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tell me why?

2007-08-10 06:58:53 · 70 answers · asked by Nina Lista 1 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

70 answers

I am against religion. But I am for God and Jesus and Christianity which is not a religion.

Religion is man's attempt to gain a right relationship with God.

Christianity is God's attempt to restore men to having fellowship with God.

Pastor Art

2007-08-10 07:02:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 14 24

I'm not against faith.

I AM against organized religion, because so many preach that there is only one right path, that everyone else is wrong...and look how some took that. Now we're in a war that began with an attack on our country.

I believe in a higher power. I don't fully trust a human written book. History has been corrupted and proven wrong many times, why is the human-written bible any different?

Faith should be a personal matter, and no one should have a say in another's faith.

2007-08-10 07:46:05 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I am not against religion or god only the fairy tales they have evolved religion from. Most biblical scholars agree that the bible was written well after the fact and was strictly a political work. Mary Magdalene was Jesus favorite, several apostles said so. Some of the writings tht were not included said Jesus married Mary at the wedding feast where he performed his first miracle. But 3 centuries later when they voted on what was to be in the bible they decided that she was a prostitute or had 7 demons. Everything is made up and then the fundies try and shove it down our throats the word of god. No thanks.

2007-08-10 07:42:02 · answer #3 · answered by bocasbeachbum 6 · 1 0

I am against religion in the sense of what it is today. I think "religious" people can be separated into a couple different groups:
1. They are highly religious and only hang out with other religious people and think that the "others" are going to hell
2. There are those who just kind of fake through the motions, and don't really even try to be like christ.
Either way, I think they give christians a bad name. Christians aren't perfect. We sin too, but these type of religious people are more focused on the rules and the rights and wrongs than christ. Religious people tend to hang out with out other religious people. I think that separating ourselves from the sinners is, well I'll be frank, silly. I don't think God wanted people to weigh so heavy on the do's and don'ts and rules, but rather be a positive influence on the world by being like christ. Who knows, maybe I'm wrong, but Jesus was drawn more to those who were in need, not those who were happy and singing....

There are many many awesome christians out there. I'm not knocking christianity. Sometimes, I just wish people would lighten up a little and love each other. Have grace. Stop critisizing.

2007-08-10 07:38:21 · answer #4 · answered by Wendy B 5 · 2 0

I think many of us are against the modern day concept of organized religion. Spirituality is individual to each person - i.e. I am not comfortable in a religion that only worships a God and not a Goddess. There is no balance. But that is my belief - if males being all supreme - works for you - then Blessed be - have at it. But i do agree with the statements - don't shove it down my throat. I don't go door to door and ask - Have you hugged your Goddess today? I think people should seek environments that enable them to develop their own spiritual ideas and needs - not just believe what someone told them is the truth. The truth lies within you and your personal journey.

2007-08-10 07:40:01 · answer #5 · answered by Ro 1 · 1 0

Well, I am non-denominational. I do not
attend any of the Churches. But in many cases folks wouldn't even think of God at all except they remember they go to Church Tonite, ya know?
I study "religiously" the Scriptures, and I am
an every-single-day Christian, not just a Sunday morning one who likes to "play church".
The word "religion" is just a man-made term.
Christ was not at all happy with the Churches and Temples of the time He was in the flesh, nor is he any happier with those today.
So joining a specific religion or church system is not gonna make the difference to God; that Church Priest or Pastor is not gonna be standing between you and God on judgement day, thats for sure.
Its you, and you alone.
Belief is a very personal thing. Religion is a word I would rather avoid altogether.
Christianity is my reality, not my religion.

2007-08-10 07:45:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I'm not against religion just the behavior they tend to display the aggressiveness they use when they want others to join. Using the first myth "since they do not believe in god they do not believe in anything" and to back it up with questioning "how can you believe in anything if you do not believe in god?" or "god created everything so disbelieving in him means you do not believe in anything." (that is a baffling ignorant and non respectful thing to use as reasoning). Acting as if anyone who is without a religion or the so call "the religion" can not have morals... I also can't stand how some can stand to tell someone in some form or way that I believe or make a claim that he/she is my savior as well but I'm being rebellious.

2007-08-10 07:31:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Hmm I'm sometimes yes, then sometimes no. I'm a serious contextualist Christian. I don't like fundamentalisim, televangalists, the forcing of payment in a religion for something, and a few other things I can't remember. I love my parish personally but just because I do doesn't mean I agree with the church on everything, many Christians don't. So yeah I'm not sometimes then sometimes I am.

2007-08-13 13:22:12 · answer #8 · answered by Cindy 3 · 0 0

I against it because religion has caused more suffering in the world than anything. especially Christians. Christians always say we are a peaceful bunch but how do they explain all the wars in the bible from the Jews. and even after the bible, there was the crusades, and the Waco incident and Timothy McVeigh and what Hitler done because he thought he was doing what God wanted him to do,for example. And people trying to push their beliefs on them and if they didn't except them they were killed. I am Deist, So I don't believe in any of the fairytales in the bible because they have not been proven

2007-08-10 07:35:42 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I am not against anything, everyone has their own path and any path that leads to god is a good one. There are a couple of reasons that I don't prescribe to any certain religion.

1. I cannot assume that there is only one way to god or what
is going to happen when we die. Gods plan is a mystery
to all. It is never my place to judge anyone elses journey
or relationship to god. I believe that there are many paths
and many truths.

2. I believe that we all have a direct connection to god. That
relationship does not require man made ritual. God is a
part of me and I a part of him, there is no seperation, I do
not believe that god is transcendent, I belive he is
omnipresent within us all.

3. I believe that we are all inherently pure love, pure god. I do
not believe that we are born "sinners" and inherently bad.
I believe that it is our responsibility to realize who we
are,who god created us each to be and to share that with
the world . Ego is our enemy, not the "devil" We must
uncover what we truly are, part of god which is nothing but
pure love and light. Religion teaches the opposite.

4. I believe heaven and hell are states of mind and energy
and they can be realized right here, right now.

5. I believe that the energy of judgement, fear, exclusion,
righteousness and hatred are dangerous to ourselves,
others and the world. These all stem from Ego, the need
to be right, better, more, than someone else. As long as
this is what we see as important, true peace and love will
not prevail, the lesson is to see all as equal, all as one.
Seperation, fear and judgment seem to be the cornerstone
of most religions.

It has not been my path but I know others that find their peace in it, their connection to god and that is always a beautiful thing.

When do we stop trying to make others wrong and focus on our own journey, our own path, our own connection to God? Why does somebody have to be "right"?

2007-08-10 07:35:38 · answer #10 · answered by Mamalissa 2 · 1 0

I am not against religion on a personal level. I think that every person has the right to live according to their beliefs so long as they are not harming others. What I am against is religious people who think they have the right to legislate their particular faith based beliefs onto those who don't share them. I am also against indoctrination of young people in public into any one particular faith based religious belief. There was a Yahoo user on here earlier saying that her belief was that all marriages should only be legitimate if they were religiously based. In her eyes she would like to delegitimize my secular marriage that is currently recognized as a legal and valid marriage as well as deny marriage to people who don't meet her religious qualifications. This kind of thing I am very much against.

2007-08-10 07:49:30 · answer #11 · answered by Zen Pirate 6 · 0 0

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