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As a Christian we are often ostracized for trying to spread the gospel to those who do not want it. Yet, we see them as hurting people who are committing spiritual suicide, and we are trying to help them rather than let them do what they want.

2007-08-10 04:38:12 · 25 answers · asked by Tiffany R 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

25 answers

i am sorry, but i do not think that those are the same...

Your beliefs are your beliefs. Please stop trying to justify why you push them on others who do not believe what you believe..

My advice to you... Work on yourself. Theres always room for self improvement. Stop trying to force people to believe what you believe!

2007-08-10 04:42:56 · answer #1 · answered by Katrina 5 · 2 1

Suicide is an expression of wanting change or escape. It is usually a temporary desire and with medication and therapy the person can often find a new path for living. Spiritual suicide would be living in a way that kills the spirit. The same treatment applys, but being supportive without being judgemental ( or preachy ) would be the best way to help. If a person is in immediate physical danger, call for emergency assistance, you can deal with the spirit later.

2007-08-10 04:58:41 · answer #2 · answered by ruby 4 · 0 0

Well sure as a christian if i were to see someone commiting suicide i would talk to them. and yeah..i would even tell them that Jesus could help them with what's afflicting them. but i would suggest that the greatest weapon we have is prayer. all people have free will..that's a given. so if someone wants to commit spiritual suicide that's between God and themself. Don't go off the deep end thinking you spreading the gospel is the end all..do all. it's God Almighty who is God.

2007-08-10 05:00:45 · answer #3 · answered by Tina 2 · 0 0

It would depend on how old they were...For the rest of your question,over the years if people didn't convert to your beliefs they were killed.So forget spiritual with you people real life suicide was just saying I don't belong to your god.Strange that your god just wouldn't kill them itself.There would have been no need for the crusades or witch hunts of scientists or witches.If I don't belong to your god what makes you think you or it has the right to judge me.You know in your book those giant beings from northern Germany you know the ones that were already there when people from your bible showed up.Who do you think their ruler is,maybe a titan named Ymir(eemer) or his son Hymir(heemer) Funny thing about the sons name.....Yeah it's my for real name....MAYBE I AM MYTHOLOGICAL I

2007-08-10 05:04:42 · answer #4 · answered by dvampyregod666 2 · 0 0

Well, l look at this way.
We, non Christians, feel that YOU are commiting spiritual suicide. Yet you would be offended and insulted if we activly tried to convert YOU, now wouldn't you??
It's NOT the same thing. If the Bible told you to go out and kill people would that make it ok?? Oh wait, it DOES tell you to, yet you don't. Hmmmmm
Even you claim God gave us free will. Leave us the hell alone.

2007-08-10 04:47:15 · answer #5 · answered by ~Heathen Princess~ 7 · 1 1

What you people do is not allowing someone to commit "spiritual suicide." What you are doing is called spiritual coercion. To force someone into believing what you believe, just because someone told you so, and to scare them by telling them they will be doomed to hell is not living and letting live. Instead, you are converting a person based on fear.
And as far as saving a suicidal person goes, if you save him, would you be his friend AFTERWARDS to make sure he never feels that helpless and hopeless again? And don't lie and tell me you would because you know you wouldn't.

2007-08-10 04:44:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Unless it was a child who likely doesn't truly understand the weight of what they're doing... I'd let them.
That's their choice.
You people, with your self-righteous crap, think YOU know what's best for ME.
You're wrong.

Personally, I feel that denying the Gods of your ancestors is spiritual suicide.
But you don't see me pushing that on people, do you?
*I* am not that arrogant.

2007-08-10 04:44:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wonder about people who come to the religious section and make cryptic remarks. Like the first two people who responded to your question. Why do they even bother? It is rude and immature. Back to your question: One can only do one's best to spread faith. If a person is not receptive and/or not seeking spiritual guidance, one is not always able to show the way. Like the old saying, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink".

2007-08-10 04:57:16 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Thoes first two answers...how insinsitive, and judgemental can you be. Spreading the word about your God isn't what is annoying. What is annoying is when we tell you that we do not share your faith and then you tell us we are going to hell and we are sinners. That is so very annoying. Now, if I happen upon someone that is trying to commit suicide, then yes, I will try to talk them out of it. I can't make them not do it, but I can talk to them. Whatever they do after that is their choice, right or wrong.

2007-08-10 04:44:35 · answer #9 · answered by pleasure4poet 2 · 1 2

you hit the nail on the head with the "those that do not want it". Jesus didn't force his words down anyone's throats nor did any of his disciples! If you attempt to "share the good news" with someone and that person indicates that he or she isn't interested in hearing it, you should move on...that's the Christian thing to do! Jesus doesn't want US to save the world from itself, he wants US to save OURSELVES from the world. Pray for them but leave then in HIS hands...the world is HIS responsibility not yours. Share your faith with those that want to hear it and try to live with a spirit of gratitude for his grace for you...you'll have far more success with that strategy than with any type of force or coersion.

2007-08-10 05:05:34 · answer #10 · answered by KAL 7 · 1 0

I would certainly try to stop someone from committing suicide, but I'd refrain from preaching religion at them while doing it.

2007-08-10 04:43:20 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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