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I am so going to get a violation for this; however, what I am going to tell you is true and correct.
1 The resentment against those who look like they came here illegally and got amnesty is going to be worse than what was felt against blacks in the post Civil War Era.
2 Unless a Chicano or other Hispanic appearing person speaks American English without any trace of an accent they and all people who have a marked non American accent are going to be regulated into minimum wage jobs.
3 If you are an American born who does not speak with out that accent then YOU HAD BETTER NEVER EVER QUIT YOUR JOB IF IT IS BETTER THAN MIN IMUM WAGE. You have become a labor serf. Tied to the only job you will ever get with or without an education.
4 The USA which has classes divided by socio-economic levels will have classes now by not skin color but by accents. Today hard work and education can make any individual upward mobile or if you are a lazy bum you can slide down the social scale. From the moment there is amnesty there will be new classes established and they will be darn hard to move between.
5 The Hispanic population is very racists as a general rule. I know because I have lived as a minority all my life in southern NM. When in High School I asked a Chicana out on a date. She said yes but her brothers and their friends beat me bloody when I came to get her.
6. The new Class system may be established not by American Citizens! Think it through the estimates run from 12 to 20 million illegals with the majority of them being Hispanic (Spanish speaking) by 7 of 10. For every one of them who get a free get out of jail card they can bring in as many as 258 relatives under the amnesty program as currently proposed. Let me see.
Best Case 12,000,000 x 258 = 3,096,000,000
Worst Case 20,000,000 x 258 = 5,160,000,000

Even if only 25% of those numbers come : 774,000,000 to a 1,290,000,000 of non Citizens who do not have our language, culture, nor have they contributed to the social services net which they will overload.
The population of American Citizens is estimated to be a little over 300,000,000! What will it do to this country to absorb at a minimum twice that number of people who do not have our culture, language, ethics, or education?
What is the impact on economics, law, culture, and who will assimilate whom?

2007-08-10 03:45:13 · 6 answers · asked by Coasty 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

ANS to SPOOKY SAYS: Sir, you have an excellent point however I was going by my general experience. Not individual experience with each individual Chicano.

2007-08-10 05:19:59 · update #1

6 answers

Although not the way I would think about it or state it you have some valid points.

Racism exists in all levels and throughout all races. To expect that there would not be a backlash against many people who look/act/speak similarly to those individuals who the majority will blame for the decay of the American way of life is narrow minded. There will be major racial tensions at the very least. That is a given when any racial balance is shifted dramatically. If given amnesty illegal immigrants may well find themselves the targets of racism from people who ordinarily would never fathom acting that way.

Its pretty scary.

2007-08-10 04:05:55 · answer #1 · answered by youarewrongbobisright 5 · 8 1

I agree, at first I just assumed that ICE or the government would call a halt to this injustice right away. It's a legal issue and I've tried very hard not to hate the people only the actions of them, but this has really gone too far! I'm so disheartened because I remember a clean, honorable, full of integrity, and a law abiding America! We used to take sh*t from no one and here we are being led around by the nose by a bunch of peasants who snuck into our nation? This won't get it here, there will be an uprising like this country has never seen if things don't change soon! We even allow gangs and hate groups to prosper here now! Appalling! I am so disgusted by this BS and lack of enforcement, it is an unbelieveable situation that we are in, like a horror flick!

2007-08-10 15:16:47 · answer #2 · answered by Ms.L.A. 6 · 2 1

Another way to look at it is a Clash of Civilizations or the Tower of Babel. I would also add that Americans have not been this split or angry since the Civil War. What hispanics or latinos or whatever they are being called this week don't realize is that we are being bombarded from everywhere - Africa, China, Middle East, Central and South America, Caribbean, East Europe, Puerto Rico, Cuba and pretty much all of them are demanding 'rights'.

Gotta love those global social engineers...

2007-08-10 11:45:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

Nothing wrong with your logic.
It's simply that the Power Brokers want a new Slave Class in the US and they have with the Illegal Aliens and to boot the destruction of the Middle Class.
The US is NOT a Democracy she is a Constitutional Republic and that answers a lot of other perplexing questions........

2007-08-10 16:28:38 · answer #4 · answered by Captain Tomak 6 · 1 0

i agree with your post. except for number 5. i live in alabama myself i could say that the majority of white people are racist to me. i live in the redneck part of town. if i go to upper alabama the people are actually very friendly. so i believe the racism you may have experienced may be caused by the area in which you grew up in as opposed to hispanics being racists in general. as for the other posts, i believe that is the most logical response i have heard in this section of yahoo answers in a long time.

2007-08-10 11:54:52 · answer #5 · answered by spooky says 2 · 2 1

I think you are pretty much on target, and it will be the fault of the illegal criminal aliens. Why can't the legal aliens see this?

2007-08-10 11:26:34 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

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