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i wanan know =]

2007-08-10 13:07:19 · 23 answers · asked by K.L. 3 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Jehovah's Witnesses are relatively unique among self-described Christians in that they understand the Scriptures to teach that God's Kingdom by Christ Jesus is a real government which will soon replace all earthly governments.
(Daniel 2:44) God of heaven will set up a kingdom... It will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, and it itself will stand to times indefinite

That Kingdom will rule over the vast majority of mankind, most of whom will have been raised from the dead after Armageddon.
(John 11:23,24) Jesus said to her: “Your brother will rise.” Martha said to him: “I know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.”
(Acts 24:15) There is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous.

Until that resurrection, there is no suffering in "hell", or the grave. Sometime after the resurrection, death and "hell" will themselves be destroyed.
(Ecclesiastes 9:5) For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
(Ecclesiastes 9:10) there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol ["hell"]
(Revelation 20:14) And death and Hades ["hell"] were hurled into the lake of fire

While a limitted number of humans will be resurrected to heaven to share in ruling over mankind, the vast majority (literally more than 99.9%) of Jehovah's Witnesses expect an EARTHLY hope, the same hope given to Adam and Eve.
(Genesis 1:28) God blessed them and God said to them: “Be fruitful and become many and fill THE EARTH and subdue it [caps added]
(Genesis 2:17) You must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die [so never eating from that tree means never dying]

Interestingly, the Scriptures are full of references to this earthly hope.
(Psalms 37:11) 'the meek will possess the earth'
(Proverbs 2:21) 'upright will reside in the earth'
(Isaiah 45:18) 'God formed the earth to be inhabited'
(Matthew 5:5) 'the mild will inherit the earth'
(Revelation 21:3) The tent of God is with mankind

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2007-08-11 00:51:41 · answer #1 · answered by achtung_heiss 7 · 1 3

Baptists and Catholics are Christians. JWs are modern-day Arians, denying the divinity of Christ> Does anything in their "Rules" sound remotely Christian: 1. You cannot celebrate holidays such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, Father’s day or national holidays. (Awake 11/22 p. 8-10; WT 1997 12/15 p. 5-6; Knowledge 1995 p. 49-50, 126 Yearbook 1975 p. 147) 2. You must NOT take an oath of allegiance to your country, join the military, vote, or support any political party. (WT 1997 8/1 p. 12-13; WT 1990 8/15 p. 13-15; WT 1987 6/1 p. 21) 3. You can if you wish collect unemployment or welfare benefits. This is encouraged if possible because you will have more time to go door-to-door with the Society's magazines. (WT 1983 4/1 p. 8-9; WT 1966 2/1 p. 96) 4. You cannot celebrate birthdays. (WT 1998 12/15 p. 30; WT 1995 5/15 p. 8,19) 5. You cannot clink glasses together. (WT 1968 1/1 p. 31) 6. You cannot throw rice or confetti at weddings. (Awake 1973 3/8 p. 5; Yearbook 1986 p. 77; WT 1986 7/1 p. 4) 7. Large gatherings are frowned upon by the Watchtower Society unless organized by them for Bible studies. [Usually the Bible is not used much, their other books are claimed to be "better] (WT 1999 4/1 p31 + 9/1 p. 9,15; WT1992 8/15 p. 15-19; WT 1994 1/15 p. 17; WT 1981 8/15 p. 28-29; WT 1981 12/1 p. 27) 8. You must not associate socially with anyone not a Witness except to conduct a Bible (book) study. (WT 1957 4/15 p. 244; WT 1979 6/1 p. 13-14; WT 12979 5/1 p. 4; WT 1992 12/15 p. 16; WT 1980 6/15 p. 8; Insight 1988 vol.1 p. 200) 9. Your children must not associate with other children unless they are Witnesses. (WT 1992 12/15 p. 16; WT 1998 2/15 p. 12; WT 1996 8/1 p. 18; WT 1993 8/1 p. 20; WT 1995 5/1 p. 27) 10. Your children cannot join organizations such as the Boy Scouts & Girl Guides clubs, Red Cross, S.P.C.A, Boys or Girls clubs, teem sports at school or elsewhere. Time is considered better spent distributing the Society's magazines and books. (WT 1997 6/1 p. 4; WT 1992 8/15 p.18; WT 1992 12/15 p. 16; WT 1979 1/1 p. 31; WT 1973 2/1 p. 73; WT 1966 7/15 p. 421) 11. Adults may not join groups such as volunteer fire brigades, the YMCA etc. or service, secret or sports clubs, in order to avoid "worldly associations." (WT 1992 12/15 p. 16; WT 1997 6/1 p. 4; WT 1996 2/1 p.25 + 2/15 p .4) 12. A minimum of 10 hours a month is encouraged for door-to-door selling of the Society's books and magazines on contribution basis. Monthly reports must be filled in (Jehovah will apparently consult these to see if you are worthy to survive Armageddon). (WT 1963 3/15 p.190; WT 1992 6/15 p. 25; WT 1990 4/15 p. 25; WT 1986 1/1 p. 19; WT 1982 3/1 p.18; WT 1971 1/1 p25 + 6/1 p. 336; WT 1998 4/1 p. 21) 13. On public holidays you must still attend meetings and sell literature where possible. (Kingdom Min.1971 8/71 p.4; WT 1998 9/1 p.21) 14. You must not read literature published by Christian churches or other religious organizations. These are claimed to be from Satan. (WT 1996 1/15 p.17; WT 1994 8/15 p. 30; WT 1987 2/1 p. 5; WT 1986 3/15 p.12; WT1984 5/1 p. 31) 15. You must not acknowledge the Cross as a Christian symbol. It is considered to be of pagan origin.(WT 1996 4/1 p.4; WT 1996 4/1 p. 24 + 6/1 p.18; WT 1995 5/15 p. 20) [But what about stakes/polls? 1 Kg.14:22-24 WT 1997 3/15 p. 29 You Can Live Forever.; WTS 1982 p.45-46] 16. Jehovah Witnesses provide no Sunday school for your children. You must provide four hours per month studying with them from the Watchtower Society's publications.(WT 1999 11/15 p. 32; WT 1990 8/1 p. 3; WT 1983 3/15 p. 15; WT 1994 12/15 p. 30) 17. You must make sure you have time off from your job to attend all the Watchtower conventions, held three times a year. If you miss them, it's frowned upon. (WT 1995 1/1 p. 17; WT 1989 1/1 p.8 + 3/1 p. 7-10, 14, 19) 18. There are certain rules of conduct to follow in your bedroom. You may check with the elders for more information. If you disobey you may be disfellowshipped (expelled). (Awake 1995 1/8 p. 28; Awake 1993 2/22 p. 9; Awake 1975 1/8 p. 75; WT 1999 1/15 p. 14; WT 1998 2/1 p. 30; WT 1991 6/15 p. 20) 19. Certain forms of birth control are unacceptable . This is not your decision, check with the elders first. (WT 1999 6/15 p. 27; WT 1969 12/15 p. 765; Awake 1996 10/8 p. 14; Awake 1993 2/22 p. 8) 20. Beards are frowned on as they reflect a rebellious and independent attitude. Moustaches are acceptable. (WT 1975 8/15 p. 501) 21. If your family members are not J.W.'s you must have little to do with them. Those expelled, have NOTHING to do with them or you will be shunned too. (WT 1995 7/15 p. 27; WT 1998 9/15 p. 25; WT 1988 4/15 p. 29) 22. Make sure all your magazine and book studies are done each week. (WT 1954 2/15 p.102; WT 1995 5/1 p. 19; WT 1964 1/1 p. 27; WT 1959 1/1 p. 3; WT 1954 1/15 p. 50) You cannot understand the bible without them. (WT 1981 2/15 p.19 last sentence) 23. All meetings must be attended. There are only five per week, on three different days. If you don't attend you must have good reason. Sickness is NOT always a good reason. (WT 1971 3/1 p. 149; WT 1998 10/1 p. 30; WT 1995 1/1 p. 8, p. 17; WT 1993 iv. p. 292, 18; WT 1998 6/15 p. 21) 24. You must view all people who are not J.W's as 'worldly’ and part of Satan's organization. They will all perish at Armageddon and only JW's will be saved, so why bother associating with them? (WT 1992 5/1 p. 15 + 11/15 p. 6; WT 1995 1/15 p. 28; WT 1958 1/1 p. 13; You Can Live Forever, WTS 1982 p.188, p. 202) 25. You must not attend any 'Christian' church. All churches are considered evil and corrupt. (WT 1994 3/1 p. 9-11; WT 1991 6/1 p. 19-20; WT 1995 12/1 p. 5; WT 1983 6/15 p. 26 + 9/15 p. 10-15; WT 1958 1/1 p. 13) 26. If you join and ever decide to leave, all your new 'friends' will shun you, even if you are not "disfellowshipped". You might get frequent calls of “encouragement” if you attend a Christian church for any reason (including family weddings, funerals, etc.) you will be automatically disfellowshipped. (WT 1988 4/15 p. 26; WT 1986 3/15 p. 18) 27. You must NEVER disagree with the Society or it will be said that you are disagreeing with God. (WT 1983 1/15 p. 98; WT 1986 3/15 p. 18; United Worship 1983 p. 11; WT 1955 6/1 p. 351; Proclaimers 1993 28 p. 628) [The Watchtower Society claims to be the ONLY organization on earth that has been chosen by Him to guide his people. The Society president has claimed more power to speak for God than the Pope.] 28. You will not have the free choice of conscience. You give up that right when you become a Witness. The Society will make almost all decisions for you. (WT 1983 1/15 p. 98; WT 1994 7/1 p. 23; WT 1958 4/1 p. 217; United Worship 1983 p. 10; Year Book 1988 p. 127) 29. You will be forbidden to give or take a blood transfusion or blood products. You must not even store your own blood for a transfusion, it's said that belongs to God. If your child requires a transfusion, your duty is to try to prevent doctors from transfusing, even if stealing the child from hospital to die. (WT 1998 12/1 p. 14; WT 1970 9/12 p. 249) 30. You may not partake of the bread and the wine during communion (or Eucharist), unless you are one of the 144,000 who are the only ones who may go to heaven. (WT 1998 2/15 p. 20; WT 1997 1/1 p. 10) 31. All above rules are subject to change without notice and without recourse. Be in constant expectation of "New light" which could reverse everything. (WT 1964 5/1 p. 278; WT 1955 5/15, p. 313; WT 1954 9/15 p. 552). [There were about 148 changes to official WT doctrine from 1917 to 1928. How do you know what's declared true today won't be denied tomorrow?] 32. If you disobey any of the above rules, and refuse to turn around from your rebellious course, you will be disfellowshipped, and an announcement will be made to the whole congregation. All members worldwide will shun you even family members, so expect no invitations to family weddings, funerals or reunions etc. (WT 1956 4/15, p. 242; WT 1988 4/15, p. 26; WT 1986 3/15, p. 18; Awake1987 8/12, p. 13) 33. If you wish to be reinstated, you must do as the elders say: attend all meetings, coming in after the opening song and prayer, sitting at the back of the hall talk to no one, have no participation, leave before the final song and prayer and have no contact with other members. You may have no part in field ministry until reinstated. Depending on your offence the time of punishment may last up to a year or more. (WT 1998 10/1 p. 17-18; WT 1991 4/15, p. 23) 34. You must not pray for disfellowshipped ones. They are dead in God's eyes. (WT 1983 1/1, p. 31; WT 1979 10/15, p. 31) 35. The WatchTower Society can tell lies. It's acceptable to lie to those who are not entitled to know the truth. Elder's of the local Kingdom Hall and the hierarchy of the 'Society' will lie to the police about child sexual abuse to protect an elder who committed abuse. It's called "justified lying". The 'Society' can also lie to members. (WT 1960 6/1 p. 352; WT 1997 1/1 p. 29)

2016-05-19 03:00:14 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Christendom repeats over and over again, "They deny the deity of Christ, His physical resurrection, and salvation by grace. This alone makes it non-Christian."

However, The reason we are accused of denying the so-called "deity of Christ" is because Jesus never personally claimed to be God; so why should anyone else make that claim?

It is simply not a Bible doctrine. It is a human doctrine.

Although ardent believers insist that each person of the Trinity is his own individual, still, there is only one god, not three gods in one.

How can three separate persons be the same entity? No one knows. Like all Trinitarians admits that the Trinity is an unknowable "mystery."

What about salvation by grace?

Do Jehovah's Witnesses deny that? Absolutely not! The Watchtower has always taught that salvation is a result of Jehovah's undeserved kindness.

2007-08-12 07:46:40 · answer #3 · answered by keiichi 6 · 1 0

My first hand experience with JW's, as Moises shows, they spend all their time applying bible principles as best they can as literally as they can, profit free.
Catholicism is a no-brainer, twist the word, control the masses, keep them blind, fat and sassy, bring your money on Sunday and sin all you want.

But all and all - there are good people in both beliefs, and ignorant idiots, both sides.
As far as bible truth, Jehovah's Witnesses blow Catholics outta this world!

Jehovah's Witnesses are obsessed with Armageddon occurring any minute now, and alot of them worry that God will destroy them along with billions more if they don't walk the path just right. Also, not associating with non-believers seems to cause anti-social behavior and depression. A college education is also not encouraged.
All Jehovah's Witnesses are supposed to be preaching about Jesus and the end of the world.
I just want to live in peace

2007-08-10 13:51:17 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Well, in communist countries, catholic priests love to start riots to beat up Jehovah's Witnesses.

JWs embarrass priests by only believing what the Bible has to say. Catholics for centuries brought in any belief of someone they wanted to conquer and bring into the fold (ie. their money and power). That is how trinity, immortality of the soul, all souls day, yule logs, Santa Claus, hellfire torment came to be "Christian". None of this was part of 1st Century Christian beliefs. Look it up.

JWs believe the Bible is the word of God. With Catholics, it is the Pope. He just wiped out hell and purgatory in1999 and just recently, purgatory for all babies. Curiously, they don't seem to consider God's words at Eccles. 9:5,10. There it says the dead, no limits on age, have no ability to feel anything for good or bad. They have knowledge of nothing. They do no work.

So how could they fell pleasure or pain?

JWs are law abiding, tax paying people. We obey the laws in whatever country we are in as long as it does not conflict with God's higher Laws. Because of this, in our congregations and larger assemblies, we have no need of Police or much need of custodial staff as we pick up after ourselves. Can the same be said of Catholic conventions?

By Jesus telling us to "not be part of the world" and to look to God's Kingdom as it says in the Lord's Prayer, that is where our loyalty belongs. That is why we do not support earthly governments as the Bible says they are controlled by Satan. (John 14:30; Eph. 2:2; 2 Cor. 4:4; Luke 4:5-7; 1John 5:19)
Catholics are at every political affair.

2007-08-12 06:01:02 · answer #5 · answered by grnlow 7 · 1 1

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Honestly I don't know what you consider the beliefs of GOC to be. I often have found that when someone of another faith tries to explain the my faith.

I tell you what, since you know your beliefs, your best bet is to talk with a Witness, Bible in hand,ask specfic questions and compare your beliefs with ours, or if you wish you can go to http://www.watchtower.org and you can get a basic idea of our beliefs and do the comparison.

2007-08-14 03:10:21 · answer #6 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 0 0

Moises said it all. No trinity, no hell fire, no saints, no priests. Read the bible and preach the word.

Roadrat: My daughter was given a blood transfusion when she was 18, against my wishes. They had her sign the paper when she was near comatose. They never called me to let me know they were performing the surgery then. 20 years later she discovered she has hepatitis C. So much for your life saving blood transfusions. Many other people now suffer the same fate, and they can't even sue for damages because they changed the laws so that you can't get damages if the incident occured over 3 years prior. My daughter said, "Mom I've been tired for 20 years." She only happened to find out when they were giving blood tests at work as part of a health project for the employees. Thank God she always lived a clean life so did not have complications. I can still see that Doctor's face as she was arguing with me and telling me it was perfectly safe.

2007-08-10 13:17:45 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 4 4

JWs abhor Roman Catholicism but enjoy benefiting from general RC biblical illiteracy by wining converts from their ranks. There's not a lot of love lost between them.

Of course, JWs also abhor Protestantism. They would have us believe that they are neither RC nor Catholic. This is disingenious because if the Reformation had not occured, they could never have come into existence. But they refuse to acknowledge any debt of gratitude to the Reformers.

So, they want to stand alone. They want to give the impression they are uniquely God's chosen people today, and that to be saved, you must be a good member of their flock. A bit like the RCs, if you stop to think about it.

2007-08-11 05:58:45 · answer #8 · answered by Annsan_In_Him 7 · 0 4

I suggest you look up a Catholic apologetics website on the internet and start reading. You should have asked "What's the difference between a fish and a bird?" It would have been less time consuming.

2007-08-10 13:14:42 · answer #9 · answered by Jyyzzoel 2 · 5 1

catholics where founded by Romans to collect taxes

Jehovah witnesses where founded by bible study

2007-08-11 21:03:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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