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i mean, which politican is enforcing/creating laws that help the enviroment? NONE. well there are the ocassional tiny irrelevant laws that nobody pays attention to. [other than Al Gore]

2007-08-10 12:12:12 · 15 answers · asked by dejavento 2 in Environment Global Warming

15 answers

There is no such thing as Global Warming. Its a Democratic plot to tax every last American for every last penny they can. Over 1200 Low temperature records were broke in the last 10 years. What is happening is a Hemispherical Climate change. This happens about every 50,000 years.

When asked about Global warming at a recent event, Al Gore, Said he is rethinking his position.

So why isn't anyone in the world doing anything about Global warming ... Because the know that it's a bunch of Liberal Gibberish

2007-08-10 12:23:20 · answer #1 · answered by BigAl 3 · 2 4

"climate replace/worldwide Warming" is and continuously has been a organic prevalence. There are too many variables that impact the factors: a million) Elevation - larger elevations recommend colder climates 2) winning winds - 3 winning winds in northern and southern hemisphere that impact climate 3) variety - a area of a close-by defines its climate 4) perspective - tilting of the earth at particular cases of the three hundred and sixty 5 days impacts climate 5) floor - the variety of floor can carry greater warmth 6) Topography - the lay of the land like mountains consequence the factors particularly areas 7) timeframe - an prolonged time of climate and averaging 8) Orbital transformations - circulate kinds of the earth replace. It additionally wobbles and impacts the factors 9) photograph voltaic interest - The sunlight's radiational output will boost and decreases 10) Ocean currents - The Gulf flow impacts the factors of great Britain as an occasion 11) Cloud formation - clouds cool the earth's floor and impact the factors 12) PDO, AMO, AO - Air currents (jet streams) impact the factors 13) Cosmic Rays - Gamma rays released from exploding stars impact the factors 14) Seismic interest - reasons land to upward push and fall and impacts climate ..... and lots greater "climate replace" because it relates to climate technology's definition is a thank you to define what people are doing to the factors that's somewhat little. CO2 (the main challenge) has yet a fractional impact on the factors specifically because of the various different factors that tension the factors. "Alarming climate replace" is a fantasy. Do people have an impact on the factors? particular, yet little or no. length does count whilst it is composed of what impacts the factors and people are an extremely small component of it.

2016-12-11 16:26:53 · answer #2 · answered by barreda 4 · 0 0

The media has a habit of reporting on the consequences of global warming and often sensationalising the issue. After all, this sells papers and grabs audiences.

Much less attention is paid to the routine, mundane stuff that's going on. And there is a lot of stuff going on including extensive research into ways to reduce and / or reverse global warming.

In Europe and some Australasian countries politicians have already done quite a lot. In some cases they've imposed taxes to reduce emissions, equally however they've made available financial incentives for those who reduce their emissions.

There's an awful lot more that they could be doing but politicians are primarily concerned about votes. Things that could affect their chances of re-election tend to get put off in the hope someone else will deal with it or it will go away.

2007-08-10 12:32:46 · answer #3 · answered by Trevor 7 · 4 2

Al Gore hasnt a clue what he is talking about. As to what you can do to affect global warming. How do you change the intensity of the sun? Any astronomer will tell you that all of the planets in our system are going thorugh global warming. It is because of a change in the solar output of the sun, not mans production of greenhouse gasses. I could list a dozen other supporting factors, but you arent likely to listen. Go look up the facts.

2007-08-10 16:52:31 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Are you aware that Global Warming is false science?

Quit believing in Chicken Little Science. The Earth is a living, breathing, dynamic planet that has gone through several cycles of cooling and warming over the past 4 billion years, and those lame brain scientists are claiming Global Warming because they base their data on about 150 - 200 years of recorded weather data. Those very scientists who talk about Global Warming will say anything they are told to say as long as the research grants keep putting money in their pockets.

2007-08-10 14:32:10 · answer #5 · answered by Darth Raptor 4 · 2 3

I wish it were true that the politicians were not doing anything about global warming. Unfortunately, this happens not to be the case. One thing you can be sure of, anything the politicians do will only make things much worse as this is always the case with government programs and mandates.

2007-08-11 17:13:49 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

What did you expect ? Gore is doing his thing trouble is we use to do those things 30, 40 years ago you know like have concerts all old stuff the earth is twice as polluted now . Maybe you young people need to think of something different our old ways didn't work back then there not working now nobodies listening. If you think of something let me know .

Looks like they paved Paradise and put in a parking lot.

2007-08-10 12:56:37 · answer #7 · answered by dad 6 · 2 2

Well ... maybe that's because nothing CAN be done to stop a natural cycle of the earth that has been going on since the earth had an atmosphere to begin with.

We can all conserve energy and recycle until we're living in recycled plastic bungalows but it's not going to stop the natural cycle of the earth's climate.

We can all give up our SUVs and our air-conditioners and our standards of living, but it ain't gonna stop the cycle.

We can buy all the carbon credits we want and make blow-hards like alGore and his disciples filthy rich, but it ain't gonna stop the cycles of the earth's climate.

So all you greenies keep on doing what makes you happy ... me, I'm gonna fire up my charcoal grill, sear me up some beef so that the ranchers in Wyoming will continue growing those methane-producing herds of cows, pump my CO2 up into the air and enjoy myself.

Ciao, baby!

2007-08-10 13:28:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I figure that all the well paid academics have found global warming, now ought go ahead and fix global warming.
I dont pay a plumber to keep telling me my pipes are leaking.

2007-08-10 12:22:37 · answer #9 · answered by vladoviking 5 · 2 2

You are right, no one seems to be doing anything at all. To which laws are you referring? None of the political candidates even mention the environment. They'd better wake up and fast.

2007-08-10 14:51:17 · answer #10 · answered by greenfrogs 7 · 1 2

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