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I'm 18 and my girlfriend is 17, a year and 3 months younger than I am. We've never had sex before, not even when I was 17 and she was 16. Is it still technically illegal now? When can we do it?

2007-08-10 07:02:36 · 272 answers · asked by M 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

I couldn't be called a molester if I had sex with someone a year and 3 months younger, could I?

2007-08-10 07:03:22 · update #1

272 answers

What state are you in?

Wow so many bad answers here. Check this website for the age of consent in your state.


2007-08-10 07:16:59 · answer #1 · answered by elurle 6 · 4 1

It really does depend on what state you live in. In Georgia the 'age of consent' is 16 years old. We have a HUGE court case going on here where a couple had consensual ORAL sex. The girl was 15 and the guy was 17. He was an honor roll student with a huge, promising career in football. He had already received offers for full scholarships to numerous colleges. He had everything going for him. During a New Year's Eve party someone video taped them in the act.

The guy was convicted of aggravated child molestation and was sentenced to the MINIMUM 10 year prison term. It has been a long, terrible process.

PLEASE think long and hard before engaging in premarital sex. It is not only risky behavior but it is something you will most likely regret. Your body should be saved for the woman that you marry....on your wedding night. And you should give your girlfriend the same opportunity. Once you give away your virginity, you can never get it back.

Please check out the websites below about the young man mentioned above.


2007-08-10 07:43:48 · answer #2 · answered by Joy 5 · 1 1

It all depends on what her parents would do if they found out about a physical relationship. I believe the law varies in some states, but in many an 18 year old can still be prosecuted for statutory rape if he's with an underage girl. Some laws do the same to females with underage guys...but not many.

My advice is to wait just a little while longer. You've waited this long, give it a little bit more time and build your relationship and plan your future together if that's your plan. You are to be commended for being able to wait this long. Not many guys do that and it shows how much you really do care about your girlfriend. If she's worth waiting this long for, she's worth waiting just a little while longer. Laws or no laws, make sure that you are both ready for a physical relationship and when you do start one, please remember to use protection. Even if you two are still virgins, you don't want to risk becoming parents before you're financially and emotionally ready for it and you CAN get pregnant the first time you have sex. You can get pregnant even if you just mess around real close together even if there isn't penetration. Protect yourselves and your future by being smart. Sorry if this is stuff you already know, but just in case you hadn't thought about it, I wanted to mention it.

Take care and good luck.

2007-08-10 07:47:16 · answer #3 · answered by Top Alpha Wolf 6 · 0 1

Depends on the state you live in. I live in GA and at 17 you are legally a adult so no then you wouldnt get in trouble. Some states take it very seriously about being younger then 18 and having sex with someone 18 and older. I say if she's ready and your ready then go for it,as long as there isnt anyone out there going to run to the police. But my best advice if she isnt THE ONE dont do it regardless of the age , you'll regret it when you do find THE ONE! GOOD LUCK- be patient!

2007-08-10 07:29:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The way you have asked, it sounds like you only want to know about the legality of it. Therefore, the 1.25yrs has nothing to do with it. Having sex with a minor is illegal regardless of your age delta, mental stability, and consensual or not. However, there isn't a task force out there breaking down doors looking for kids having sex. So it should be left to the morals of the two of you.

My advice/opinion is to remember that one day you will meet the women you'll end up marrying and who you will want to be completely honest with. Do you want to have to tell her about how much sex with others you have had before her, or do you want to be able to raise the simple act of orgasm to a new level of intimacy. It's hard to "make love" at such an early age.
Besides, there is also A LOT of other things that can be done (gray area) instead of inter coarse.
If you think she is the one, then you really don't want to get stuck basing your relationship on sex. The sex drops off after you get married and becomes less important. If the relationship isn't based on more then that it will be destined to fail.

One last thing, ALL birth control methods fail some time.

2007-08-10 08:03:23 · answer #5 · answered by Capn 2 · 0 1

If you've waited this long I would be proud and continue to hold off...the longer you wait the more special it will be....preferably your wedding night...if you are both virgins then it will be a wonderful thought and a clean plate...you will NEVER have to imagine or wonder about previous partners...legally, it may vary by state but I think in most states she does have to be 18....even if you were 1 month apart...doesn't matter...if you are "an adult" and she is a minor...her parents can file charges on your behind and you could go to jail and YES have to register as a sex offender the rest of your life...NOT WORTH IT!!!!! Just wait, you'll be glad you did...if you love each other it will happen eventually but when you are both ready and hopefully have been blessed by God to do so (married). Remember you can end up raising a family even if you take all the precautions so if you aren't ready for that...you aren't ready at all!!!!!

2007-08-10 07:22:00 · answer #6 · answered by trainergirl30 3 · 0 1

You wouldnt be caled a molester. Molestation is touch not intercourse. Research what your taling about. And technically you could still get into trouble for having sex with her. like hmm... If her parents found out. and another point to bring up is that maybe you should wait till you are married. i know that sound korny and **** and im not a jesus freak or anything but i have already travled that type of road and now i am a single mom with a kid and a ex-husband who cant do anything for himself or his son including stopping by even once a week to even see his son. And the situation doesnt skip peole and you two are no diffrent and there isnt such thing as "safe sex" contrary to what everyone tells you. Screw it! Live your live contrary to a degrading society and the trend or take somones well ment advice and give your life a better shot. Its your choice.

2007-08-10 07:42:29 · answer #7 · answered by moonlitocean2000 2 · 1 1

As silly as it sounds, unless your state has a "Romeo and Juliet" clause in its statutory rape law, you could be accused and sentenced as a child molester. It happened in Atlanta, as I’m sure you’ve heard about, when an 18 year old high school kid had consensual sex with a 15 year old high school girlfriend from the same school. She didn’t want to press charges. Her parents didn’t want to press charges. He was tried and convicted, nonetheless, and has spent the last 4 years in prison. The state has since amended their laws, making what he did no longer illegal, but he can’t be released because it was illegal when he did it. He will be required to register as a sex offender the rest of his life, unless a judge overturns his conviction and releases him.

If you do decide to do anything, be as careful as you can. No pictures, no witnesses. If her dad catches you it’s bad enough. If the cops catch you, and the prosecutor has some sand in his vagina that day, you could be facing a lifetime of problems. It would have to be mind-blowing sex to make it worth that!

Good luck!

2007-08-10 07:32:23 · answer #8 · answered by Becka Gal 5 · 0 0

First, you should wait for marriage and to truly know if you both are going to be faithful to each other. Also, think about if she gets pregnant, what are both of you going to do. Remember relationships don't always last but in the mist of it you can have children, diseases, and ruin a friendship. So, you truly need to think what will happen beyond the sex.

Now, if you still want to have sex. Legally it could be consider stautory rape in some states because you are 18 and considered an adult. If she doesn't cry rape or her parents don't file charges against you for having sex with their minor daughter than you may skate by with having sex before she's 18.

Think hard about the law, what happens beyond sex, and if it's worth any of the risk!!!!!

2007-08-10 07:47:48 · answer #9 · answered by Turk 1 · 0 1

I commend you for being such a level headed young man. Most 18 year olds would not even care about the age and just have sex any chance they get. To bad more guys are not like you. I would say your girlfriend is very lucky.
Any way to be on the safe side I would contact someone in your area and ask them if on the legal side this would be OK. I see nothing wrong with it on the human side. But do use Protection and act responsible as you have show you are so far.

2007-08-10 07:56:21 · answer #10 · answered by regina 6 · 1 0

Many states have a loose "5 year rule" which states that if the age difference is less than 5 years, they don't treat it as rape. BUT this negotiable and by no means a guarantee. If her or her parents are vindictive, she could have you arrested for rape. I've seen it happen. its not pretty. And on the other side of the argument, and I'm sure you have heard this before... but WHENEVER you have sex there is a chance of pregnancy, no matter how carefull you are and how much B-control she or you use. So just be sure that you realize you could end up parents, and think hard about whether you are ready for that or not. 18 is still young. you have alot of fun times ahead.. don't ruin it for some booty.

2007-08-10 07:42:59 · answer #11 · answered by writenimage 4 · 1 1

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