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Ok so I've just (today) been reading some of the posts in this forum and it makes me reallly question deeply about God's existence. There have been times before that I questioned this but was always kind of afraid to let it out there. I have never been a "hard core" christian but I grew up believing in God and 2 years ago, I started to read the bible and try to understand. To be honest, I found myself crying alot at night trying to understand and for a moment it seemed like I was going to be okay and the crying and guilt would end but I ended feeling weird.I must admiit sometimes I felt like I was doing the right thing but it didnt stick so..yeah. I dont want to be a bad person at all and want to do what is right. Anyways..This is one of the things that confuse me most. most if not all ppl believe in bad/evil/devil. If thats the case why doesnt evil in turn take over the whole world...and vice versa with God, why doesnt he come forth and save us now..not later..since is he THE ONE?

2007-08-09 09:21:03 · 18 answers · asked by Cilantro 5 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

18 answers

DON'T LISTEN TO OTHER PEOPLE! Listen to yourself! I suggest you keep studying; not only the bible, but also agnostic and atheist perspectives... and Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, Taoism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Bahai.... If you're in college, think about taking an introductory religious course that will brief you to the major religions of the world... otherwise, those idiot's guides books are generally pretty good...

Research all the sides of the argument before you blindly accept one or another just because people tell you that's what's right (or because people tell you that you're evil if you don't agree with them).

You should think about how the existence or the nonexistence of a god makes YOU feel... and then you should think about whether the existence or the nonexistence of a god is a logical and reasonable idea to YOU... and then decide what works best for.... YOUUU!

2007-08-09 09:27:37 · answer #1 · answered by arfblat 3 · 0 0

Evil has not taken over the whole world because there are still people of God that remains. If Satan can capture every single persons minds, if he can blind every person on this earth, if he can persuade all of God's people to do evil then Satan has done his job well but not all will be lost! God hasn't came back yet to save us because we have to save ourselves from this untoward generation. It's really not that hard to aim for perfection in the Lord. Yes, we have to turn the other cheek sometimes but it will be all worth the troubles one day when we know that we have made it over. Just keep trying and get yourself saved so that you can get all that God has for you and most of all you won't be confused anymore. At least you want to do right and that is a start.


God is not ready to come back yet because the bible has to be fufilled. We still have quite some ways to go. The antichrist has to appear on the scene first and God's gospel has to be preached all around the world.

2007-08-09 09:51:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I was in your shoes a few years ago. Raised in the church and followed because I was told I should. When I started questioning, I read the bible, studied the religions, and had the realization that it is much simpler, more logical; god does not exist. He does not "save us" because he was made up.

Don't get me wrong, religions were started for good reason; they gave uncivilized people that had no hope a reason to live. By telling them that this world was not the end killed to birds with one stone. First, they were told that they had the chance to spend eternity in bliss. Then they were told that would only happen if they are good people and follow god's laws. These people now had this vast future ahead of them that made life not only worth living, but worth much much more.

People who still believe are not stupid people, they are just gullible. They blindly follow what they are told without question. You questioned, you have the chance to make your own choice on facts, not on a book that was written hundreds of years after the events happened (being exaggerated and modified every time someone else told it to make better stories).

Make the choice you feel is right, not what others tell you to believe.

2007-08-09 09:42:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

God is basically a survival trait we haved obtained to basically feel secure over thousands of years. It helps people survive better because it makes them more content when under larges amounts of fear, like death, etc. If people didn't have anything, say, poor people for example, and if they didn't believe in god, what would they have? Believing in "god" is basically a way to imagine something more then you so you can cope with every life. Now, on the existence of god....God denotes that you are talking about a being floating in the clouds in religious views, god is always a relfection in religious text, of man. I dont believe if there were a great being, it would be SEPERATE from us, instead, EVERYTHING is apart of the BIG superior omnopotent thing out there. I dont believe in a "god" per se, rather, I believe there is a VERY VERY fu**ing mysterious energy that we are apart of, that just spontaneously created itself. Big bang, and everything else doesn't have an answer. No one knows where anything/everythin came from. IT WASNT a man in the stars or clouds. Basically there is an answer, but our brains are WAY to small to understand the complexities of the universe. For instance, a any wouldn't know how an engine worked, same we dont understand how the universe works. Now, when we die, we do not really die. Einstein proved energy never dies, so your energy will always be within the universe, you never die. I dont believe in hell or heaven. I dont believe a being would be working about finicky things such as humans, and where we go. I believe if we were being watch upon by a superior figure, it would not put humans as number 1. we are just mass, atoms, energy. There is a lot of it in the universe, why would it care about our energy. Some might say, Intelligence, or whatever. But intelligence is only relative to who is considering it "intelligent". Quantom physical black hole in space is very complex, more complex then a human, but it doesn't measure its complexity, and attribute itself as "im so smart, Im more special then all other entities in the universe, lets kill everything because god put it here for us". I believe all life is a balance, you live your life with temperance (even as the bible sometimes contradictorially states). But you balance your life, and your happiness is your religion because when you die, your concious is gone, but your energy doesn't die. There is nothing to be affraid of, of not having concious, because that is total and complete bliss. Before you were born you were at peace in the cosmos, same when you die. That is heaven. Bad and evil are also subjective ideas, but being a life form who is surviving, "good" things can be defined by helping each other, and "bad" thnigs as that which destroys life. Neither are universally meaningful. For instance, a rock doesn't give a **** if it is destroyed, or preserved. Only self replicating matters, genetic matter. Religion is fine to believe in, but it isn't always right. Being a buddhist, one of the most peaceful people in the world, why would god send them to hell for not believing in Christian religion? See, doesn't make sense. It's non-sense. In your icon, you look black. So, as a black african american, your ancestry was pulled away from your african lands, why is it you would believe in a christian religion that was put together by ****** up white people? Thats my question.

2007-08-09 09:39:47 · answer #4 · answered by Jsun 2 · 1 0

God is real but most religious people's concept of who and what God is are flawed. God is saving all of us at every moment. In fact without God life is not possible and we could not exist. Through years of meditation practice and the humble confidence borne of unconditional love I have met God and He is totally awesome, in fact there is no cooler more loving and wise entity in existence. Moreoever, God seriously doesn't care if you believe in Him or not. That was invented by church people to fill the collection plate. Why would God need your hard-earned money or your prayers? God owns the universe. God is above all our earthy concerns. These are just the problems of the living. What makes God happy is when we are like Him: all forgiving, compassionate, generous and infinitely understanding. Evil does not actually exist. It is just a description of the absence of God (or His qualities in us). Saying that evil exists is like saying that non-murder exists.

2007-08-09 09:47:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Awhile ago, I came to the realization that I could struggle with my belief or disbelief in God's existence for the rest of my life, and not come any closer to an answer. That's why I came to the conclusion that, rather than waste my time with this question, it would be more productive to just declare myself an agnostic, and worry more about how I could be a better person and treat others more kindly. To me, it's ok and understandable for someone to believe in God, as long as that person's image of God is of a compassionate Being as opposed to a vindictive one who punishes the unfaithful. Fortunately, my philosophy fits in pretty well with my religion (Reform Judaism) .

2007-08-09 09:32:46 · answer #6 · answered by Stephen L 6 · 1 0

The Bible does teach good morals etc..... but you can be a good person without having been made to believe the fantasy that is the Bible.
It grabs hold of peoples minds in the way your mum does when tellin you about Santa when youre little.... But at the same time, makes you too scared not to believe.

2007-08-09 09:25:24 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Get off this forum and just search hell, for example. Go to the sites and look. See what the different viewpoints of hell are. Get a bible and concordance at the used book store. They rarely know what they are and practically give them away. Read. Know for yourself because you looked for yourself. Hell is the grave, in my opinion. I can back that up. When your studies and investigations take you to the point that you can speak with the confidence I do, you will be o.k. with yourself.


2007-08-09 09:37:45 · answer #8 · answered by Grendel's Father 6 · 0 0

God exists all right. So does satan, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit. The problem is people keep looking for Him in all the same wrong places. If part of the bible is false, contradictory and misleading and some is spot on, how do we tell the difference? There is a special place inside each one of us that knows right from wrong, truth from fiction, and reality from fiction. The key lies in experiencing unconditional love. Once that happens you can't forget it and it becomes nearly impossible to settle for less again.

2007-08-09 09:33:20 · answer #9 · answered by single eye 5 · 1 1

That would be too easy for God to save us.

According to the Bible WE chose to follow Satan not God.

We said F you to God, I want to eat what I want to eat and you can go F yourself.

So God says, GO do what you want! So be it!

The rest is up to YOU

Man made this choice and YOU now continue, so make your own choices.

Do as you want or do as you think God would rather you do.

Your choice. Free will.

NO warranty expressed or implied.

2007-08-09 09:26:21 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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