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2007-08-10 10:54:23 · 27 answers · asked by Positive-Pixie 4 in Politics & Government Military

Why lose the lives of our husband, sons, daughters, wives in any war?

Wouldn't it be better if those who are already senticed to die were sent to war instead? Their every move would be monitored and trained by the military. They would be kept separate from law abiding citizens.

2007-08-10 10:57:24 · update #1

oops... I misspelled sentenced I hate when I misspell anything!

2007-08-10 11:00:09 · update #2

Sending them to war with every probability that they will be killed would then give their families, their offspring the chance and hope for a better life. They would then not have to suffer for the crimes of their parent.

If the children of criminals haven't done wrong why should they be denied a better life?

2007-08-10 11:07:19 · update #3

27 answers

Why not, just take them with out training and see what they can do, our prison would be empty for a very short while and the tax payers burden would lessened.

2007-08-10 11:07:12 · answer #1 · answered by cfb193 5 · 1 1

Are you serious?

First, how many massacres do you expect to happen when you give murderers guns? Second, how well do you think they will respond to a commanding officer ordering them to stand up when they are being shot at, run in the direction of the gunfire, and sacrifice their lives when necessary?

Serious thought about this issue will convince you of it's bankruptcy. Have you ever seen the movie 'the 300'? Citizen soldiers will give their lives to protect their country, criminals will not. Soldiers represent everything that is desirable in our country, criminals are the inverse.

They sign up to protect their wives, children, spouses. Criminals will not fight for anything.

2007-08-10 11:23:01 · answer #2 · answered by Adam R 3 · 4 0

Has some respect for yourself. Any war we feel is worth fighting should pose at least some risk to our upstanding citizens. Don't rob us of what little self respect we have left. Our enemies may not like us.. they scoff at our satellite intel, and industrial might as replacements for blood, but at least they know we are still somewhat willing to spill our blood for what we believe in. If we are at war, killing other people, we have a moral responsibility to at least risk being killed ourselves.

Don't take the very meaning of Honor away from our young men and woman.

2007-08-12 06:38:10 · answer #3 · answered by erikfaraway 3 · 0 0

there have been judges that have sentenced jail or military, but there are military regulation that prevent them from joining.

besides if we did they prob just run off to whatever country were at war with and sell them anything and everything they could get their hands ons.

Besides how would you feel if your buddy that had to cover your @ss was a violent criminal.......and if you are not military think of it this way what if you had a violent criminal that had to live in your house for several months

2007-08-10 11:11:17 · answer #4 · answered by shvrx 3 · 1 0

These days, criminals aren't conscripted and trained to be soldiers for the same reason we don't conscript and train criminals to be firemen and police officers. It's too sensitive a job, you can't trust them with the expensive and classified equipment the military get, in addition to the responsibilities soldiers are expected to uphold in war and peace. Furthermore, their loyalty and motivation would be of somewhat dubious quality.

2007-08-10 11:12:32 · answer #5 · answered by Gotta have more explosions! 7 · 1 0

That's an idea...but you need to think about some of things that could actually happen if we were to do that....

Here are some what ifs':

1) what if they were to be found raping an innocent person?

2) what if they were found stealing from the innocents?

3) what if they were found murdering the wrong ones?

4) what if they were find a way to escape and become even more a tyrant they already have been known to be?

5) what if they bomb the wrong locations?

6) what if they were to get into their own war among each other (like in racism, bigotry, gang-retaliations) and end up killing each other...in someone else's land....

7) what if they get into their own kind of drug wars?

there are more conclusions I could come up with...but the whole scenario would end up being those that were to send them will end getting hated by all the other countries around more than they already do now...

Thanks to the US administration....their warmongerin' is going to eventually get us all killed in another world war...Just like Bush is now threatening Iran with his speculations that we haven't seen enough proof of yet, that (Iran) their training insurgents to kill Americans in Iraq....Bush should go over there and fight for himself and not send us there for his lies. He did lie, and thousands have died.

Though I think the idea would spare some more innocent people....but I think the idea would also create harm to innocents as well.


2007-08-10 11:08:02 · answer #6 · answered by DARREN D 2 · 8 2

Ooh I know lets give death row criminals (therefore murderers and such like) big ******* guns and let them loose on the world! FFS!!!!! Who would lead them? More criminals? I doubt that somehow. Itd be ordinary guys so either way.....

I'm ex british army (served in Northern Ireland-three tours, Bosnia and Kosovo-two tours) and what people in 'civvy street' (civilian life) don't seem to understand on either side of the atlantic that soldiers, airmen, sailors, and marines join the services TO GO TO WAR - they always know its a possibility and when it happens they get excited and eager to go. they may well change their mind when they get there, when they realise it ain't nothin' like the A-Team, but nonetheless THAT IS THE REASON THEY JOIN IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Civilians should stop criticising and support our boys in what they are doing. whatever they're personal views on the particular conflict.

2007-08-10 11:48:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I think the point(s) you are missing here, is that first of all, it is a privelege to serve your country, that's why we have an all volunteer force, secondly, it's not too bright to take a hardened criminal, and give them the skills, knowlege, and ability to kill efficiently, quickly, and without hesitation. Some people actually make it out of combat zones y'know (I did), and if one, even one of the people you suggest training makes it back, whaddaya think he (or she)'s gonna do? Join a church choir? Maybe put some newly aquired skills to work? Hmmmmm?

2007-08-10 11:24:10 · answer #8 · answered by mikosin357 3 · 1 1

This must qualify as the most stupid question of the year!

So in your opinion its better to train anti-social misfits with automatic weapons etc.. what happens when the war is over and all these people return home?

Who is going to control them or prevent them using the knowledge of weapons and tactics, in anti-social behaviour like murder, kidnaping, and rape etc...etc..

2007-08-10 22:11:50 · answer #9 · answered by conranger1 7 · 0 0

Because criminals probably don't want to go to war and no matter how well you train someone, if they don't want to defend their country then they won't. We should be proud of the men and women who have put up their hands voluntarily to serve our country and protect us.

2007-08-10 14:18:58 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

think of somewhat approximately what you're offering. What you assert is that criminals are equivalent to our militia females and adult adult males human beings! i do no longer think of so, no way, no longer now, by no ability. we don't need rapists and murderers marching decrease than the flag I served decrease than.

2016-10-02 01:44:07 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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