2007-08-09 12:52:30
answer #1
answered by Robert S 5
I actually respect the followers of the LDS more than the protestants. With that said I do not ridicule them but do believe the father of the church was a con artist. He could never produce the tablets as he stated he would. The errors in the KJV which have been corrected and are accepted to be errors are present in the book or Mormon. By the inclusion of those errors shows the tablets to be not from god but from a revision of the KJV.
2007-08-09 19:58:47
answer #2
answered by honshu01 3
I think the main thing is that Mormonism is a work righteous religion. Rather than through faith by grace alone.
The Mormon plan of salvation is built on the idea that all people have eternal life, but only the most faithful Mormons have godhood or enter the celestial Kingdom.
Salvation, according to the Bible, is due to God’s grace and love. He provided Jesus as the sacrifice for the sins of the world. It is through faith in the crucified and risen Jesus that we may be saved. Works are excluded (John 1:12; 3:16; Rom. 10:9–13; Eph. 2:8–9).
2007-08-09 19:59:19
answer #3
answered by TJ 4
Joseph Smith and other Mormon leaders showed time and again that their version of Christianity is not the same as what is taught in the Bible.
"I see no reason to shoot down these people"
It's not the people. Almost every Mormon that I've met has been a great person. It Mormonism that's the problem.
There's plenty of sites that'll show you the false prophecies that Mormon leaders have made. You can also Google "Kinderhook plates" to see the "translation" Joseph Smith made of plates produced to test his propheticness.
2007-08-09 20:12:49
answer #4
answered by Machaira 5
I am not a Mormon, but I think many believers feel threatened by any religion that teaches differently than their religion. These same people hate it when atheists attack their beliefs,yet they turn around and do it to fellow believers! I say this. If a religion is helping a person spiritually grow and progress then its the right religion for that person.Live and let live.
2007-08-09 19:57:49
answer #5
answered by monte54que 7
God bless you for asking a sincere question. I think that at any time there were followers of God on this planet, they have been ridiculed, criticized, spurned, excoriated, vilified, hunted, driven, raped, murdered and hated. When evil people see good folks who strive to be not of this world, they become infuriated.
The Mormons make bold assertions, assertions that offend those who stand to lose - guess what? - MONEY, if those assertions are indeed true and if people heed the assertions the Mormon's make. According to Mormon belief, there is one true, restored Church of Jesus Christ upon the Earth, and the Mormon Church is it. They assert that Jesus Christ is the author of order, not the author of confusion. They believe that Jesus Christ has re-established His True Church upon the Earth in these Latter Days, just as was prophesied in the Holy Bible it would be.
The bearded gentleman above uses one word to describe the Mormon Church, "cult".
As you can see, this is not a surprise to Mormons or to anyone who knows anything about the Mormon Church, because Webster's defines a cult as simply a Church. See below:
Main Entry: cult
Pronunciation: 'k<
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: French & Latin; French culte, from Latin cultus care, adoration, from colere to cultivate -- more at WHEEL
1 : formal religious veneration : WORSHIP
2 : a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents
The use of the word cult is an attempt to cast a group into a negative light. What the bearded gentleman is perhaps trying to say is that he personally does not like the Mormon Church. The use of the word "cult" is a greater indication of his personal dislike and his being misinformed than it is in any way an objective description of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
It is my opinion that the spurious claims made by the detractors of Mormonism come from the same source that prompted the hatred of Jesus Christ by the official Jewish Church of His day, that is, Satanic hatred.
If Jesus Christ brought on such vilification at the hands of the leaders of the Jewish Church, it is not surprising in the least to me that the official leaders of so-called "christian" churches today would be engaged in unhallowed persecution of humble followers of Jesus Christ today. It is to be expected. It is one of the signs of the True Church of Jesus Christ, that the officialdom of "christianity" will revile it.
My friends, if the followers of Jesus Christ who call themselves the members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints are not Christians, then Jesus Christ is not a Christian and the word has utterly no meaning whatsoever. Thank you for allowing me to make this presentation.
2007-08-09 20:26:00
answer #6
answered by Alvin York 5
Lack of understanding is the primary reason. The Mormons have a shroud of secrecy about them in which they do not let outsiders become privied to. When people do not understand something, then they begin to make up their own versions of truth. Sometimes they become fearful of the unknown which leads to the bashing. Consciously or unconsciously the bashing gives them some kind of power over that they are afraid of.
2007-08-09 19:55:33
answer #7
answered by The PENsive Insomniac 5
LoL, aside from the obvious things like Joseph Smith being a pedophile and a supporter of polygamy, I guess nothing right?
Go to It spells out the many many things wrong with the Mormons church. I challenge you to find a single thing wrong with the logic they use there. They have printings of the Book of Mormon from the 1800's that are completely different than the ones today. Think about it man. I was LDS myself. I went to the Masonic ripoff of the Mormon temple, and found that at the core it was a cult.
2007-08-09 19:53:21
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Are you one of those who cannot separate yourself from the faith? If so, tough nuts.
This religion is a Great Big Hoax (the 'translation of the book of mormon', Smith being a prophet) based on a Great Big Lie (the gold plates). The BoM itself is nothing more than a semi-autobiographical, political, social and religious rant based on current topics of the early 19th century and Smiths background in treasure hunting.
The church's failed social experiments such as the United Order, the Anti-Banking company, and polygamy are forever going to be black eyes in church history,
The church's vehement anti black tirades of the 50's, 60's and early 70's have never been apologized for, making the church's motto "Embracing Diversity since 1978" ludicrous.
The missionary program is based on "We are right and you are wrong" and is both an insult and affront to hardworking people who wish to be left alone.
The church's 'levels of membership" retains discrimination that keeps otherwise good people out of the temple and lying bastards in.
The insistence of conformity and submission to the prophet, and the demonization of gays, intellectuals and scientists is a abomination and an anathema to any organization that insists it is the One True 'Christian' church.
I'm aiming at the church. If you got wounded, tough luck.
2007-08-10 10:33:26
answer #9
answered by Dances with Poultry 5
Well the Book of Mormon is supposed to quote God but they are the same quotes found in the King James version of the Bible. The King James version of the Bible didn't come around until King James re-translated the bible. And the fact that there's no archaeological proof doesn't help. The Bible has boat loads of archaeological proof is it not fair to ask the same thing from another book of God?
2007-08-09 20:06:38
answer #10
answered by Ten Commandments 5
I've noticed a couple of members of the clergy here who like to criticize the LDS, mentioning no names. They aren't very pleasant on this section, and I think that their offensiveness in real life is causing them to lose members of their flock to the LDS.
Attempting to convert people is also a sure-fire way to make enemies.
2007-08-09 19:53:16
answer #11
answered by Citizen Justin 7