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My puppy is a female 10.5 weeks old German Shepherd. Wenever i play with her outside she always bites my ankle or pull on my pants. How can i stop this? I tried holding her muzzle for about 10 seconds and she ended up wantting to bite me even more and barked at me. I put her in the cage for a good 2 to 10 mintues and it doesent work either. I yelp just like a puppy in pain and she didn't get it. The only way i get her off my ankle is by holding the neck the top of the neck just how mothers carry there puppy and she would let go, but would bark at me again. I know my puppy is teething, but she needs to know that biting my ankle is not good. I walk my puppy and i also throw ball sometimes, but she doesen't really know how to play fetch. When she bites me i give her a toy, but after awhile she loses interest in the toy and comes to me. What should i do? Is there any fun activity like games i can do with her? BESt answer please!

2007-08-10 12:40:47 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

18 answers

well German Shepperd's are very aggressive when they are a pup, it is best to train a dog not to bite before 3 weeks other wise it will be harder to train him/her.

2007-08-10 12:46:22 · answer #1 · answered by icypole11 3 · 3 2

You do know that you never, ever use the crate as a punishment. The crate is meant to be the dog's den - a safe place. Besides which, the dog can't possibly tie the biting to being locked up in her crate.

And holding her muzzle for 10 seconds is going to teach her 2 things - that you aren't to be trusted, and it'll bring out a lot of aggression in her. Violence with a puppy that's a baby is never the answer.

Puppies, just like babies and toddlers, don't learn anything at all without a lot of repetition. If you were consistent with the yelping, and turned your back on her and withdrew attention from her totally, she would get it. She has to be taught, and that takes time, consistency and patience.

Puppies also aren't born knowing how to play fetch - they need to be taught.

I think for the sake of this puppy, you should take her to puppy socialization classes the day she's old enough so someone can teach you how to train her. In the meantime, if she came from any kind of a reputable breeder - there's your best resource right there - use it.

2007-08-10 19:52:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Well do you have plenty of toys for her?
If so, then maybe you should take another approach.

I am not certain it works on young puppies, but you could give it a try!!

Her excessive nipping at your ankles could lead to chewing up things in your home. All you need to do, is buy the spray similar used to keep dogs from biting at rashes or hotspots. (You can find this at just about any local pet store)
Spray this all over your ankles and feet (and yes, on your clothes) Just spray it anywhere she bites you. Hopefully, this will repel her from nipping you because she will find the spray taste very nauseating. (although she won't actually throw up or anything...)
This should work. If not, then try the spray along with a little dicipline. No yelping or barking at her - no, that will NOT do. Puppies are playful, of course, and will only find your barks and yelps as a coax to play.
What you need to do, is that every time she bites you or runs for your ankles, you shriek or shout loudly. Make your shriek high pitch and unrecognized to her. This will get her attention and you can say, "NO! BAD!" In a firm and demanding voice. Back away when you make the noise and then call out your demands that she stop.

1. Be sure to spray your ankles and feet with "bite repellent"

2. Make odd shrieking noise

3. Back a few inches away

4. Put hand out (palm facing her. NOT RIGHT IN HER FACE - that will only tempt a puppy to pounce on it)

5. Make your demanding command, "STOP! BAD!"

6. Offer a toy RIGHT AWAY as "back up"

2007-08-10 20:01:14 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert but all the trainers I've had for my dogs say that you never yell at it and if you do punish it somehow that it has to be immediately otherwise the puppy won't understand why it's being punished. And the whimpering thing probably wouldn't work too well cause she'll just think of you as another pup who's playing along probably. It could also have been that she was trying to establish dominance and if you let the dog win even one fight they'll never let you forget it. You have to be kind but be able to show that you're the boss. Like I said, I'm not exactly an expert on the subject so I wouldn't exactly know how to punish the dog especially as you said the kennel thing isn't working. What I used to always do with puppies is that if they bit me that I would flick them on the nose, just hard enough that it would be uncomfortable but not completely painful and don't say no bite. Just say no until she gets it.

2007-08-10 20:01:19 · answer #4 · answered by Jounouchi 2 · 0 0

when you grab her muzzle it hurts.. you are better off getting her by the scruff of her neck and holding her down, gently but firmly and making a growling noise (which is exactly what her mom would do, if she were annoyed by the pup, by the way)

you might consider NOT using your hands as a play/activity toy... she probably thinks it's ok to bite them.. instead, get those pull toys for her -- it's easier on you.. shes at the other end, can't bite you.

fetching takes practice, she'll learn.

meanwhile, there are quite a lot of puppy training websites and information on the internet... you do searches for help in training.....

STOP A PUPPY FROM ROUGH are some suggestions.

i'm sure you will do very well with the dog... it just takes a little time to figure out what is the best approach for each animal.

remember dogs LIKE it when we are the alpha doggies...

take care.

2007-08-10 19:49:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

She's still a baby ...

She'll learn eventually that she isn't supposed to bite you. Remember though, Shepherds are a guard type dog. If you pose as a threat, she is going to defend. I recommend some puppy classes.
Petco has some great classes b/c they interact w/ other puppies. They also teach the right way and wrong way to disipline a puppy that will grow into a bigger dog.

She also probably sees you as a playmate so she wants to romp around and play. Puppies just bite things ... unfortunately ... but that's just what they do. Try carrying treats and every time you play with her and she doesn't bite, give her one.

But I would strongly recommend puppy classes. Good luck !!

2007-08-10 19:48:37 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

You have to show that you dont like it.

Ok now an example. When your playing with her and she starts to bite either your pants or ankle yelp loudly. It should almost scare her the first time you do it. Every time she bites your ankle of pants yelp. That is how her mother taught her not to bite.

also do not let her rule you. You have to be the head of the house not her. watch some dog whisperer on the national geographic channel for more ideas.

2007-08-10 19:52:04 · answer #7 · answered by PRS TruckIN 3 · 1 0

You have to give her one of her toys every time she bites you. She bites, you say "No," very sternly and then give her the toy. She takes the toy in her mouth and you praise her and make a big deal out of it, even if she doesn't actually chew on it. Just praise her for taking it. You have to do it over and over. She will lose interest in it, and when she tries to bite you again, repeat. You can also try stopping play and completely ignoring her if she bites. Turn your back on her while she's barking and don't face her or interact with her at all. When she stops barking, turn back around and play again. But as soon as she bites, go back to ignoring her.

2007-08-10 19:49:53 · answer #8 · answered by Bambi 5 · 1 0

You are doing the right thing by holding her like the mothers do . It will take her a while but, you need to keep correcting her when she keeps biting at your ankle. Being consistent, in how you train her is the best, for both of you. Find obedience classes in your area, it is a good time to start that.
Check out The show Dog Whisperer, with Cesar Milan, And check out his web site, You will learn a ton of information, I know I did and it has helped with my dogs.
Good Luck

2007-08-10 19:52:05 · answer #9 · answered by sassy 3 · 0 0

Stop moving when she does this and tell her no. Stop each time that she does it.

Have plenty of toys around and substitute it for the pant leg/ankle. Give her the toy and praise her a lot when she takes it.

Practice is the way to get her to do what you want..whether it be stop biting your ankles or play fetch.

2007-08-10 19:57:29 · answer #10 · answered by Moose Mama 2 · 0 0

This isn't aggression, it is just play. And don't do the toy tug of war thing. You don't want to teach the dog to be territorial or possessive.

You are doing great to stop the biting though. Big dogs need to learn never to bite or jump on people. If she gets too excited putting her in her crate to calm down is ok too.

2007-08-10 20:04:50 · answer #11 · answered by mama woof 7 · 0 0

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