Addictions are like anything else that we cannot control. Bondage, and that bondage like any stronghold we have on us can be broken with the word of God. Granted it is sin if it controls us but we must realize it is through Jesus and his love that we are able to overcome anything. We will never be set free if we try to do it on our own.
2007-08-07 13:38:52
answer #1
answered by imezru2 3
All Addictions have a demon attached to it;The Word of God tells a Believer how to cast out a demon,You can"t Kill it ,but You as a Believer are
Deputised by the Lord to cast him out;
I have found that Secular Psychology is good
with labels;But the Power of the Holy Spirit is needed and it doesn"t take Him 10 yrs and thousands of Dollars;Your Question very Timely,
In my time I have never seen the "Addictions that are even close to the Addictions I am seeing now;
2007-08-07 13:49:12
answer #2
answered by section hand 6
This is my opinion based on a Catholic upbringing. I will state for the record that I am not a "practicing" catholic at this time, but it is the religion I was brought up in.
You said it best when you said that addiction is "the desires of the flesh taking over." Addiction is a product of gluteny, which is one of the deadly sins. God gave everyone the will to choose. People have the power within them, given to them by God, to make the choice to stop whatever behavior they are engaging in, especially if it is harmful to the body. Harming the body is viewed as harming the temple of God that He Himself built. If an individual is not strong enough to stop the behavior on his own, that person should have the strength to turn to God and know that they will be given the strength they need.
2007-08-07 13:40:30
answer #3
answered by purdue_girl13 2
>>"a biblical (i.e. True) standpoint. "<<
this is a PROFOUNDLY DANGEROUS thing to think.
the text can be intepereted, even conservatively, in a whole variety of ways, someimes extremely opposing!
for example theres one text I remember seeing that when it was first shown to me, it was thought to be a ruling against abortion. the meaning I saw when I read it... was EXACTLY the opposite, instead of a ruling against abortion, a provision ALLOWING for it!
to say bible = true is just... not a good thing. the bible is not explicitly clear most of the time.
in the strictest sense theres no such thing as an addiction, that its all a matter of willpower and choice.
"a demon attached to it" lol. thats some funny crap. oh no, the demon of caffine!
2007-08-07 14:06:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
© 1999 James A. Fowler
You are free to download this outline provided it remains intact without alteration. You are also free to transmit this outline electronically provided that you do so in its entirety with proper citation of authorship included.
I. Direct Scripture references pertaining to "addiction."
A. Christian leaders
I Tim. 3:3 - ""not addicted to wine"
I Tim. 3:8 - "not addicted to much wine"
Titus 1:7 - "not addicted to wine"
B. Older women
Titus 2:3 - "not enslaved to much wine"
II. Considering the meaning of the word "addiction."
A. Webster's Dict. - "to surrender oneself to something obsessively or habitually."
B. Gerald May - Addiction and Grace
1. Def. - "compulsive, habitual behavior that limits freedom of human desire"
2. Attraction additions and aversion addictions (indulgence and denial)
C. Characteristics: "must have," "want more," "no problem," "can't stop."
D. Same patterns of behavior also identified as weaknesses, vulnerabilities, character faults,
neuroses, "flesh," besetting sins, life-dominating sins, strongholds of sins, demons, idolatry, etc.
E. Differing personalities and tendencies to obsess:
S - Success, significance, freedom, leader, competition, excitement
E - Approval, social, popularity, talk, relationship, love
L - Security, attachment, tradition, belonging, status quo
F - Knowledge, accuracy, structure, organization, perfection
III. Other Scriptural references to consider
A. Correlation with Biblical word "flesh"
Rom. 13:14 - "make no provision for the flesh in regard to its desires"
Gal. 5:24 - "have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires"
Eph. 2:3 - "formerly walked in the desires of our flesh indulging the desires...
I Peter 2:11 - "abstain from fleshly desires, which wage war against soul"
James 1:13 - "carried away, seduced by tempter, under our desires"
B. Correlation with Biblical idea of "besetting sins"
Heb. 12:1 - "the sin that so easily entangles us"
Rom. 14:23 - "whatever is not of faith is sin"
C. Correlation with Biblical concept of "idolatry"
Phil. 3:19 - "god is their appetite,...set minds on earthly things"
Gerald May - "addictions make idolaters of us all"
Philip Yancey - "what the Old Testament calls idolatry, enlightened Westerners call 'addictions'."
IV. Dealing with addictive patterns
Phil. 4:19 - "God shall supply all your Christ Jesus"
Prov. 13:25 - "the righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite"
John 8:82,36 - "the truth shall set you free"
Gal. 5:1 - "It was for freedom that Christ set us free"
II Cor. 3:5 - "not adequate in ourselves...adequacy is from God"
II Chron. 20:15 - "battle is not yours, but God's"
Exod. 23:29-33 - "I will not drive them out in a single year"
2007-08-07 13:36:45
answer #5
answered by Ilovebeingme! 3
See if this the bible Romans 7:14-25 and following in chap. 8.
2007-08-07 13:45:41
answer #6
answered by bill b 2
2 passages to consider:
"Jesus answered them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. "
John 8:34 NASB
"What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? May it never be!
Do you not know that when you present yourselves to someone as slaves for obedience, you are slaves of the one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness? "
Romans 6:15-16
I don't say these address the entire subject, there are many other factors; but at least they address part of the subject.
One more:
"Who has woe? Who has sorrow?
Who has contentions? Who has complaining?
Who has wounds without cause?
Who has redness of eyes?
Those who linger long over wine,
Those who go to taste mixed wine.
Do not look on the wine when it is red,
When it sparkles in the cup,
When it goes down smoothly;
At the last it bites like a serpent
And stings like a viper.
Your eyes will see strange things
And your mind will utter perverse things.
And you will be like one who lies down in the middle of the sea,
Or like one who lies down on the top of a mast.
"They struck me, but I did not become ill;
They beat me, but I did not know it
When shall I awake?
I will seek another drink."
Proverbs 23:29-35
Whom the Son sets free is free indeed!
2007-08-07 13:45:38
answer #7
answered by wefmeister 7
There are many instances in the NT where it tells us to be self-controlled (esp. Titus and 1 Peter). If you're addicted to anything -- whether it's alcohol, drugs, porn, gambling, even food, etc. -- it's obviously controlling you.
2007-08-07 14:39:25
answer #8
answered by kaz716 7
While i can even pretend to have as good of a answer as the people before me I will just say this.....
Jesus died for his addiction
2007-08-07 13:40:20
answer #9
answered by imyourace 2
The Bible is very clear on this " the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak"
2007-08-08 04:44:12
answer #10
answered by Anonymous