True religion will follow five things:
1. Use, respect and obey God's Word - the Bible. Not just parts of it that fit what they want to hear, but all of it. (2 Tim. 3:16)
2. They would see that God's kingdom is the only solution to the problems that mankind faces. Realize that God's government does NOT rule through the earthly governments now in place. (Dan. 2:44)
3. They would be no part of this world as Jesus commanded them to be. The people of this religion would not allow themselves to be squeezed into the world's mold.
4. They would be known by God's name - Jehovah, who is most high over all the earth. God's name was originally in the Bible over 7,000 times until a man decided to take it out. (Ps. 83:18)
5. They (the adherents to this true religion) would have love among themselves. Love bonds true Christians. We love each other regardless of race or ethnic backgrounds. It would be a true world-wide brotherhood.(John 13:34, 35)
When you have the religion that goes by these five things, and not just some of them, but ALL of them, then you have found the one true religion.
2007-08-10 07:16:03
answer #1
answered by SisterCF 4
Jesus said at Matthew 7:15-17 that you would be able to tell the true from the false based on it's "fruits", or works. He indicated that false religion produces bad works, just as a rotten tree produces worthless fruit. Yet, the true religion produces fine works, as does a good tree.
False religion meddles in war and politics, which is clearly against the following scriptures:
Matthew 5:44- However, I say to YOU: Continue to love YOUR enemies and to pray for those persecuting YOU.
1 John 4:20- If anyone makes the statement: “I love God,” and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar. For he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot be loving God, whom he has not seen. The True religion, however, follows the scriptures at John 13:35, Acts 10:34, 35, and 1 John 3:16 and practice love.
False religion also spreads false doctrine such as the teaching that the soul or the spirit survives the body after death. The Bible clearly teaches that at death, the soul (body) dies (Ezekiel 18:4; Ecclesiastes 9:5). And Jesus taught that the dead would be resurrected one day; that would be unnecessary if they had an immortal soul (John 5:28, 29; 11:11-25). On the other hand, the true religion trusts in God's word, the Bible, and doesn't base its beliefs on man-made doctrine (Matthew 15:6-9; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17).
False religion also tolerates immoral behavior such as fornication and child molestation. The Bible clearly teaches at 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 that these ones will not inherit God's kingdom. The true religion strengthens families and upholds high moral standards (Ephesians 5:28, 33; 6:1; 1 Timothy 3:1-10).
2007-08-10 10:15:30
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I think that first you would have to read the bible and say what didn't he like before. Because he really doesn't change.
Genesis 6:13 And God said unto NOah: The end of all flesh has come before me because the earth is full of violence because of them. Behold I will destroy them with the earth.
Many places he says destroy the earth when what he means is the wicked people.
Then there was Sodom and Gamorrah:
Jude 7 So to Sodom and Gamorrah and the cities about them. bla bla committed fornication excessively.
and gone out after flesh for unnatural use. It even says they are a warning example of what not to do. I mean they tried to rape angels. So God doesn't like homosexual activity.
Plus lots of other scriptures that say that.
Then there is the mixing of pagan stuff with true religion.
Ezekiel saw the temple where they worshipped God and it was doing all kinds of pagan worship.
Ezekiel 8:5 The symbol of jealousy was Baal or sex worship.
Ezekiel 8:10 was idol worship of creaping things or animals.
so having animals in their worship was common and against God's law.
Ezekiel 8:16 Sun worship was also common and mixed in with the clean worship of God.
So mixing of pagan with true worship would not be right.
So we have to wonder how good is it to have Easter Bunnys that came down to us from Sex worshipers and Easter eggs?
Valentines that worship sex and lovers.
What about Christmas where it has came down to us from Sun worshippers. The evergreen tree figured prominiently in their worship of the only thing left during the winter that was green. Also the candles or lights and the main one on the top to represent the Sun. They got drunk and had orgies and then the sun came back and it was spring. They were afraid not to do that so in was brought into the pure worship of Jesus.
Also, we have to take into consideration that Jesus said in Luke that those being saved are few? So just because a religion has a big following doesn't make it right.
2007-08-10 09:39:23
answer #3
answered by cloud 7
Fist of all God is not coming for any specific religion, he is coming for those washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. The bible is not religion, religion starts war and chaos, but the word of God brings peace and salvation when interpreted correctly.
It is important to read scriptures under the guidance of the holy spirit. The fact of the matter is that the bible is the only book of faith that has been validated historically, prophetically, and archaeologically.
The pope decreed a while back that catholocism is the only true religion and everyone else is damned to hell. But he sinned by saying this, because those who cast judgement on other cast judgement on themselves. Only God can measure the good of man and whether he or she is saved or not.
2007-08-10 07:08:53
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
the single factor to look for is *logical consistency* - that it does no longer have any inner contradictions, that it does no longer contradict any concepts of valid philosophy, and that it does no longer contradict any valid information of the empirical order| word how i exploit the observe "valid" right here| some thing would desire to look to contradict actuality in faith, yet that some thing is barely *curiously* real - the two being a mistake in good judgment, a sophistry in philosophy, or some thing it quite is outwardly real interior the empirical order yet isn't probably so| we don't ought to understand each and everything in the real faith with our rational intellects - there can by secret - merely see you later as sure contradictions won't be able to be confirmed interior it| ---
2016-10-14 21:16:48
answer #5
answered by blide 4
A. Only 1 true religion:
1 hope, 1 faith, 1 baptism--------------Eph 4:5,13.
Commisioned to make disciples----Mt 28:19; Ac 8:12; 14:21.
Recognized by its fruit-------Mt &:19,20; Lu 6:43,44; Joh 15:8.
Love, agreement among members-------Joh 13:35; 1Co1:10; 1Joh 4:20.
B. False Doctrine is properly condemned:
Jesus condemned false doctrine---Matt 23:15,23,24; 15:4-9.
Did so for protection of blinded 1's----Matt 15:14.
Truth made them free 2 b Jesus' disciples---Joh 8:31,32.
C. Changing 1's religion essential if proved wrong:
Truth makes you free; proves many wrong-------Joh 8:31,32.
Israelites, others, left former worship----Jos 24:15; 2Ki 5:17.
Early Christians changed views-----Gal 1:13,14; Ac 3:17,19.
Paul changed his religion---------------------------Acts 26:4-6.
Whole world deceived; must make mind over------------Rev12:9; Rom 12:2.
D. Apparent "good in all religions" does not assure
God's favor:
God sets the standard for worship-----Joh 4:23,24; Jas 1:27.
Not good if not as God wills--------------Rom 10:2,3.
"Good works" can be rejected-----------Matt 7:21-23.
Recognized by fruitage---------------------Matt 7:20
2007-08-11 03:26:15
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
NO DIFFICULTIES WOULD ARISE IF WE SIMPLY FOLLOW WHAT IS WRITTEN in the Bible AND NOT TO ALLOW OUR LIMITED HUMAN INTELLECT AND WISDOM TO SPECULATE "WHAT GOD WILL DO AND WILL NOT DO". "This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words." (I Cor. 2:13) Passages or verses are used to explain other passages or verses related to the subject being discussed because such passages or verses are words of God and are therefore spiritual things. This unique method is not based on human wisdom but on what the Holy Spirit teaches. This is the only acceptable and right way of teaching the scriptures that is guaranteed not to result in error. In it's original form the Bible contains no contradiction as "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God" ( II Timothy 3:15-17). There are no contradictions between the different verses of the Bible because "spiritual things or spiritual truths are expressed in spiritual words" (I Cor. 2:13). This is because God is the ultimate author of all the books and letters in the Bible though it was spoken and/or written by the Prophets, the Lord Jesus Christ and the Apostles as they were inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit. (II Peter1:20-21)
If there are seeming contradiction in the present Bibles, such contradiction are due to the translators, editors, or copyists.
2007-08-10 07:49:04
answer #7
answered by K 5
Your premise is faulty. One does not need an organized way of worshiping with others.
There is a Bible definition of true religion. Why don't you look it up?
Maybe you have some motive?
Jesus demonstrated that the Jew's religion was all show and no substance of the heart. Such it is with nearly all religions.
2007-08-10 06:56:26
answer #8
answered by Hogie 7
Well their are qualities that are evident in true religion. One is that they follow Christ steps closely in the matter of how he was obedient to God, preached about God's kingdom and also love among members of the congregation.
2007-08-10 16:42:24
answer #9
answered by I'M GONNA GO PLACES 5
It has the truth; indisputable!
Here's n example:
A thief doesn't believe in the law. Although the law is written.
So, when he gets caught in his sin, he is not innocent just bcuz he choses to not follow the law. The law is still upheld.
I's a work in progress....being made over,
into a new person(ality.)
2007-08-10 08:05:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous