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what is your evidence for either side of the argument? any stories?

2007-08-10 03:48:42 · 16 answers · asked by grl235 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

16 answers

Natural. Let me ask you this.... if something would possibly get you killed (and in the past, announcing, or even remotely letting people know you're gay WOULD get you beaten to death by antigay thugs in an alley), why would you ever go around announcing it? Its not like declaring oneself a goth or something. Goth gets you made fun of. Homosexuality can get you murdered in horrible ways.

No, that doesn't happen very often anymore but so what? They're still treated like societal pariahs. Like they are dirt beneath peoples feet, all because a a bunch of the straight population thinks its immoral.

Its not hurting anyone, not even those involved in it. So why in hell does the straight population even care?

My husbands aunt, and one of his best friends, are gay. Their lives have been absolute hell because of the misery the straight population have put on them. And they, and the people they've loved, are truly wonderful people. His aunts a nurse and has saved thousands of lives.

His aunt has been with her lover for 11 years. Thats longer than most marriages now adays even remotely approach. But her lover was forced by her family to leave her once because the family made her feel so miserable because she was gay. Though she's finally wised up to their crap and decided not to take it anymore.

You should see the things said to these people. They're forced to keep their lives in the dark or face complete and utter discrimination. My husbands friend was actually denied a job because he's gay.

This is disgusting behavior from human beings. Sometimes a human beings behavior makes me ashamed to be human.

Homosexuality is natural. No one would ever put themselves through this kind of treatment, knowing the living hell that antigays are going to put them through, if it were not natural.

2007-08-10 04:02:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I'm not sure if "learned" is the right word. I'd say "instilled."

I've got no concrete evidence, and am always ready to admit it (that should set me apart a bit).

I've never encountered a homosexual that didn't have some hard luck story - "Dad beat me," "Mum burned me with cigarettes," etc. I'm not saying there are none out there, just that I have never come across any - and I've come across a number of them.

I am VERY interested in the TRUTH of the matter, whatever that might be. Whenever I ask a homosexual or a supporter of homosexual rights to kindly direct me to peer-reviewed scientific evidence of congenital homosexuality, I am always disappointed.

So, again, anyone who knows where I can find this kind of paper, please let me know. Thanks.

Edit: See, this is what I'm talking about. Everyone KNOWS this and that... I'm sorry, but that's just not good enough for me. I certainly understand why people would WANT for that to be the case, and even how people can BELIEVE it, but that doesn't make it so. I realise that nobody is going to believe me about this, but I am honestly dispassionately but intensely curious about this issue.

2007-08-10 03:56:32 · answer #2 · answered by Alowishus B 4 · 1 2

i think of thinking despite if Homosexuality is organic won't be suitable. in fact it exists. I do comprehend the Greek origins and Roman popularity of Homosexuality what i do no longer comprehend is why it happens. i understand sexual confusion based upon abuse is a substantial contributor yet what approximately people who've suffered no abuse and yet nonetheless become gay? The gay concern is a troublesome concern in the considering that that it is a double edged sword. On one hand homosexuality would not sell the classic relatives shape or relatives values. It would not sell or motivate the intimate bond between females and adult adult males human beings. consequently it would not sell the replica of lifestyles. nonetheless many homosexuals want infants and are otherwise loving dad and mom. on the different hand what if scientists hit upon the gene or chromosome or protein or hormone that motives homosexuality in human beings. What if this same scientists hit upon a vaccine which could finished finished do away with the priority of homosexuality? suitable now a number of you're indignant that i'm pertaining to homosexuality through fact the equivalent of a ailment collectively as others do no longer see an argument with removing homosexuality as a concern. neither is my element here. My element is as quickly as the door is opened to regulate human beings genetically the prospect is limitless. On one hand shall we do away with maximum cancers or diabetes and different debilitating illnesses. on the different shall we exchange the actual visual attraction and good factors. people who're self hating could exchange race or gender. Worst political ability could finished erase a collection of folk devoid of them having any administration. think of it is fantasy or conspiracy theories? How approximately it is actual documented the HBCU's have been directed via state government to place the chemical popular as salt peter in the foodstuff to cut back promiscuity between scholars. The we are able to pass back the Tuskegee test or the present admission via the CIA that the enterprise purposely flooded inner city communities LSD and Heroine in the 60's and enable's no longer point out COINTELPRO. My element is Homosexuality won't be what many folk trust yet whilst in comparison with the alternative it is a needed evil so which you're able to talk.

2016-10-02 01:10:03 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Genetic. We have no more control over what we are sexually attracted to than we do about the natural colour of our eyes. Homosexuality is present in nature. The two penguins in Central Park's Zoo come to mind (admittedly a zoo isn't the best example of nature).

2007-08-10 04:02:40 · answer #4 · answered by mist_dark 3 · 2 0

Only personal experience...I have felt attracted to guys, as far back as I can remember....probably 5 or 6 years old...before I knew what sexuality was, I liked guys. Plain and simple...it was not learned...it is the way I was born. I was never molested, my Mother was not overbearing, or any of the other stereotypes.

I do believe some may be bisexual, and attracted to either....I do believe some people, that may be bi, choose to be gay, rather than straight. But, that is the only choice made in the matter.

Sex is a gift from God, I believe to be enjoyed within the confines of a relationship. When people suppress their sexuality...it manifests itself in harmful ways....like Ted Haggard...or priests that molest children. Why do people try to suppress what is natural? Probably because men have made sex into some sort of taboo, odd thing...when it is really not.

2007-08-10 03:55:43 · answer #5 · answered by G.C. 5 · 3 1

mostly learned... a social sickness.. usually brought about from childhood.. based from feedback, male children became feminish because they tend to rebel from their father when they get beaten up.. another thing also, they don't have proper example when they grow up. male children should take example from their father or big brother. if the father is abusive or one doesn't have a male example, they will tend to follow the one closest to them, a feminine example and ways, mother or sister or feminine friends. It will just develop until they reach adolescent (identity crisis stage). If this is not corrected, they become gays. Same also for lesbians, except it happen the other way around.

2007-08-10 11:53:54 · answer #6 · answered by Jay R 2 · 0 0

If you knew someone that was gay, you would know that it took everything that had to come out. Many don't come out because of fear.
Why would anyone want to come out as being gay, just to be ridiculed, picked on, and in some cases beaten and/or killed if they really aren't.

My wife is a teacher (elementary) and they can spot some in 1st grade. How can a 6 year-old make the decision that they want to be gay? They don't even understand want sex is yet.

2007-08-10 03:57:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

it's more learned than it is natural. as a human being, we're able to recognize what is appealing, and what is not. correct? you also have hormones, which are generally toward the opposite gender, however, I have not heard of them being discriminatory. preference has generally overridden biology at times. for example, beastiality. a man can train himself to view a female dog as a vagina, and not simply as a dog. in a similar way a man can train himself to explode the recognition of what is attractive in males into the sexual level. so where as a normal man woould look and be jealous, a homosexual would look and be attracted.

biology can play a factor, with orientation, however, the relationships you wish to have and the training you give your body determine your eventual sexuality.

2007-08-10 04:03:06 · answer #8 · answered by Hey, Ray 6 · 0 2

I know people are born that way I do not know if it is natural i guess to homosexuals its natural there was a little boy in my sons 1st grade class and he was flamin so bright he lit up the sky

2007-08-10 03:53:59 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I am a lesbian and feel it is natural. When I was in school I tried to date boys but never liked it. I always wanted to be around my girlfriends. I definitely had crushes on girlfriends and could care less about boys.

2007-08-10 03:57:37 · answer #10 · answered by swthuney3 1 · 2 0

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