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...This doesnt go for all Christians, But I've meet very few that didnt judge other people because of their "sins"

Maybe some of them should read The Bible again

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone" John 8:7

2007-08-07 12:18:54 · 6 answers · asked by Helter Skelter 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

6 answers

I'm a Christian, but I realize that not everybody else in the world is. I'm willing to talk about my faith if asked, but I don't believe in shoving my religion down anybody's throat. As for sin, I'm a sinner myself, so how could I dare to presume that I have any business commenting on anybody else's sins?

2007-08-07 12:26:35 · answer #1 · answered by solarius 7 · 2 0

Right, totally right. However I personally have had a blessed life of daily supernatural events that basically are identical to UFO sightings. How do you get the message across that eternity is not as short as they think? If you were the first person to sail around the world, how much trouble do you suppose you would have telling everyone the world wasn't flat? Take care and may God bless you spiritually.
P.S. I know there are millions of other Christians out there, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was the only one.

2007-08-07 20:33:32 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a Christian myself, I will try and explain something without being pegged as judgmental here.

I am a sinner myself, so pointing fingers at others is wrong- I have been saved from my sin, by the death of Christ- and I have victory over sin, and death, through His resurrection. This however does not mean that I still cannot sin- I pray I sin less and less. When I share my faith the word SIN has to come up- because not recognizing our sin will keep us from Jesus. So if someone asks me how to get to heaven, I have to say- we must ask God to forgive us of sin. I am just trying to explain that "ALL SIN AND FALL SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD". I pray that I never come across judgmental, because the only difference is that I am saved. I am not casting a stone- at least I pray I am not. I share more about how God saved me, as an example to others. If someone asks me if something is a sin I will say it is . I cannot lie just to not come across as judging. Does that help?

2007-08-07 19:48:07 · answer #3 · answered by AdoreHim 7 · 0 0

They are worse than that. Global conquest is one goal they are very open about. When the whole world has heard about Jesus, the Endtimes will begin. They have to convert others to help bring about the end of the world. Then their wrathful God can torture, forever, anyone who didn't join their cult. They really do make Satanists look like nice people who are just out for a good time.

2007-08-07 19:30:34 · answer #4 · answered by St. Toad 4 · 1 0

If Christians practiced as Jesus' example, I, as one confirmed atheist, would join in; I try to now, without the fictional Jesus as a role model, but his story is an example.
There's a few things he said that are a bit naff, and megalomaniacal, but I guess it was to draw in the crowds.

2007-08-07 19:31:40 · answer #5 · answered by hog b 6 · 0 0

I am nonconvertible because I am a two door hardtop. One does not want to be in a convertible when someone is casting stones.


2007-08-07 19:25:56 · answer #6 · answered by Grendel's Father 6 · 0 0

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