I agree. I am a faithful Christan and think about the Lord every second of my life. May God bless you.
2007-08-07 12:19:11
answer #1
answered by DeltaKilo3 4
Do you have any proof that he did exist?
When I look around I see nature in all her glory, but I do not see Jesus. A lil FYI to you...Jesus did not "create" anything. According to the bible, Jesus was the prophecy made flesh. His main goal was to teach the new testament to man. There was now to be a new way to do things. (Ex sunday school teacher here)
Also faith is not "proof" of anything. Faith is merely a strong belief in something.
2007-08-07 20:14:14
answer #2
answered by Willow 4
You're engaged in a common logical fallacy. While it is not possible to prove that 'X' does not exist; it does not stand to reason ('non sequitur' - literally, 'it does not follow') that X exists. Just as 'absence of proof is not proof of absence,' the converse applies that 'absence of disproof is not proof of presence.' One could just as easily claim that leprechauns, the Loch Ness Monster, or Hell 'must' exist merely because we can't prove they don't.
Similarly, it is not (yet) possible to *prove* that an intelligent entity is not involved somehow with the 'design' of reality. It does not follow, however, that one can conclude there is such a being, let alone that it is *your* particular version of the Almighty.
Believe whatever you wish; but when you pretend to proofs and evidence which you don't possess, you look foolish and arrogant. Christians are supposed to be better than that.
2007-08-07 19:25:56
answer #3
answered by dukefenton 7
There is no proof whatsoever that Jesus did NOT exist. However, there is NO first-hand evidence of his existence. This does NOT mean that Jesus did not exist - it only means that there is no proof either way. Its up to the individual to believe in the existence of Jesus. Even is Jesus is purely mythological (which I find difficult to believe) the "myth" (if it is that) left a good example for all of us: sacrificing for others is a loving thing to do.
2007-08-07 19:20:08
answer #4
answered by Paul Hxyz 7
What if I told you I believed there was a tiny baby blue polar bear that lives in a small pink teacup in orbit around Jupiter? You'd say "prove it." Do you have any proof that there isn't such a bear in such a teacup? No. Do you think there is one? I hope not.
I look around, and I see all the living things. Even if this proves that there is a creator (which it doesn't), it does not remotely begin to prove that Jesus existed and was the son of God and came to earth to die for our sins.
2007-08-07 19:21:26
answer #5
answered by hynkle 3
The bible has the proof you want and it goes like this: King Herod died around 6 BCE(before common era). That would mean christ would have to have been born at least before then (Herod slaughtered infants to find and kill the christ child). In Luke 2 the holy family travels to Bethlehem for a census "while Quirinius was governor of Syria". We know historically that this census occured in 8 AD. We also know there was a King Herod who died fourteen years earlier... So that makes christ an infant for 14 years! So which gospel is full of crap? (HINT:All Of Them!)
2007-08-07 19:30:21
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I have proof that my gods exist, and no proof that Jesus exists.
I might've been willing to think about Jesus, but then I started encountering Christians who LIE about my religion and LIE about who I worship and LIE in general.
If the followers of your god LIE so freely, maybe he's the father of lies.
(By the way, if I catch a Christian in a demonstrable lie, I assume she's lying about everything...so, um, maybe YOU should stop spreading nonsense about people's religions.)
2007-08-07 19:19:54
answer #7
answered by LabGrrl 7
Your mindless ramblings are proof enough that jesus does not exist. god doesn't either. or heaven. or the tooth fairy.
and I don't need no stinkin' king of kings, thank you very much.
2007-08-07 19:21:28
answer #8
answered by atheist jesus 4
Amen, Jesus is real and is alive. He is sitting at the right hand of God the Father.
For the people who feel they need/want more information see Archaeological Evidence verifying biblical cities.
2007-08-07 19:25:08
answer #9
answered by Jo 4
Even if jesus did exist, he is not the son of god. He was merely a person who spoke about religion
2007-08-07 19:18:50
answer #10
answered by independant_009 6