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i'm 15 and i am so in love(or infauated woteva) with my teacher, he is 27 and i no thts a big age gap and its illeagal etc but i love him so much and i think he likes me too. He compliements me on things(like my hair) and knows what lessons i have and always comes and talks to me and he doesnt do that to anyone else. I havent seen him for 3wks (its the summer hols) and i miss him like crazy but i cant tlk about him to knowone because every1 thinks its weird. i can't stop thinking about him and dont know what to do. Should i tell him what i feel or just try and get over him?

2007-08-10 03:09:35 · 41 answers · asked by Lizzie B 1 in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

41 answers

Leave him alone and distance yourself from him. Men are weak and tempting him at all is not fair to him or you as NOTHING good can come from this!

2007-08-10 03:16:06 · answer #1 · answered by steveheremd 5 · 1 0

Growing up is so hard, and he is probably the first positive male role model (besides your family etc) you would have come across, so its no wonder you feel this way...

So so many young girls feel the same as you, so you are not alone..

Do not tell him how you feel, it will put you both in a very awkward position..

If he shows interest in you, that is illegal, he would loose his job and may end up in prison.

You should definitely try and confide in a friend, as its important you have someone to talk to, and don't keep secrets like this to yourself.

I know you have probably heard this before, but is probably is just a faze, we have all been there!

The best thing you can do is to arrange to go out with a group of friends and have a flirt with some boys your own age!

If you still feel you really do love him, you should wait a few years, until you are older, and he is not your teacher, and if you still feel the same, do something about it then. But doing it now, you will just end up hurt!

Hope you are okay, and find someone you can talk to about this! Its hard but I hope you will get over him!

2007-08-10 03:21:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Okay well first of all, what you're feeling isn't love, it's infatuation. (I've been 15 before, and ironically also had a crush on a 27-year old teacher, so I know what you're going through.) Keep in mind that he's probably just being polite, and having attention from an older guy has piqued your interests. Just remember that it is illegal, and if you try to pursue a relationship with him you'll probably only end up being humiliated as a result. Even if by some fluke he does decide to go dark side and start seeing you, the ramifications of being discovered would land him in jail, and ruin his career.

Do you really want to do that to him?

2007-08-10 03:13:48 · answer #3 · answered by P.I. Joe 6 · 3 0

I know how powerful such feeling can be. It is so easy for people to dismiss you or think you are odd. You are not weird. What you are experiencing is a crush. It happens a lot. It is very important that you not act on it.

The depth and power of the emotions you are feeling are just a deep and powerful as any adults feel. The problem is, you are still just getting over being a child and not yet a woman. It is probably one of the most difficult times in a person's life.

Eventually we learn how to deal with things as we gain experience. You seem like a very sweet young lady. Try not to obsess too much. I know these feelings are overwhelming but do your best to act on your thinking not on your feelings.

You are smart enough to know that this situation is not right. You are smart enough to know that in this day and age you can cause a lot of damage acting on these feelings. I am sure you can manage to keep your mind in control of your heart, in control of your body, in control of your emotions.

Eventually you will learn that emotions are not always correct. Imagine that your emotions are like a sixth sense that help you interpret the world around you. You see, smell, hear, touch and taste. Emotions tell you how you feel about the things you sense. But, just as an optical illusion can fool your vision, just as an artificial flavor can fool your taste, just as an artificilal odor can fool your nose, just as an artificial sound can fool your hearing and just as a man-made fabric can feel like real silk your touch can be fooled, so can your emotions. They can make you interpret things incorrectly.

So, you see, it has happened to the best of us. You need to get over it. Here is something that might help. If you have a paper shredder, sit down and write a love letter to this man. Fill it with every last thought and desire you feel for him. Then shread it. This is a safe way to vent and sort out your feelings without embarrassing yourself or anyone else.

Good luck!

2007-08-10 03:35:20 · answer #4 · answered by Jacob W 7 · 0 0

If u love him so much then I will suggest you let this one go. Think about all the trouble he could get into. Wait a coulpe of years like when you have graduated from that school and kinda run into him that way and see how you feel about him. If u still feel the same way then you can pursue him. But until then save yourself, parents, friends, school and his collegues the grief of going through a staturtory rape charge which your parents can file against him since you are a minor, even if you don't want them too...

2007-08-10 03:16:57 · answer #5 · answered by luv41anatha 6 · 0 0

You are placing your teacher in terrible position here on two counts.

Situation One: (law abiding)
he cannot have a relationship with you, for you are under age. Not only would a conviction mean that he cannot teach ever again (therefore not be able to support himself financially), he would become a social outcast. Having this in mind, your teachers answer will undoubtedly be NO. This means your future classes with him will be extremely uncomfortable, for both you and him. You will receive no more compliments, you may be transfered from his class. He is almost double your age...any reasonable person would say no.

Situation Two: (He says yes). You are placing yourself at a great disadvantage here; open for all types of abuse. This person is highly undesirable, because not only does he abuse his position of power, he is breaking the law. This relationship can only end badly.

The answer is: fall in love with someone who isnt your teacher...and who is closer to your own age (well, unless you turn 18).

2007-08-10 03:16:54 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Your teacher is more than likely just being friendly with you and you are reading too much into things.

Even if he DID like you there is no way that anything could happen between you. He would lose his job, risk jail, and anyway he's probably married with a family.

You are right when you say that this is infatuation. You need to forget this and find someone your own age, before people's lives are ruined.

2007-08-10 03:13:57 · answer #7 · answered by Stu147 6 · 1 0

You have admitted it is infatuation. Wait until school begins again in the fall and find yourself a nice boy your own age to have a crush on. You're asking for problems beyond your 15 yr old comprehension if you pursue this teacher.

2007-08-10 03:13:55 · answer #8 · answered by Strawberry 3 · 0 0

You should STAY AWAY from him. It will make things easier for both of you and allow you to live your life as a normal girl. Especially if he does share your feelings, he could end up in jail and ruining his career if anything ever happened between you. No one ever has a relationship with their teacher and thinks it was a good decision, they always regret it.
He might even have to register as a sex offender if you two ever did anything and your parents or the school found out, pressed charges, etc.

2007-08-10 03:12:58 · answer #9 · answered by jenni 5 · 3 0

Hitch™ says:
You need to get over him. It is creepy that he is complimenting you on your bodily features. Don't get caught into something that you can't get out of. Try dating a boy your own age, at least it will be legal then. If you still have feelings for your teacher, the most you can do is fantasize about it. Even then, you should talk to somebody. Just get it out of your system.

2007-08-10 03:13:37 · answer #10 · answered by Hitch™ 3 · 0 0

It's totally normal for a 15 year old to develop a crush on someone older. He is no longer a teenage boy who is awkward and unsure of himself, and that can be attractive to a girl. Enjoy your crush in your imagination but do not in any way pursue it actively. It would be bad for you emotionally, and career ending for your teacher. I'm hoping for your sake that he is not foolish enough to play flirting games with a 15 year old.

2007-08-10 03:24:05 · answer #11 · answered by slfranken 2 · 0 0

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