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People seem to love to hear answers about us FROM people who either don't like us or who know so little about us, like this:
**QUEST: Have JWs predicted any more dates:
**BEST ANS- Chosen by Asker:
"In my hometown, they'd set a date in the 80's- but maybe that was just my local branch? It as like 85 or something. My mother would drive us by the house they were holed up in. This was before Waco and all that, of course"
--THIS IS really funny because most best answers concerning the "TRUTH" about what we do or believe , seem to be from non-JWs & ACCEPTED as absolute truths!
***SO THEN which of the following do we fulfill?
1. We know nothing about our religion! Or the Bible!
2. We love to fool everybody as to what we believe or do! & don't love Jehovah & Christ Jesus!
3. We want to somehow lasso the world to our beliefs no matter what!
4. We all have been hypnotized(6.5 mill) and really are controlled by our mesmerizers!
5. We get 5 cents for eveyone that believes us!

2007-08-10 02:48:19 · 22 answers · asked by THA 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

--All of you friends had some excellent answers--
-(Numbers 6:25) “. . .May Jehovah make his face shine toward you, and may he favor you. . .”

2007-08-10 09:53:41 · update #1

22 answers

brother, I agree with you as you see the answers on here. there are many on here that love to slander us. I love it because the more they slander us, the more we know we have the truth. it is something that the ones who are disfellowshipped, all of a sudden say we are a cult and brainwashed, when they where in the truth they where not in a cult or brainwashed. or ones who know nothing about us and say they do. Pharaoh said who is Jehovah, well Jehovah showed him who he was and he will do that same. as you see they are starting to give me thumbs down. that is ok, because we have the truth and the truth will set them free

2007-08-10 03:26:15 · answer #1 · answered by lover of Jehovah and Jesus 7 · 11 6

The Watchtower and other Bible study aids have always been very thorough in covering each topic or question that is raised on nearly everything a person would want to know. There are scriptures and references that explain and give answers from a Biblical prospective, also citing many scriptures that readers can look up in their own Bible and find out that the answers were there all along, but they may not have been aware of it. They can use the King James or whatever Bible they have or prefer and still learn of God's name and purpose from Genesis to Revelation. Yes, the reason I believe what the Watchtower says is because it backs up what has already been in the Bible all along. Regular reading of the Bible itself is also encouraged and emphasized.

2016-05-18 22:04:54 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I understand what you are saying, but why worry about it. They have the right to believe what they want. They don't really want to know the truth, but will pick answers of those who agree with them. I guess they will have to wait and get the answer direct from Jehovah to believe the truth.

Anyway, wasn't that a great experience in the KM from Guadeloupe. 1 in 56 is a Witness and 1 in 22 attended the memorial. So we can see that there are still many sheep out there to be found. The brother who handled the part last night asked how many times did someone come to your door before they actually listened. Most was a least 5. One sister said it took 3 years for her. So even though many at this time may not be interested, things change. We still need to keep preaching in obedience to Matt 24:14 until Jehovah says no more as he did with Noah by shutting the Ark door.

2007-08-10 04:05:45 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 10 4

The world is full of non-serious people who have nothing better to do than chatter.

Others "ask" questions as a way to getting their own religious "answers" out. They don't really want information; they think they have information.

It doesn't bother me that some people insist on calling my religion a cult. Early Christianity was called a sect by the Jews and a cult by the Romans. Who cares?

The only judgment that matters is that of the Lord Jesus Christ and his Father, Jehovah.

People bleating about "cults" have nothing to do with my salvation. Nothing at all.

They are entitled to their *opinion*. Just as I am to mine.

Still, ex-Witnesses who could not remain faithful, and opposers do not and cannot speak for us, any more than Judas Iscariot or the Pharisees could speak for Jesus Christ.

Cut and paste? Our opposers do that all the time. If we meet their biased and erroneous "research" with the truth, what of it? People who were once Christians but who left Christianity to go back to the world, while speaking against their former brothers, is nothing new. The apostle Paul spoke about such people in his day, and he opposed them.

It doesn't matter that someone "used to be" one of Jehovah's Witnesses. If that person is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses, he or she cannot speak for us. Endurance until the end is what God praises.

2007-08-10 05:16:54 · answer #4 · answered by בַר אֱנָשׁ (bar_enosh) 6 · 4 3

I never ask JWs anything because I already know what you believe, and I don't really care. I used to be one for 20 years. I don't share your beliefs because I don't believe anything from the Bible.

Just because I don't believe you though doesn't mean that I don't respect you. Sometimes I answer a JW question on here to set the record straight if I feel like the JWs are not giving a truthful answer. Otherwise, I just ignore them.

2007-08-10 05:50:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

I sometimes ask JWs questions, and for two reasons:

(1) It's only fair to give you the opportunity to publicly state your own case as this helps dispel some of the nonsense ignorant people state. You have provided some good examples of this nonsense.
(2) I hope to make JWs think along lines they are not encouraged to go by their leaders - always a good idea when peoples' thinking is being subtly more or less done for them by others.

Before you howl in protest at that last claim, I know what I am talking about even though you disagree. But I don't expect you to believe me. That won't stop me asking! And please bear in mind that the most religiously well educated, zealous people in Jesus' day were warned by him that they studied the scriptures 'because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the scriptures that testify about me, yet you REFUSE to COME TO ME to have life' (Jn 5:31-47). For all JW TALK about Christ, they still have to come to HIM for life. They think taking in knowledge will save them. So, us Christians are just going to keep plugging this, even though you don't believe us. What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.

2007-08-11 04:41:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

Carol D say's Just because we dont like your answers doesnt mean they are not true. well thats in the eye of the beholder but what is evident is JUST BECAUSE YOU ANSWER DOESNT MEAN IT IS TRUE.
$t.D says he knows what we believe he use to be one.

Your or any one else couldve been in it for --xx--# of years doesnt mean ANYTHING. only that you gave up and didnt build your house on the rock mass (Matt 7:24-27) & did not stand when the storm came. but i will agree some are making this scripture true Acts 20:29 oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will rise and speak twisted things to draw away the disciples after themselves.

well thankfully Our Almighty God sent his only Begotten Son to warn us of ones like such. so that we will know what materials to use and how to build OUR house......

2007-08-10 13:08:50 · answer #7 · answered by ray_clrk 5 · 4 1

Because people fear what they don't know, they would rather take someone else's word for it rather than face their fear and find out for themselves. It "tickles" their ears, so we shouldn't be all that surprised really. They're doin' what the Bible said they'd do.

2 Timothy 3:3,4- "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories. 5 You, though, keep your senses in all things, suffer evil, do [the] work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry."

Verse 4 really sums it all up. I know it's upsetting sometimes how people react to Jehovah's Witnesses, but we need to remember that Jehovah will take care of it ALL in his own due time. As long as we just continue to "accomplish [our] ministry", Jehovah will do the rest.

Rachel B

2007-08-10 05:08:28 · answer #8 · answered by Rachel B 3 · 5 4

Honestly I think some ask questions on here simply to pass the time or to get an answer they that reaffirms how they feel.
At times it may be that, sadly, someone reads something, and despite how outlandish it may be, they believe it. Other times it seems answers are picked best simply for being humorous.

At times people on here have asked why bother answering questions on here anymore if the askers don't want a real answer. Here is one such question.
JWs, Mormons and Muslims: Why do you continue to respond to questions obviously meant to insult you?
(as well as atheists and members of other religions that are commonly disparaged on R&S) Are you trying to be good representatives? Do you think you're changing the questioners' minds?

My answer.

Someone asked a similar question a while back, and I ask myself the same quite often.

Why do sincere people bother to answer insincere questions?

There are quite a few reasons why I do it.

One reason is, well, quite frankly I ain't a mind reader. I often try to guess, before answering, whether the asker is being Sincere or not. Some times I guess right, other times I guess wrong.

One Q I recently answered was asked in such a way it seemed clear the person only wanted to bash a group of people. Most of the answerer's worked from that POV and bashed away. Imagine my shock when the asker thanked me for my answer, as it turned out she was just feeling very depressed, and needed a kind word.

I figure if the person has the right to ask it, I have the right to answer it. If I feel I can effectively do so, then I go ahead and try.

Also, generally, there is more than just me and the asker reading it. So, it gives me the chance to offer a different point of view to the others answering.

I at times have had questions about various things related to selling. When I initialy saw Y!A I figured it would be perfect for finding answers to my questions. To ask questions on here, you must have points, to get points you are supposed to answer questions, to get points quicker it is best to answer questions about subjects you know, since I know about my beliefs I often answer about them. I also answer on other subjects as well.

Honestly I see Y!A as a free class. Through using it I have improved my typing skills. I also have gotten better at
expressing myself in writting.

Here is a similar question and the answer to it.
Why do people want to know about Jehovah's Witnesses and their beliefs yet?
don't want to talk to the very people who are Jehovah's Witnesses. They will listen to ex- JWs or so called ex-JWs, non JW and anyone else but an actual JW. They will go to websites about JW which are not published by JW and filled with inaccuracies and mostly total lies.
People will ask on Answers about JW but how many will speak to them face to face yet rely on other people who are not JW to tell them about them and often they don't know anymore either.

My Answer
Often I think/hope it is simply a matter of feeling that their friend or relative knows the answer, so they simply believe it. I admit at times I have been guilty of this.

I also know that some believe what they read or are told, even without validity, simply because it is said or read. My grandmother was like that.

I do think some are afraid to go to the horses mouth, that's part of the reasons why some of the bigoted websites people list on here go over so well, people assume since it isn't by the specific religion it will probably be more fair. While some people seem to try to be fair with what they say, many seem to think that they are free to bad mouth what they don't understand.

I am often amazed by the things people say on here about what I believe, I am a Witness. What is shocking isn't that they say odd, sometimes rude, things it's that people seem to believe the stuff. I have seen some on here ask questions about my beliefs, get several ACURATE answers, then pick the one that says something out there like, "They eat babies".

2007-08-10 04:09:58 · answer #9 · answered by Ish Var Lan Salinger 7 · 8 4

I was'nt born one of JW's. I dedicated my life at the age of 13 to Jehovah...for HIM I live. It was upseting when in elementary even the teacher would lie about santa clause coming. In the organization of JW's no teacher of mine has ever lied to me about anything...it's the only place where I have honest friends that truly care about me and my well being.

Other people who don't like us will always ask questions, they don't truly want to hear our answere they just want to slander our name and make up lies about us rather than finding out for themselves.

2007-08-10 06:23:19 · answer #10 · answered by girly GuRl 2 · 5 4

When JW's answer, they give the "cut and paste" answers from the WBTS. When others answer, we give the flip side of your society's white washed answers. We have done the research, we have nothing to fear or hide in our answers as the society does.
This forum is an opportunity for BOTH sides to be heard.
Just because you don't like our answers doesn't make them untrue.
You speculate that ppl who are not JW's who answer either don't like you or know little about you. This is another example of your being blinded by your WBTS. I was a JW for 30+ years, I was in the trenches and bought into all of the rhetoric of the society, I escaped. So, I DO know about the organization AND I like the people (most of them anyway). It is the ORGANIZATION that we have the problems with.

God bless.

2007-08-10 05:13:16 · answer #11 · answered by Carol D 5 · 5 7

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