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Last night my love cooked while I went for wine. We sat down with the two boys and talked and laughed all through the dinner. Afterward she and I retired to the living room while our two sons played happily.

We Talked about the little things that made up our day, sharing some nice Australian wine and an occasional kiss. I remember the kisses. I can still taste them on my lips.

Once everyone was in bed, I sat up late doodling in my sketch book, after deciding that I wasn't in the mood for a whole chapter of reading. The stars wheeled overhead. Later the Moon came out to play with them amongst the clouds. At some point I slipped off to a night rich with dreams.

I have seen many Christians ask, "How do you atheist find meaning in life?", or "Without God, what is the purpose in life?".

My Question is simple. Do you really think that someone can not find a meaningful life, filled with purpose, without God?

2007-08-10 03:07:24 · 49 answers · asked by Herodotus 7 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

Primora, It is called White Alice. All their wines are good, but we like the Red Lexa the best.

2007-08-10 03:14:24 · update #1

Mr 101st, I don't think Christians are stupid.

2007-08-10 03:15:21 · update #2

Grandmac, that's swiming in the Skeptic tank, thank you much, :-)

2007-08-10 03:17:04 · update #3

Jeanmarie, i know that all I have will someday be gone. That is part of the meaning, and to live as fully as I can while I can, part of the purpose.

There is no hole in my heart.

2007-08-10 03:19:46 · update #4

Other way around my dear kitty in a box.

2007-08-10 03:20:49 · update #5

I'm sorry to hear that Ray.

2007-08-10 03:21:57 · update #6

Who better to live my life, than me, T-Baby? And I live much of it for them, you silly man.

2007-08-10 03:24:29 · update #7

Thank you all.

2007-08-10 04:06:20 · update #8

49 answers

That's absolutely beautiful.
Thanks, and congratulations.

Your spouse and sons are in good hands.

2007-08-10 03:11:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 12 6

My interpretation of a true atheist perspective: Last night my carbon-lifeform partner that I somehow feel attracted to, cooked while I went for wine. We sat down with the two offspring and talked and for some odd reason expressed humor that went nowhere. Afterward she and I retired to the living room while our two offspring enhanced cognitive skills that went nowhere, expressing emotion that had no purpose.

We reviewed our day's activities, sharing some Australian wine that was somehow appealing, with occasional lip contact. I remember the lip contact for some reason. I can still taste them on my lips and somehow that also appeals to me.

Once everyone was in bed, I sat up late drawing randomly in my sketchbook, after another biological function in my brain elicited a lack of desire for a whole chapter of reading. As the earth rotated, I observed stars. Later the moon appeared and I somehow made a connection among it and other objects in the sky. At some point the sleep function set in and I dreamed vividly, another biological function in my brain.

Atheism is bound to science, not God, and thus there is no reason for beauty and wonder if it's all simply science. Even love would have to be quantifiable and eventually able to be controlled. I do not believe in your god. Too many "somehows" for one thing.

2007-08-10 03:47:38 · answer #2 · answered by ccrider 7 · 0 1

Most of the Christians I know are honest most of the time. In a strong Christian community it's a bit easier to be honest about your shortcomings and mistakes because you can count on the community to be forgiving. However, Christians are not perfect, and I know Christians who have lied about some pretty important stuff.

2016-05-18 22:11:05 · answer #3 · answered by johanna 3 · 0 0

"Do you really think that someone can not find a meaningful life, filled with purpose, without God?"

I think if you have found a meaningful life filled with purpose, then you have found God --whether or not you use the word "God".

Let me add that almost all of the religious discussion s on YA neglect to define "God". The people on YA who want to send to Hell everyone who doesn't believe like they do 1) don't understand religious freedom, 2) don't understand Jesus' teachings, and 3) are poor ambasadors for the Christianity they claim but don't practice.

2007-08-10 08:30:36 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

An athiest can be very spiritual provided he or she replaces all the I's with WE. God or no God the point is that and WE are all in this together. If we get that down if there is a God he will be pleased If not WE will be better off.
WHen Christians insist that there path is right its EGO when athiest insist that there path is right is EGO its all about ME ME ME> They are threatened because there is doubt.
WHen you argue with Christians it is becaues they are not doing what you want and acting the way you want them too. SO then you have become God. SO then your not acting like a atheist your acting like a volcano god.
The fact that you take the time to argue is proof that your agnostic.

2007-08-10 03:23:23 · answer #5 · answered by Rich 5 · 0 1

You asked, "I have seen many Christians ask, "How do you atheist find meaning in life?", or "Without God, what is the purpose in life?"."

Some christians, not all, feel that if you don't have God in your life, then it's empty. I personally feel that meaning is different for everyone. God helps me. Zeus helps a friend of mine, and the all-mighty video game helps a third.

Sounds to me like you've got your life in line.

2007-08-10 03:37:11 · answer #6 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 0

Sounds like a nice life. What would happen to the meaning of it if your family and possessions were taken from you? Would you be able to find meaning in a loveless and lonely life, filled with poverty? What if your health were taken from you, and raising a glass of water to your lips or holding a pencil and sketch pad were too painful and tiring to even think about?

I don't wish these things on you, but I ask because I know people with little in the way of possessions, no family other than the members of their church, and health problems, both mental and physical, that keep them from living a normal life, and yet they found a purpose in studying God's word. If the things in your life bring you pleasure, then great, but while it makes you happy, it doesn't make you you.

2007-08-10 03:20:44 · answer #7 · answered by Curtis B 6 · 1 2

As you have shown, you can obviously find some form of happiness, but the kind of happiness that comes from God is much more fulfilling. Doing drugs also provides temporary happiness, but no one in their right mind would depend on drugs for ultimate fulfillment.

That was one evening, but what happens tomorrow if you were to lose your job, or something really tragic happens. A good bottle of wine and some kisses are great, but like all things, they perish. God is the only thing that lasts.

God bless

2007-08-10 03:21:15 · answer #8 · answered by Thom 5 · 2 2

Ask yourself this...when your loved ones pass away, your lovely wife and young sons, what would their time here have been for and what would be their eventual destination ? If the purpose for our lives is to simply exist for each other and to enjoy even a few minutes of each day, blessed is the one who can find the richness of a full days time, then what is the hope for the one on the other side of the planet who has never tasted wine, cannot see the sky for blindness, is illiterate and too poor to afford the luxeries of life, maybe their time is spent sending their children off to the village dump in hopes they will find something to eat. Your life is beautiful and you don't acknowledge God. Their lives are tragic and they do...some sort of god at least. What is their purpose? What is yours...? You can find a meaningful life filled with purpose...for yourself and your loved ones...and then its over. God is trying to tell you that His purpose for you is grander, broader and fuller than your dream filled night can conjure and there may come a time when the peace of your life is disturbed to any variance and being merely human, having no real power of your own, whom will you turn to then? Even what you have...right now...is not obtained, gained or experienced without God...everything you have He gave you...so if you cannot acknowledge Him now...well, then enjoy...because this better be enough for you...and your loved ones who may believe as you do...or believe not. Love in Christ, ~J~

2007-08-10 03:24:14 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

It seems that without God there is a void you are always trying to fill. So you make have materials things and feel you have a purpose but you are always searching for something else.

2007-08-10 08:05:03 · answer #10 · answered by Hadassah 2 · 0 0

Why do you even suggest that life needs meaning or purpose anyway?

I mean... I know my life is meaningless and purposeless. I don't try to apply either to it because I have come to terms with that and now I am quite content.

I am like the little piece of wood floating down the river. I don't question why I am there, or what is happening to me. I know HOW it happened, but that isn't the point. I'm just going to go with the river's flow until I either reach the sea.... or crash into something along the way and meet my end that way.
It is all the same to me.

I don't need australian wine, food, love nor children to be content with existence any more than you need a god....

So why ask what you do ask?
Why ask about meaning or purpose... when all that really matters is whether you're content or not?

2007-08-10 03:16:45 · answer #11 · answered by Lucid Interrogator 5 · 2 5

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