Preach it sister!!
2007-08-09 11:03:00
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Where's the proof?
The bible is contradictory and confusing. It hasn't even been translated correctly (King James Version).
For example, the passage about Moses and the Exodus by way of the Red Sea. The actual translation isn't The Red Sea, it's The Sea of Reeds.
The Sea of Reeds 2,000 years ago, was an area of sea marshes and ocean tides. The area now is nothing like it was, due to the ravages of time. Scientists have found vast collections of bronze artifacts in this area and they believe they may have come from Pharaohs army.
But it's surmised that Pharaohs army was caught, in the marshes during a rising tide. The Egyptians were caught off guard, as they didn't know the area, as well as Moses did.
Another issue is the lack of recorded data, from the Egyptians about the Exodus. The Egyptians were notorious record keepers; they recorded all of their victories and defeats, in great detail. Nowhere in Egypt or lands under Egyptian control, were there any records of any kind, supporting the Exodus, as described in the bible.
Another example is Noah and the flood. Civilizations prior to the time of Noah, recorded stories of world wide floods, all with various degrees difference.
If you really look at the dimensions, as laid out in the bible, there isn’t enough room on the ark, to house all of the animals he was supposed to save. The dimensions of the ark itself are surprisingly accurate; such a ship would float and float very well, but it was too small to act as a lifesaver for the planet.
That’s just a couple examples. We were given an improperly translated book, to base our faith on and what we do know to be fact, doesn’t match the printed text.
The other issues I have are...
Why does a superior being, as described in the bible, require my worship? It would be like me having a world of Amoeba’s making sacrifices to me.
If God knows what will happen, why did he create Lucifer? A weird sense of humor?
The threat of burning forever, in hell fire, why that punishment? Sounds extreme.
He’s against killing, but doesn’t have a problem with drowning a world or dropping brimstone on whole cities.
Anyway thats my take on this subject.
2007-08-09 11:39:25
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
For exactly the same reason as you can't accept that he isn't.
None of us is here to change our minds on what we believe. On the contrary, we are all here because we are all VERY certain of what we do and do not believe.... AND why.
No matter what one may say about "truth" and "waking up", the other will still consider it to be "false" and "still dreaming".
Neither side of the argument has any grounding in the basis upon which the other side makes their decisions either.... so all arguments are futile from the get-go.
The amusing thing is that both sides will keep trying.
I'm just here because I revel in this kind of futility.
Besides... I don't care if the world ends because God destroys it, because war destroys it, or because the sun puffs up and destroys it. Just knowing that this world and all life on it is finite and entirely wasted once gone is enough to leave me satisfied. Believe whatever the heck you like, but it won't stop you from dying.
2007-08-09 11:10:05
answer #3
answered by Lucid Interrogator 5
Why can't you be tolerant of all people and all faiths. I don't go around asking people why don't you believe this or why don't you believe that. I accept people for who they are, as everyone should. Freedom of religion is what makes America such a great place. do you really think your God wants you to criticize and judge people?
By the way, this is coming from someone, like you, that believes in God. Believing in God doesn't mean making other people feel lower than you. Jesus Christ taught tolerance.
2007-08-09 11:14:56
answer #4
answered by Agnostic 4
I don't have to believe in this benevolent (or wrathful) god to understand right from wrong, nor do I need the threat of eternal punishment and suffering to motivate me to be a good person. But, humans will always strive to survive, because as much as you might not like it, we are animals with instincts. Suppressing, punishing, and shunning actions with the threat of God's wrath will make you fear something that isn't going to touch you, at least, while you are alive. And humans only know how it is to be alive.
Throwing out a bunch of jargon about how obvious it is and how urgent it is for "America" to realize they need to worship God and Jesus is not going to make people want to change. Only when people can look at themselves, and see that they need to be a better person, can any progress be made.
Mankind is only important to itself, and thus, we have made gods and deities to care about us, give us answers to unanswerable questions, and make it seem as though we understand existance.
2007-08-09 11:22:53
answer #5
answered by Stitchy 2
This is actually two separate questions that you are trying to make into one and it doesn't work.
1) Is God real ? Yes ,because you and others fervently believe him to be real just as Santa Claus is real to a child or Aphrodite was real to the Ancient Greeks
2) Is God real in the physical sense of the word ? Absolutely not, because God would not pass any of the physical tests that are required to prove that he is real.
2007-08-09 11:13:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Inferring that someone is a fool and that they are in the clutches of evil is no way to bring the non-believers to God. Pray and meditate. God's love might just show you a way to bring others to Him, not alienate them and push them further away.
2007-08-09 11:05:57
answer #7
answered by mithril 6
The Bible says that people can't accept that God is real until they are "born again" and filled with the Holy Spirit.
2007-08-09 11:06:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Of course every different religion is going to say their god is real. Problem is not one of the thousands of claimed gods have proved themselves though have they. They have certainly had plenty of time to.
2007-08-09 11:06:24
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Tell you what, Provide me with ONE shred of credible evidence to support his existence, and I might consider your question.
And isn't the fact that satan(tm) is allowed to lie and persuade people, just another reason not to worship god? After all, an omnipotent deity should be able to remove such a minor inconvenience with less effort than it takes to blink an eye. Right?
But you make excuses and lies to support your fantasies and myths. Which is all well and good for you. But me? I'll take reality instead.
2007-08-09 11:05:07
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Lady S is quite right. She should know that God teaches us many people will not believe his signs and miracles, to them is eternal doom. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make it drink.
Allah knows best. Let's hope Jesus pbuh (Peace be upon him) comes to end the awful wars, that I fear are fast approaching.
2007-08-09 11:06:31
answer #11
answered by hmmmm_maybe 1