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2007-08-10 13:29:09 · 32 answers · asked by darrikka 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

32 answers

Stay with him...because you won't have the balls to leave him

Because you girls are too scared to do the right thing.

Dump him or prepare for years of abuse.

2007-08-10 13:33:36 · answer #1 · answered by veolapaul 5 · 1 1

Leave him.

Tell an adult, either your parents, a school counselor, a doctor, a nurse, or go straight to the police.

What he's doing is controlling you by making you afraid of him. Abuse can take many forms and hitting you is one of them. My guess is, that he's also calling you names and screaming and yelling at you and threatening you with all sorts of things.

When you leave him, he'll probably threaten you again. Just be prepared for that. I don't know how old you are, but if you're in school (highschool or college), there are plenty of resources that exist only to help students in situations like yours. Go there and tell them the story. They will guide you. They've heard it all before. Really, they have! Then leave him. But don't give him the courtesy of of too many explanations or a "nice" break-up. When you tell him that it's over, tell him point-blank that you discussed this already with someone at your school and that they're looking out for you. This will put you in more control. And you need to get the upper hand again. For your sake. Get control of your life back. If you tell him that the "authorities" know all about his behavior, he will most likely back off. Then good riddance!

Good luck!
...and, for all it's worth: there are many, many great guys out there. And you'll find a great guy when the time comes. Let your intuition guide you in your relationships. When you started dating your current guy, you probably already had that strange feeling that something wasn't right, from the beginning. Listen to that little voice inside of you, your gut feeling, your intuition. Trust yourself. You'll be fine!

2007-08-10 13:43:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Leave and don't look back. Have nothing to do with him. Tell your parents or someone that you trust. Any guy who will hit a girl is not someone you want to be with. He has no respect for you and you, by staying with him, have no respect for yourself. No one should ever be hit by anyone for any reason. When you are looking for someone to spend time with and to date, don't ever go for the controlling, bully type of guy. If this type of behavior happens while you are just dating, can you imagine how it would be in the years to come. This is a time when you should be getting to know one another and treating each other lovingly. There is nothing worse than a brute. Women who end up with this type of man can be beaten, brutalized and sometimes even killed. Don't put your life in danger any more!!

2007-08-10 13:40:27 · answer #3 · answered by turkeybrooknj 7 · 0 0

I CANNOT BELIEVE YOUR EVEN ASKING! Do you really think this situation is going to get any better...of course not, it's only going to get worse. Guys who hit will always hit and some of them get so out of hand that lose control and the next thing you know your on the six o clock news cause he beat you to death. Do you really think you want to live this way. I was once in your situation and I got out quick. Now I have a husband that has never hit me and if he ever did I wouldn't stick around to wait if it happens again.

2007-08-10 14:11:36 · answer #4 · answered by sassy 2 · 0 0

Run, don't walk, to the nearest exit. If he will hit you as a girlfriend, he'll hit you if you ever become his wife. It escalates & each time is worse than the time before. It is very dangerous I know, I was married to a man who started hitting me when we had been married about 2 yrs. He had me convinced that it was my fault & if I were just a better wife, mother, housekeeper etc., etc., etc, He wouldn't have to hit me. Stupid me, I stayed with him 17 more years. When I left, He'd still come by (regardless of a restraining Order), telling me he didn't want a divorce, he still loved me, yada, yada. When I told him that you don't beat on people you love, He said "did it ever dawn on you that I had to take my frustrations out on someone?" When I said "why me"? He said " you were safest". Like I said, get out now while you're still just angry. Don't wait untill you're scared for your life.

2007-08-10 14:12:00 · answer #5 · answered by mazell41 5 · 1 0

leave him. No one that loves you would want to hurt you if anything they'd want to make you feel better. I know you might think he's the only thing out there but hun really there are so many good guys don't settle be better than that. It's NOT OK for a man to ever lay a hand on a woman using force. please seek therapy and dump him you deserve sooo much better! God bless and good luck

2007-08-10 13:35:46 · answer #6 · answered by Jennifer J 2 · 1 0

im not sure what you mean...... leave him.
do you think its ever going to stop? cause its not and if you dont leave, he could hurt you really badly or even kill you.
my ex did the same. it got so bad that one day when he was at work i grab a bag packed my stuff and got the hell out. with only what i could carry. i had to hide for a while and get a restraining order, but now im healthy. YOU NEED TO LEAVE get help! and always report it cause if he does end up god forbid hurting you badly and you need proof.... your sol and people wont belive you. been there

2007-08-10 13:35:34 · answer #7 · answered by imboard2 3 · 0 0

Do you have a DAD or a Brother ?? Do not stay in this relationship!!! LEAVE!!! Tell the Police!!! And above all else, do not accept this from ANY man. DO NOT let this behavior into yout next relationship, either.

2007-08-10 13:38:08 · answer #8 · answered by missywose 6 · 0 0

First do you really want to get out of the relationship? cause if you dont you wont leave but if you do want out then just leave if he is threating then call the police and press charges and if you dont want to do that but you want to get out straight up play gritball cook you some grits and when they are nice and hot throw them in his face and get you a nice even weight skillet and go to town dont allow him to do that to you no one deserves that and even though I dont you I know you deserve better no one should be abused!

2007-08-10 13:55:36 · answer #9 · answered by totheleft_07 2 · 0 0

If your boyfriend is hitting you should tell your parent's about this young man and dont ever see him any more he is no good for you.

2007-08-10 13:42:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what do you think YOU should do? DER!!!!!!!!! get the hell out of the relationship!!!! NOW!!!!! depending on how old you are - tell your parents. report it to the police so they can put a restraining order on him. they may prosecute as well. why do women stay in abusive relationships is beyond me. is it because they are scared to leave, or do they like getting beaten up? hell, get out now. there are millions of guys that know how to treat a woman. dont you be the one stuck with the PRICK. he needs to be beaten up!!!!!! for Gods sake - LEAVE HIM AND REPORT IT NOW!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-10 13:42:04 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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