I'd say pretending to be who you are not, well, it's more stupid than immoral
2007-08-07 07:13:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I believe in God, but I do not think that refusing to believe in God is immoral. I believe that it is someone that is mislead. It is everyone's choice to believe or not to believe. We all make that choice sometime in our lives. However, we should never pretend to be something that we are not. If I am Christian, I should not pretend to be a pagan in the week. If I am an Atheist, I shouldn't pretend to be a Christian just on Sunday. We should always be in an eternal pursuit to remain true to ourselves.
2007-08-07 07:25:17
answer #2
answered by One Odd Duck 6
I pretend to, in my real life. And in a way, yes, it's not exactly moral, but what choice do I have.
I would love to believe in a god, if there were one.
I know it wouldn't be anything like the Bible god, for I have studied the Bible enough to know a lot about the imaginary deity; who, incidentally, was invented by that pervert Moses and his syphilitic half-brother Aaron...
2007-08-07 07:17:01
answer #3
answered by 2.71828182845904 5
Pretending, not believing is the same thing in Gods eyes.
2007-08-07 07:16:22
answer #4
answered by Gary V 4
Uh.... i'm not pretending. i think in God. I trust you that the failings you point out are undesirable, and that a lot of people use faith as an excuse to wreck others. That being reported, please do not paint all people who have self assurance in something greater than themselves with an identical brush. definite, there are distinctive people doing undesirable issues interior the call of religion, yet there are additionally an excellent many doing reliable issues, too. not actual everyone seems to be a fundamentalist loopy, so please do not placed me interior an identical boat with such people. people who're undesirable or thoughtless will detect a fashion; if religions did not exist, they might nonetheless detect a fashion, and perchance be even worse without the (admittedly tenuous) controls which faith places on them. in case you elect to ascertain a metamorphosis, then strengthen right into a rigidity for that adjust. talk up once you spot something going incorrect, yet do not generalize, or no person will hear to you. talk with reference to the offense, not the religion (or lack thereof, for that remember). asserting that "actual everyone who's religious is undesirable" is not extra acceptable than asserting "actual everyone who's black is lazy" or "actual everyone who comes from Europe is caught up," or the different generalizations. Bigotry has by no potential introduced approximately any priceless replace. persist with the deed, and not a particular characteristic of the doer, and detect a thank you to make a metamorphosis. Edit: i'm not anti-abortion; although, abortions does not advance the kind of embryos from which stem cells ought to be taken, through fact plenty extra beneficial than in simple terms the embryo is bumped off while a D&C-type abortion is finished. by using the time the embryo is recognizable as such, that's a techniques too mature to offer yield usable stem cells. in case you elect to strengthen embryos, I have not got any difficulty with that; do in simple terms not link stem-cellular acquisition and abortion, through fact one has not something to do with the different.
2016-10-09 10:20:24
answer #5
answered by ? 3
pretending to beleive in God is Immoral.
2007-08-07 07:15:17
answer #6
answered by ssrvj 7
According to the Pascal's Wager fans (and they are legion, as you know), pretending is as effective as genuine belief. It would appear that the question of what's moral doesn't enter into the calculation.
2007-08-07 07:15:49
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Pretending of course!
2007-08-07 07:14:19
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Pretending, it is the only sin described as a 'worse' sin than others.
2007-08-07 07:13:44
answer #9
answered by LaptopJesus 5
both are very foolish...there is a God and to not believe in him would make your life miserable...and its just stupid to pretend...you either believe or you don't believe its that simple.
2007-08-07 08:04:40
answer #10
answered by Jackie M 1