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Won't they then get the right to have nothing less than minimum wage in which Americans would be making if illegals weren't here? So how can this be a selling point for Amnesty?

2007-08-10 02:22:46 · 10 answers · asked by nashua_princess 2 in Politics & Government Immigration

Ok I get we don't want amnesty. I don't either. Telling me no amnest doesn't answer what I was asking. If people use common sense how can this be a selling point to let these illegals stay here?

2007-08-10 02:38:23 · update #1

Daniel F:
Where is your proof that Americans won't do the hard work? Right now these illegals are doing the work for much less than minumum wage that is why they are being hired over Americans. That has already been said many many times.



your argument doesn't hold water.

2007-08-10 03:40:58 · update #2

Yes Americans will work for minimum wage. On welfare a family of 4 would only recieve at maximum $688 per month. So working minumum wage would give them a few more dollars a month and still qualify them to get foodstamps and medical. Alot of Americans are working for minimum wage now but fighting with illegals for those jobs because the illegals will take less.

2007-08-10 04:15:00 · update #3

10 answers

Yes, you are correct in what you say about once they should receive amnesty they gain the rights to achieve at least minimum wage. Sooo, those very low paying jobs would be non-existent. They all need deportation so out country can pull itself out of the cesspool all these criminal illegal aliens have put it in.

2007-08-10 02:38:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Do you really think Americans will work for minimum wage?


Welfare pays better than that.

In rejecting an immigration reform you gave them a different type of "amnesty". They're still here and nothing's being done to legalize them. It's scary to know that there are 12+ Million illegals in this country and we don't know who they are or where they live ............

Many people say to round them up and take them back to their countries but that's clearly impossible. How do you locate them if you don't know where they live or who they are?

Another thing is that people complain about how "illegals" lower wages for Americans.............imagine having to pay an American $10 per hr to pick fruit or vegetables, cook your food at restaurants, wash your dishes. You would definitely have to foot the bill and pay more than $2 for that orange or apple which you are buying from the grocery store. Or do you really think that companies are willing to lower their profits on the goods they sell? Stopping at a "fast food" restaurant would no longer be cheap ........ $10-$15 for one meal .... cause someone has to pay for all that labor cost.

sreamingradical: So by nature I'm racist? That's strange! I've always known that you behave the way you were taught and my parents had better things to do than feed me racist hatred....

2007-08-10 10:45:51 · answer #2 · answered by Shawty1isback 2 · 0 2

I am so going to get a violation for this; however, what I am going to tell you is true and correct.
1 The resentment against those who look like they came here illegally and got amnesty is going to be worse than what was felt against blacks in the post Civil War Era.
2 Unless a Chicano or other Hispanic appearing person speaks American English without any trace of an accent they and all people who have a marked non American accent are going to be regulated into minimum wage jobs.
3 If you are an American born who does not speak with out that accent then YOU HAD BETTER NEVER EVER QUIT YOUR JOB IF IT IS BETTER THAN MIN IMUM WAGE. You have become a labor serf. Tied to the only job you will ever get with or without an education.
4 The USA which has classes divided by socio-economic levels will have classes now by not skin color but by accents. Today hard work and education can make any individual upward mobile or if you are a lazy bum you can slide down the social scale. From the moment there is amnesty there will be new classes established and they will be darn hard to move between.
5 The Hispanic population is very racists as a general rule. I know because I have lived as a minority all my life in southern NM. When in High School I asked a Chicana out on a date. She said yes but her brothers and their friends beat me bloody when I came to get her.
6. The new Class system may be established not by American Citizens! Think it through the estimates run from 12 to 20 million illegals with the majority of them being Hispanic (Spanish speaking) by 7 of 10. For every one of them who get a free get out of jail card they can bring in as many as 258 relatives under the amnesty program as currently proposed. Let me see.
Best Case 12,000,000 x 258 = 3,096,000,000
Worst Case20,000,000 x 258 = 5,160,000,000

Even if only 25% of those numbers come : 774,000,000 to a 1,290,000,000 of non Citizens who do not have our language, culture, nor have they contributed to the social services net which they will overload.
The population of American Citizens is estimated to be a little over 300,000,000! What will it do to this country to absorb at a minimum twice that number of people who do not have our culture, language, ethics, or education?
What is the impact on economics, law, culture, and who will assimilate whom?

2007-08-10 10:38:37 · answer #3 · answered by Coasty 7 · 1 1

The minimum wage in the United states is $5.15 cent per hour, Americans will not do that hard work for that wage. Nothing is keeping them from working those jobs at minimum wage now ,but laziness, if an employer refuses to hire them they are protected by ( EEOC) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If the Employers is hiring Mexicans for the job and an Anglo is qualified and not hired, they can take the Employer to court, Why is that not being done now? because they are not willing to do the work, Now!! And they will not do the work later for the minimum wage, farms will go out of business or pay higher wages, raising the cost at the market place.

I was a union organizer, the Americans that came to work did not last that long, sun was to hot ,wages were to low.
You show me proof they they will do the work, the minimum wage is $5.15 per hour they are protected by (EEOC) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. If they applied for a job for which they are qualified, and are not hired and the Employer is hiring only Mexicans. They came file a suit against the employer for discriminatory employment practices.

Why is this not happening? Because the Americans are not apply (ing) for those jobs, they are there for the taking. They do not want them now, and they will not do them later.
You show me documentation that Americans will do the Jobs. If they wanted them they are there for the taking, NOW !!
Plain and simple, isn't it.

Your sources have nothing to do with farmworkers .And only deal with Wal-mart 4 years ago and possible changes in the minimum wage. You present no facts that Americans will do the work. No argument at all.

Get over it you got you butt wiped in high school, You just were given a taste of what it is like to be an Hispanic. She probably acted like she like you so her brothers had a reason to kick your butt.

2007-08-10 10:00:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

nothing will change. prices will continue to go up. we give amnesty now. then we will have 12 million more behind the ones we have now. they will take the jobs the legal immigrants are doing. why? because the boss man can pay low wages to the illegals. it's a never ending cycle. we need to stop illegals.

2007-08-10 09:30:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 1

Because millions more illegals will come streaming in when they hear about the amnesty. 'Our costs' have been misrepresented to you. All of the savings from cheap labor have gone straight into the pockets of CEO's and other executives.

2007-08-10 10:27:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I think the idea is that it will cost less in the long run than deporting. Plus, they're already here and usually making more money than minimum wage [I know illegals who make as much as $25/hr], just under the table. Amnesty would mean they have to pay taxes.

2007-08-10 09:27:11 · answer #7 · answered by hthr_jacobs 2 · 0 6

I prefer turning a blind eye - in other words, the current system. It's so much easier to exploit them that way.

2007-08-10 09:26:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Taco bell will still be able to buy 20lb's of tomatoes for 35 cents....so your chalupa meal won't be stripped of produce in order to keep the price the same.

"Hello welcome to taco bell, order when ready"..." Yes I'll have a number 4 with a Dr. pepper..."...."Would you like lettuce tomato or onion on that ?"... "uh....sure"...."OK that will be a $1.50 extra"......"never mind".

2007-08-10 09:27:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 5

Either way it is costly.

2007-08-10 09:47:37 · answer #10 · answered by jenny 7 · 1 2

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