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Just put it this way, if your 12 year old is having sex (willingly, not molested by an older person), YOU HAVE FAILED AS A PARENT. 12 to me is still very much a child, not a teen. Children require supervision. Heck teens require supervision. If my 12 year old was having sex, she'd be packing her bags for BOOT CAMP, after her father busts her backside.

12 having sex, that's just sick!

2007-08-10 21:38:48 · answer #1 · answered by olschoolmom 7 · 0 0

YES AND NO. it is easy to put the blame for the child doing things they should not on to the parents but parents can not be with their secondary school age kids all the time they must give them some freedom and trust .Having brought them up to know right from wrong it is then up to the young person to behave as they should . Children learn by example so they copy what they see as acceptable behaviour not just by parents extended family but from friends and peers too. I think some are looking for love or to be accepted and do things they do not want to just to be one of the in group .And sometimes it is all talk .12 is very young to be having sex even if it is "safe sex" The age of consent was set at 16 for reasons one of which was to protect young girls from being forced to have sex before they were emotionally and physically ready for it . I may be old fashion but at 12 girls are still children .Children's clothes/fashion are part to blame bra and knicker sets for 3 year old mini adult fashion and provocative slogans on tiny tops . So it is not all the parents they could be a factor but there are other factors involved too with underage sex. I think it comes down to an oldfashion word that is often lacking in society as a whole today RESPECT ,for your self ,for the law, and for others.

2007-08-11 21:26:39 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

At least! At 12, a child still depends on the parents to drive them places and they should not be wandering around all the time unsupervised. Where are they having this sex? Kids that young should not be allowed to go hang at their friends' homes unless there is a parent present. Knowing a kid's friends and the friends' parents is key! There are still going to be little girls gone wild, but a 12 year old needs to be involved in activities that keep her out of trouble and that will give her more respect for herself. A 12 year old having sex is a child desperate for attention and acceptance by someone. The parents should be providing that so that she does not seek it from the wrong source.

2007-08-10 11:00:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, I do think that parents are somewhat to blame. Where are these girls finding the time to be alone with a boy or man? You can bet that until my daughters were and are 16 yrs of age, I know where they're at and what they are doing. I can only hope that I have instilled enough respect for themselves in that 16 years that they make the right decisions after that. So far, I have two adult daughters that it worked for, and three more up and coming. I can only do my part as a parent and pray for the rest.

2007-08-10 11:00:23 · answer #4 · answered by bawlinkids 1 · 0 0

Actually changing human biology part due to what we eat is partly to blame as humans are entering puberty earlier on average...

This does not mean they should start so early.

Other then that most certainly yet for fostering a society where sex is seen as something not to talk about and kept quiet as dirty and the looney tune idea that teenagers are children ...

Where irresponsible parents wait to late and give wholely inadequate lessons if any so the kids dont ask them questions as embarrased . Then find out from mates etc which all spread bs and the parents attack anyone trying to fix this giving proper lessons calling them perverted etc.

Also daring to let relgion have an infleuence which def ruins things

Also you find its in countires where they get the most sex ed from the earliest age and where everyone is open about sex and its not something to hide or seen as dirty that they wait.

ie Netherlands is sex on Tv, all open about sex, they start intensive constant lesons from the age of four over and over agains saturating kids

Yet the average age for starting is 17 which people expect and have prepared kids for.

Said ed is centred around the fact it will start in teenage and when it happens its only when the teenagers feel genuinely ready, not coerced or drunk etc.

Whilst the relgiously repressive countires often have child arranged marriage or countires like the US where its absteaniance lessons and too late you have huge teenage pregnancy problems

2007-08-10 21:16:13 · answer #5 · answered by Joey 3 · 0 0

Can a middle-aged old fogey shed some light on this?

I had sex with a 13 year old girl when I was 14 (that would be in 1970) - we were all at it. This is not a new phenomenon.

Unless parents lock their children up, parents are powerless to prevent these activities from taking place.

Who can one blame for 'underage' sex? The media? Pop music? Big Brother? Liberal psychologists? Parents?

I was brought up well in a middle class, Christian family, and the girl I had sex with was of similar ilk. We were both happy to have sex. In those days, there was little sex education, although I was able to obtain condoms from a sympathetic barber - the mens barbers in those days sold condoms - 'something for the weekend, Sir'.

Unless we go back to a Calvanistic, repressive regime whereby we segregate our children and observe them all the time, and thus create almost insurmountable hang-ups in them, us older folk will never be able to prevent adolescents from having sex. For boys and men, once the old Trouser Snake starts expanding, it will need the patience of Job to keep it in order. I will leave it to women to posit adolescent female sexuality.

It is a fact that young people will have sex - it is not a new phenomenon. The best thing that parents can do is to provide their offspring with physical and moral teaching about this subject, in an open and non-threatening manner. As for the State, England has actually criminalised kissing (yes, kissing) between 13 year olds (Sexual Offences Act, 2006).

I hope that this Act is never made retrospective. About 50% of the Second Form in my old school could be convicted on penetrative sex or handling breasts/genitals, and nearly all of us for kissing.And this is from 1970!

2007-08-10 11:31:45 · answer #6 · answered by ? 6 · 1 1

I think so. Kids that young shouldn't even really know all details about sex. Much less be out doing it. The parents are to blame to a certain extent. However, the kids they hang out with are to blame also. My sister had sex basically because her friends were all doing it and pressuring her into doing it too. She just wasn't as young as 12, but that's just the way it is these days.

2007-08-10 11:14:32 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Partly, but only because parents do not properly educate their children. Many parents and people in general still treat sex like a taboo subject. It is not the sex in the media that has them going it is the way we treat sex like it is a dirty mystery. In countries where nudity is prevalent on regular television, where sex is talked about openly and honestly without embarrassment. There are lower rate of teen pregnancy. The sluttiest girls that I knew growing up were always the girls that went to the schools where sex never would have been spoken of other than to call it a sin and an abomination. I believe that in households with open and honest dialog about sex and drugs, you are less likely to find these issues becoming a problem.

2007-08-10 11:06:57 · answer #8 · answered by unholycricket 5 · 2 0

You said part of the blame and I think they are partly to blame. I can't imagine my child having enough time out of my sight except during school hours to be having sex. Not to mention the fact that it is up to the parents to teach values such as not having sex at 12 ( or 13-17for that matter) If I said anything older than 17 I would be a hypocrite.

2007-08-10 11:01:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Yes, I think that parents are mostly to blame when a 12 y.o. is sexually active. Don't get me wrong, there are exceptions b/c some kids will just be wild. Parents should always know their kids' friends and the family of the friends. They should know where their children are and when they are there, and impose rules & curfews. There are too many parents who want to be friends and forget that discipline from a friend doesn't mean as much as when it is coming from a parent.

2007-08-10 13:26:03 · answer #10 · answered by Sylvia 4 · 0 0

At twelve years old the parents should still know where the kids are. However, I believe that it is society for advertising how great sex is. Kids hear this and talk with their friends and want to be part of it. Before I got married I dated a man with a 10 and 12 year old and they were using sexual phrases and names for parts of the body that my friends and I had never even heard of. They are growing up way to fast these days!!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-10 10:58:51 · answer #11 · answered by Vikki 4 · 0 0

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