or you don't. I try to live by 'The Golden Rule'--Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Take a look at many religions, they don't all believe in the same god. Whose right? Any of them? If it bothers you that you might not believe in God, yet you really want to, pursue a more active search to your enlightenment.

2007-08-10 16:15:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anabanana 3 · 0 0

When I was 21, I too, believed that my mind was too rational to believe if God; so I have some idea where you are coming from. Besides daily Bible reading, which I strongly recommend, especially the Gospel of John and the eighth Chapter of Romans, I suggest that you read the books by Lee Strobel, especially, "Evidence That Demands a Verdict". However, if you're going to approach the matter with the preconceived notion that your mind is too fundamentally logical to allow you to believe in God and that you'll need to delude your rational mind into believing in God, you have already defeated yourself before you've begun and you might as well just die in your unbelief and not waste your time!

However, I came to a saving knowledge of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ at age 25, because of my discovery of God's agape love for me. I obtained a college degree, married my wife (of now almost 43 years) raised two sons and have now retired. I have read every word of the Bible at least once, have studied the Word of God, the Bible, in several different translations and have also studied other "holy" books, other books about Christianity, about evolution, about other religions, etc.

My logical and rational mind will not permit me to believe in evolution or in any other god, *except* God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth! No other religion has a sinless Savior who has died for the sins of its adherents and rose again from the dead! Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, Confucius, Joseph Smith, Charles Taz Russell, Mary Baker Eddy, Hirohito - all dead! Jesus Christ is risen from the dead!

I just do not have enough faith to believe in evolution, and let me assure you, when I was your age I wanted to! If you're interested enough in this matter, I suggest you look at some of my previous answers on evolution and Christianity on Yahoo!Answers, or if you have more questions about this, you are welcome to contact me.

God bless!

2007-08-10 18:41:27 · answer #9 · answered by trebor namyl hcaeb 6 · 0 1

i understand that when someone goes from growing up their whole lives as a christian, and they become an adult they start questioning things, thats normal, i went through the same thing. i have come to my beliefs through alot of prayer. i realize that i always believed in god and he was always there and all the questions i had, he answered. and he answered quickly, i look back now when i went through this doubting phase in my life and i see where every thing i questioned to god , he showed me, and it really opened my eyes. you would be suprised how patient he is with us, and how he comes to us and reveals himself. i suggest you get alone with god and ask for signs, some sort of proof that what you have believed all yur life is true or not. i assure you he will not let you down, he will help you see everything so clearly.have some faith, and don't let go so quickly, give god a chance. please. god doesn't want to lose you. i will pray that you find what it is your looking for, and that god stays by your side through this and shows you all you need to see, the devil is in the world, he puts these thoughts in us, causes us to doubt, anything he can do to push us away from the god who made us and loves us. don't give up so soon, he is right there waiting for you to come to him, god bless you, if you ever need to talk i'm here.

2007-08-18 04:58:59 · answer #10 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

That's the thing. You are trying to understand God in your own rational thinking. God is a spirit. Our finite minds cannot grasp that. Yes it is true you have to have faith. That is pleasing to God

The things of God are spiritually discerned. The natural mind cannot receive the things of God. It all comes back to faith. I know you don't want to hear that, but faith in God is the basis for a meaningful relationship with the Lord.

2007-08-17 18:47:02 · answer #11 · answered by markstephens1999 3 · 0 0

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