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If the answers are in the Bible, why didn't God just put a CDROM in your head so you could answer every question with a quote from the bible... Do any of you so called Christians think that just maybe he wants you to think instead of being brain washed by some money grabbing preacher who in my opinion in most cases has nothing to do with God? Are you afraid to think on your own or are you all just complete idiots?

2007-08-10 15:36:24 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

It's not what God gave you, it's what you do with it.
God gave us all the same things.
It's all a matter of how you look at it.
I believe in God.
I love God.
And I believe God loves me.
But I don't go to church.
I don't believe that I HAVE to go to church in order to prove I believe in God.
I say my thanks and my prayers to Him, in my own good time and MY way.
Does that make me a Christian?
I don't know or care.
I am comfortable with my ways :)

2007-08-10 15:44:41 · answer #1 · answered by MommaBear 5 · 3 0

Its not nice to call people names you are not being a nice person or a good christian and you are obviously not using your God given brain.

Just because you don't understand something or you don't agree with someone this does not give you the right to look down on them, or call them names, they are people just like you with their own views, so you don't read the bible, I read the bible and am a christian and I don't quote the bible, I try and gain insight and peace in the words. Those who try to impress you with scriptures and so on are only blowing hot air, those who believe that you have to do "works" to "be saved" no you just have to be a decent human being, you know, just be kind, look around you and wonder at what nature we still have left, we are not the best of stewards towards the Earth that was entrusted to us.

Anyway hope you will reconsider calling people names, its healthier for you if you just let it ride.

2007-08-10 15:45:47 · answer #2 · answered by Neptune2bsure 6 · 3 0

Yes, Paul, to both. Did you know it was another dude named Paul who wrote about half the New Testament?
Ever seen Batman? He ain't nuthin' he is only Batman and Bruce Wayne.
Apostle Paul exhorted men like us to be ALL things to ALL men. I am first a disciple of My Lord, but then I'm also a Lover to my wife, a counselor, friend and provider for my children, a Brother in Christ to men at church, a leader among men, an example on the Job, a living temple of the Holy Spirit, and in my spare time I'm a Carpenter, Plumber, Electrician, Roofer, Groundskeeper, Mechanic and all around Handyman to ANYTHING that breaks around home.
I'm also the second worst problem an unbeliever will have. I know the Bible well enough to cut your throat and beat you over the head with it, but God has also told me to answer questions with meekness and respect, so I'm trying real hard to do that at this moment.
The sarcasm and taunting in your question isn't helping. Let me just leave you with this thought:
You can mock and ridicule me and any other christian to your hearts content, but your WORST problem will come THE MOMENT you step out into eternity without Christ. GOD IS NOT MOCKED. HE IS ON THE THRONE AND YOU WILL MEET HIM. BE PREPARED. If you want to have serious discussion, you can email me. If not, that's fine, I'm only your second worst problem, I COULD lead you to a solution to all your problems.

2007-08-10 18:26:53 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Faith is a funny thing. God wants us to have faith, and he took a leap of faith when he gave us questioning minds. Those two things come to conflict very often. My take on it rests on a verse in the New Testament that says, "Now we see as through a glass but darkly." The Bible explains much, but it inserts the caveat that we humans can't possibly see God's purpose in so many of his actions...or inactions. People with faith are not idiots. Many are misguided, many are zealots, but most of us who have faith are believers in a good and loving God. If someone has accosted you about your eternal soul, don't let them scare you. God is good and loving. He put his word in the Bible through man, and man can fail. The Bible is a great guide, but it's a work of man, and is subject to interpretation. God loves you and wants to take care of you. He won't grant every wish like some genie, but he will hear your prayers for strength. And he doesn't "give" you strength or patience...he gives your the opportunity to learn it. Ouch! But that's the only way it's meaningful.

2007-08-10 15:51:39 · answer #4 · answered by rb29440 4 · 1 0

Have you never read anything profound? What speaks truth stays with you. It's not laziness that causes people to quote scripture; it's because scripture says it so well. It's like quoting poetry that evokes emotions plainer words cannot. In Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky relates the story of the bishop visited by a man who says There is no God. The bishop then simply states: "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God!" & the man drops dead.

2007-08-10 15:44:34 · answer #5 · answered by Goethe's Ghostwriter 7 · 2 0

When we were born into this world we were given a free will. We wernt pre programmed. This is Gods way of saying you can chose to believe what you want, and i have given you a brain to think and a concience to serve you. In this life we are faced with choices. We can chose whats good for us or whats bad for us.

Churches are like businesses and so you should treat people like people and not see them just like "christians". They are just as human and prone to mistakes and brainwashing as anyone. Some will impose what they think is Gods will on you but you should be reminded as some people do that you do have the choice to accept it or reject it. God gave you a brain didnt he? So you have the power to chose.

Im reminded that in the passage of the scripture in the bible that says "work out your own way to salvation". Something to think about. I hope this puts a perspective on this for you. Cheers.

2007-08-10 15:49:50 · answer #6 · answered by The Navigator 2 · 2 0

People study Books on books on book to receive a college education. They at least learn how and where to look for answers if a question in life comes up. RIGHT? Are they complete idiots for not thinking on their own? As for ministers being money grabbing, I am a preacher I do not ask for nor would I except payment for my teaching. I have a job outside the teaching of the word. I don't believe it is wrong to except payment. many good men and women of God live near the poverty level to make the ministry their full time profession. I can tell from your question that you have no idea what the Church is nor how much is involved in preparing for the ministry. You don't understand the faith and love we have received from God.. What you do know is how to complain about ideas and people that have no effect in your life. You know how to call names and make terrible accusations. I for one have found evidence for my faith. Evidence that is based in science as well as in the prophecies God gave to men that have been fulfilled in close detail. As Christian God never asked for blind faith. Just a trusting faith that He is, and will do according to His word... Jim

2007-08-10 15:54:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I have a personal relationsip with God. I have read parts of the Bible and all of the New T, but I follow my heart and my relationship with God and not scriptures. If the men who wrote the Bible can channel God, why can't I? Well I can, and so God is omnipresent and I am part of that energy.

2007-08-10 15:43:13 · answer #8 · answered by my ki 4 · 3 0

Paul S.... Well, here's one Christian that was not taught by a Preacher or through a church.... So, I guess you need to re-think your thoughts about what is truth about Christians, lol.

God DOES manage to reach out to people whom do not go to a church or live in a family that knows God.... just depends on whom is receptive to Him.

May you find Truth :)

LOLOLOL tess.... trust me, Many of us analyze things from all perspectives... hard not to if you are a student of human nature :)

2007-08-10 15:52:45 · answer #9 · answered by ForeverSet 5 · 1 0

I think that most religious people are actually left brainers, while atheists are right brainers. I mean that, the right hemisphere is the creative part and the left is the analytical part. The right one is what makes civilization progress through the abstraction of what the world could be. And the left is dedicated to being organized and follow a program, to be satisfied with a certain form of order. There is nothing wrong in being leftie or rightie. It´s just that in metaphysical themes, the left brain comes up short I think.

2007-08-10 15:39:40 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

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