What a lovely thought, but we can all dream!
2007-08-09 16:29:42
answer #1
answered by humanrayc 4
Well I am no religious expert, nor a homophobe, but I would say no, becuase no matter what in time, there will be no more human race (if what the bible says comes into play) "cease to be man and woman..." well men cannot reproduce with one another, so after time..."cease to be man..." furthermore, I believe the bible projects it as a simultaneous effect, as in man and woman will cease to exist together. And while were on the subject of the bible, I believe the bible throws out the very idea of evolution, and that both sex's were created in the eye of God, and that neither sex is superior to one another, especially when it comes to longevity.
2007-08-09 16:28:24
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
It might mean that, but it doesn't have to mean that. One thing is for sure, the only ones who will be there will be the one's who trust God. If Gay people can trust God, then they will be there. I am convinced that there are some, and believe that there will be more.
But one thing to noted is that we can bastardize every future condition that we will inherit by trying to go beyond what is knowable. There will be none married or given in marriage, they will be as the angels; whatever all that means we have no idea. What will it be like? We don't know. So making up our minds to believe something that we really have no idea about could be counter productive.
2007-08-09 16:32:05
answer #3
answered by Christian Sinner 7
This taken-out-of context quote has zero to due with homosexuals.
People who are further evolved are people who read Shakespeare and practice science rather than reading the Bible for anything other than a lesson in what one of the world's minorities used to use to explain their surroundings and justify their actions.
2007-08-09 16:27:54
answer #4
answered by swimeveryday 4
no because that was in a answer to a question about will there be ( sex ) or man and wife in heaven, we will not need sex because we will not need to reproduce life, and we will all be equal and one no racism
this is the actual scripture...Mark 12:25
For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven
it does not say we will cease to be man and woman, that's a personal interpretation
2007-08-09 16:24:20
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No. Of course if you only look at 6 words from the bible, out of context, you're likely to come to all sorts of conclusions.
2007-08-09 16:26:04
answer #6
answered by Yermiyahu 2
No wheres in the Bible does it say anything like that. No where in the Bible does it alude to anything like that. How about posting the bible verses to back up your claim? You can't that is why you didn't.
2007-08-09 16:27:48
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
That interpretation of yours sounds satanic. In Heaven, we are given spiritual bodies with a new name on a rock given to us. No need to reproduce. Plus, homosexuals will not be in Heaven unless they ask Christ to come into their lives. Their sins can be forgiven.
2007-08-09 16:24:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I think it means that there will no longer be physical bodies, so male/female will be irrelevant. It seems unlikely to me that it has anything to do with gays.
2007-08-09 16:25:59
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
nope lol you can't just take one little phrase outta the bible and interpret that, you have to read it in context
and gays are still men and women
2007-08-09 16:24:48
answer #10
answered by Crystal 3
No such verse. Quote the Book, chapter and verse. It does not exist.
2007-08-09 16:24:08
answer #11
answered by great gig in the sky 7