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Why do people hate the Mormon so much? I know that it's normal human behavior to hate and fear things you don't understand, but sometimes it gets ridiculous. I think it's mostly misinformation. For example: We don't practice polygamy anymore, we don't demean women in any way, shape or form, we don't worship Joseph Smith, and we DON'T do human sacrifice or have horn (I have no idea who started those...)

2007-08-10 11:08:50 · 43 answers · asked by fergydude76 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

43 answers

I find it hard to believe anyone could believe anything Joseph Smith taught. He was a complete nutter, crazy as a loon. If you have never read the history of him writing a second bible after his wife stole the first and told him to prove it was the word of god by writing it again you really should.

2007-08-10 11:17:36 · answer #1 · answered by Gawdless Heathen 6 · 5 4

I haven't been to The Church (TM) in a looooong time, but when I did go people did practically worship Joseph Smith. During CHRISTmas there was little discussion about the person who was supposedly born in a manger 2000 years ago, but all about The Prophet.

Women *are* demeaned. They can't get the preisthood. They are told to stay at home and breed, and that is the most sacred and only really important thing for them to do. When they are seen in a positive light it's in an objectifying manner, turning them into nothing more but a Mother or Calling Holder instead of the *person* they are.

I could go on, and on, and on.... but you'd just say I'm "hating" on you. Really, I don't hate Mormons any more then I dislike any other religion.

2007-08-13 10:59:19 · answer #2 · answered by leer 3 · 0 0

Every group of any kind has people who hate or just don't approve of it. As a Catholic I understand what comes from misinformation. Sometimes I want to shout "People, Catholics are Christians!" Really, some people don't know that. I think it's fine to have different beliefs and ideas. I don't think it's fine to tell someone else they are stupid, evil, going to hell, whatever, because they have a religious difference. Now when it comes to human rights and equality I admit to being less tolerant. Much less. To be fair though, the Church of LDS has come a long way over the years. No longer are people banned because of race (officially). Polygamy is also no longer part of the official practices. There are other groups calling themselves Mormon who practice all the old ways. That is their business as far as I am concerned (excepting of course where laws are broken.) I guess my point is that as long as people are just living their lives legally and without hurting anyone else I won't condemn them. Who are any of us to judge anyway?

2007-08-10 11:55:36 · answer #3 · answered by Rosie 2 · 2 0

Well I think we have such different beliefs from the mainstream and a strange history, that it is easy for people to find fault. Much of the information they are getting from unreliable or biased sources and they are entirely relying on that information as fact. Also the term "Mormon" is becoming more and more a generic term meaning anybody who believe in Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. This extends to the Fundamentalist Mormons and the reorganized church (now the Community of Christ) and not just the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. This is becoming very confusing to many as some people think of us all as one group. It is my understanding that the people on the HBO show "Big Love" call themselves Mormon, the show is about a polygamist shoot off group. They may be Mormon under this modern Definition, but they are definitely not LDS. It is important to understand this, when we talk about all the Misconceptions. Please remember that at conference several years ago President Hinkley started asking us to stop using the term Mormon and start Using the term LDS. I think this is a good part of the reason, this will set them apart from us, and can change these incorrect misconceptions. It may get to a point where saying all Mormons are LDS is the same as saying all Christians are Catholic.

Also please remember what Joseph Smith said, that his name would be had for good and evil among all nations. That prophecy has come true and that is the case now.

There is a very strong adversary who does not want to see this work progress. He does not want to see us obtain our heavenly rewards, so he is doing everything in his power to stop the work from progressing. Spreading lies and misinformation is the way he does this. The Stronger the church gets, the more it grows, the stronger Satan will get in fighting it.

When I hear read these things here on Yahoo Answers, many times I will correct some of the blatant inaccuracies, other times I will ignore them. I just try to remember how hard my ancestors fought to just have a peaceful place to live. I have that. I have never been chased from my home into the winter night with only my pajamas and maybe a blanket and no where to go. I did not have to leave my beautiful home that I worked so hard to build and most of my posessions, to go to an unknown place and start over from scratch all because of my religion. And that was in the land that proclaimed religious freedom for all people.

I just try to live my life the best I can everyday and be an example for those around me. I correct any misconceptions I hear and direct people either to the missionaries, or one or both of the church websites to get accurate information. I always try to direct them to church sponsored site, rather than individual member sites, because then I am guaranteed that they will get the correct information.

I am an LDS woman and I can assure you that women are not abused or demeaned in any way. There are those men who do, but they are not keeping with the teachings of the church. When the abuse is found out they men who engage in it are excommunicated.

As for the Ludicrious post about anti-abortion being rape- there are a few things that you need to understand. Most LDS women think for themselves and most view abortion as murder. Most LDS women, if given the choice, would choose not to abort the baby because they believe that it is Murder, more than they are afraid of bad press from the church. Also it is not Just the LDS church that believes Abortion is murder, most churches believe this.

LDS men tend to be gentlemen. Most will help with the children and the housework as well. Most of them see it as their duty and are happy to mow the lawn and fix things up along the house. Most LDS Women I know can and will do those things when it is needed, but are more than happy to allow their man to do those things for them.

Before you people go making judgements that are completely untrue, make sure you check it out.

How many LDS women do you know? Probably none. Your stupid abortion post is very weak and really has no merit.

2007-08-10 11:44:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Obviously mormons do not tolerate criticism, judging from all the thumbs down.
Mormons have stated that it is their mission to convert the entire world. The world prefers you to bug off.
Mormons cannot engage in an argument or discussion critical of their church without whining that no one can understand them, and are anti-mormon and you're persecuting them.
Mormons cannot tolerate non-conformity.
Mormons doctrine claims skin color is the result of god's approval or displeasure in the pre-existence.
Mormons don't practice polygamy anymore, but they did from 1844 to well past 1907 despite the Mainifesto of 1890, plus D&C section 132 remains 'on the books'.
Mormon leaders had, until 1978, berated, disparaged and condemned african americans and have yet to apologize for it.
Mormons claim that the scriptural word of the early prophets and apostles are void if counter to the present ones.

Even though they may be "nice" people, their doctrine and agenda is a threat to this planet.

2007-08-10 17:36:16 · answer #5 · answered by Dances with Poultry 5 · 1 2

Because your church is guilty of Murder!

It was September 11, 1857. A wagon train of 160 settlers on their way to California was massacred by a bunch of Mormons dressed in Indian clothes. 17 children under the age of 8 were spared and lived to tell their story.
1st. They dressed as Indians but after five days they changed tactics.
2nd. Then they went a bit away ,dressed back into normal clothes and acted like the Rescue Party who had negotiated a deal with the"Indians".
3rd, Then confiscated all the guns as part of the deal for "saving" the travellers and Mormon dissidents( who were the reason for the attack in the first place).
4th. Took everybody off a mile or so and shot them all. 2 men got away but were eventually tracked down and killed a day or so later.
5th. Took the 17 children they had not killed back with them to Salt Lake City.
6th. Got away with it. After a publicized trial, with the childrens own testimony admitted into the court, only 1 man was convicted and shot, John D. Lee. ( pardoned by Church 1960) The church even protected over 100 other killers involved in this massacre from Federal prosecution thus making them guilty of Murder as accessories after the fact. Then they say "Thou Shalt Not Kill " doesn't apply to them . Only everyone else.

It ended up being called the Mountain Meadows Massacre. The first time in U.S. history that U.S. citizens were massacred on U.S. soil by religious wackos. This event is even more significant because the total U.S. population at the time was much smaller.(I dont know the exact numbers, maybe only 30 million or so) In todays numbers it would be around 1400 dead.

2007-08-11 09:39:35 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think that it is not enough for some people to hate and fear what they do not understand. Some people feel the need to demonize minority groups so that we will not "corrupt" their children/women/men.

As a Hellenic Polythiest, I face the same prejudices all the time (Pagans=BAD) from a lot of people who really should know better if they are looking at the teachings of their religion......

2007-08-10 11:17:23 · answer #7 · answered by Anne Hatzakis 6 · 1 0

its not really hate its more of resentment because and this goes for all religions by the way that religion no matter what it is wants you to give up the best things in life for some kinda of idol and the mormon religion is just one of those religions that kinda takes it too far no bdays and no christmas thats why i dont have a religion its just destracts of what you should be doing which is worshiping your god, read your bible and pray and live your life dont listen to anyone and dont let it get to you good luck

2007-08-13 20:36:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't hate you but is it not true that the Mormon religion teaches that there is "No Salvation" without accepting Joseph Smith (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation pp. 189-190) I only posted part of that docrine, other parts say: no-one cannot enter the kingdom of God without believing this. Isn't this glorifying Joseph Smith? Doesn't this equate him with Christ Jesus? What we 'believe' has more to do with our salvation, then what we do. Jesus Christ plus 'anything' is not scriptural and this is my main reason for rejecting the teachings of the Mormon church.
Saying the Mormon church does not worship Joseph Smith is false and is a mis-representation of Mormon doctrine. To elevate any person to the stature of Christ Jesus 'is' worship.
To say that Christ Jesus cannot save us without the help of someone or something else, is in direct conflict with the scriptures. The greatest prophets of the New and Old Testaments never equated themselves with God in this way. Even Christ Jesus humbled Himself and did not seek His own Glory. What I am telling you is based on Scripture, I do not say it out of hate, rather, I pray you will open the Scriptures and allow God to illuminate your understanding of His sacrifice and victory over sin and death for all of us. Jesus is perfect and holy and completely sinless, He is the only sacrifice needed.

2007-08-10 12:13:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Well I've only had one experience with face to face mormons. That gfamily happened to have had Nazi roots and were a little too proud of it.

I remember sitting in AP Gov. Senior year and this kid shouts out "My grandfather was a nazi!" Me, being a Jew and sitting next to him, stared at this kid for a while and then got up and moved to another desk.

Of course, I don't think all Mormons are nazis... If I were to meet a normal nice Mormon I would much rather tell the story of our meeting than the story of the Nazi mormon

2007-08-10 11:14:10 · answer #10 · answered by future_jewish_public_defender 4 · 3 1

Not everybody here hates you guys, man. I don't claim to understand your religion, but so what. The Mormons I have known were some of the kindest people I ever met. That's all that really matters.

2007-08-10 12:26:25 · answer #11 · answered by RIP_GOP 5 · 2 0

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