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would god really flood the whole world and did everyone expect for noel deserve to drown?
why did god do that if jesus died to save our sins? drowning is not forgiving
and also-i dont quite believe the gathering of all the animals in the world- how did noel convince the lions who may have lived thousands of miles away to come back to his boat?and fit them all on???
and the other animals that drowned why did they derserve that??

2007-08-10 08:51:44 · 32 answers · asked by diamondchichan 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

it's one of the many things that prove that the bible is untrue.

2007-08-10 08:56:47 · answer #1 · answered by Aaron 3 · 5 5

Im guessing you mean Noah lol I believe the story of Noah and the Ark is true. Some say it isnt meant to be taken literally but Jesus referred to the Flood as a real event.

God was and is forgiving, He gave the people a LOT of time to repent, He warned them what would happen and when he was forced to kill the people, He saved a family so the human race would not be completely destroyed. Finally He promised He would never again flood the earth..and God doesnt break His promises!

The animamls came to Noah because God brought them. Simple as that. The other animals did die..the truth is, saving the human race from sin meant more to Him than the animals. Remember it is WE who are made in His image, not animals, not even the angels were given that privelige.

You know, if you're a Christian then you believe in an awesome God who is all powerful and can do anything! I dont think to flood the whole world would be a stretch!!

Love in Christ

2007-08-11 06:18:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Noah preached for about 40 years so the people had every opportunity to get into the ark. Genesis 6:5 says that God "saw that the badness of man was abundant in the earth and every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time."

It was prophecied in the Old Testament that a seed would come from the line of Judah, this would be the Messiah who turned out to be Jesus. Had God left the wicked people of Noah's day to continue, how soon would it have been before they would have destroyed themselves due to their thoughts being bad all the time? God does not bring about a destruction unless absolutely necessary.

You are right, drowning is not forgving, but do you think the wicked of Noah's day asked for forgiveness? Just because Jesus died for people's sins, does not mean everyone will be saved, only those who exercise faith in him. (John 3:16)

A tiger uses its fangs and claws to catch, kill and tear apart other animals. Yet, could not these same fangs and claws be used in tearing apart heavy vegetation and ripping off husks and shells? What about poisonous snakes? In “Animal Poisoners” H. Munro Fox wrote: “In some cases we know that poisons play a role in the functioning of the body of the animal which manufactures them. In many instances this may be the real raison d’être [reason for existence] of the venoms, quite apart from any protective value. The poisonous spittle of snakes, for example, has work to do in the digestion of the snake’s food.”

Animals were not always necessarily meat-eaters. Genesis 1:30 says: "And to every wild beast of the earth and to every flying creature of the heavens and to everything moving upon the earth in which there is life as a soul I have given all green vegetation for food.” And it came to be so."

Who says the animals lived thousands of miles away? The geography of the world could have been very much different before the weight of the water that fell on it.

2007-08-14 05:16:45 · answer #3 · answered by Iron Serpent 4 · 0 0

I don't know about noels ark but I do know a whole lot about Noah's ark. (Not being cynical) In reality there are stories similar to the Ark legend that predate the Bibles version of creation. The best known of these is a tale from Babylon that is very similar. It is possible that when the Hebrews were captives of the Babylonians that they picked up the story and put a Jewish spin on it to use as a morality tale.

I will ring your doorbell and run away!!!

2007-08-10 08:58:58 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Satan♥Lord♥of♥Flames♥ 3 · 1 0

Noel's ark? Wasn't that the Late Late Breakfast Ark? Or possibly the Ark Or No Ark?

It didn't happen. Even when Noah might conceivably have been alive, say a few thousand years ago, there were already millions and millions of species of animal on the earth. Forget the lions - how did he get kangaroos and emus onto it, since no Westerner had discovered Australia yet? Or polar bears? Or penguins? How did he get all the countless millions of species of insect onto it, especially as scientists estimate that there are a lot of insect species that we haven't identified yet? Did bacteria count? How about viruses?

It is completely unbelievable, like much else in the Bible, and is probably based on much earlier legends of a global cataclysm, of which there have been plenty in the lifetime of the human species.

2007-08-10 12:18:37 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The story of Noah's Ark, like everything else within the bible is fiction.

The bible is quite simply The Lord of The Rings of its day.

Do you honestly think that a boat could be constructed which is so large that it could fit the 1.5 million different species of animals within its hulk?

Does the bible mention the hundred of years it would have taken Noah to travel around the world in order to bring all these animals back to his ark.

What cruelty!! Subjecting polar bears to the intense heat which is experienced in the middle east even during the winter months!!

Dita gets nearest to the truth. The Noah flood myth was born as a result of the birth of the Black Sea which occurred when the land which had separated this place from the Meditarranean Sea was breached.

Just grow up and embrace science.

The bible is for backward looking folk who are scared of progress!

2007-08-10 09:02:15 · answer #6 · answered by pagreen1966 3 · 2 2

Ok, being Christian too, I don't think anybody alive today REALLY knows what went on back then. However, talking to some people, they say this story was real, while others say it was a parable. Same with the story of Adam and Eve. Some people believe they are real, some think they are no more then stories to explain the way God works, Myself, I think that story of Noah's ark may have some truth to it, but was exagerated to prove a point. But hey. Its your religion. Believe what you think is right!

2007-08-10 09:00:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Do your research and you find

A) The noah story was a total plageristic rip off, of the Mospotanian Gilgamesh ledgend

B) this one appears to have been not the world flood but more the creation of the black see when there was a beakdown of the land roughly where Istambul is tat resulted in the Mediteranian flooding a valley the size of france where we now have the Black sea

2007-08-10 10:20:34 · answer #8 · answered by Joey 3 · 0 1

I think its a mythological story based on real floods that were large but localized and meant to convey a moral or point. If it really happened why isn't the fossil recorded mixed rather than layered with earlier to later species? Why do we have evidence and records from the Egyptian culture unbroken through the time period this supposedly happened? Many more points than this make this story implausible.

2007-08-10 09:01:06 · answer #9 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 1 0

Many of the stories of the bible are taken from The Egyptians, Pagans and other myths that existed in literature long before the bible. (Christmas is actually a Roman Pagan holiday celebrating the day of light after the winter solstice, hence all the christmas lights)
The story of Noah is taken from the Gilgamesh epic which is taken from the Epic of Atra-hasis, both of babylon. The Atra-hasis story also has a creation myth similar to the biblical account.

2007-08-10 09:09:27 · answer #10 · answered by rilash020100 2 · 0 1

Firstly the name is Noah.You must take some stories in the Bible with a pinch of salt.The Ark and Noah is one and also Adam and Eve.These are story telling in my opinion.I am not saying the whole Bible is fiction because I don't know,but some of it is too far-fetched to be believable.Guess we all find out when we die.

2007-08-10 09:01:08 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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