It was the state of Rome that put that man to death. If it ever happened at all.
2007-08-07 06:55:57
answer #1
answered by Raven's Voice 5
When reading the versions of Jesus' death in the NT, and you come upon the Jews saying "if you are the messiah, get down off the cross, etc. etc." (sorry, can't remember if it is in all three versions or just one) maybe read it this way:
Maybe some of the Jews truly thought that Jesus was their Messiah, their leader and King here on earth, and they were actually PLEADING with Jesus to get down off the cross, but he can't...that is what some scholars have suggested anyways.
I always thought the Jews were really the ones who provoked the Romans into arresting Jesus. The one priest - Caiaphus I think, had it in with the Romans from the start..
But from a Jewish perspective back then, the Jews had it hard enough living in an occupied country where they couldn't truly be free. While their religion was accepted by Rome because it was ancient, it didn't make them any less accepted as citizens and they underwent very harsh treatment at the hands of Rome.
So when this guy comes along who knocks over moneychanger tables at the temple and starts preaching something completely different, but still attached to their God, of course they are going to feel afraid and threatened that Jesus was part of their belief system, which would bring Rome knocking at their door once again.
And seriously, why should ALL Germans be prosecuted still to this day for something one regime did??? Not ALL Germans were responsible for what happened.
2007-08-07 14:03:40
answer #2
answered by SisterSue 6
The Romans killed Jesus.
Bible scriptures do not tell the truth...
So how do we know that the account of Jews killing Jesus is nonsense? Analyzing the Gospel account shows it for what it is. The so called trial given in the NT story is the completely opposite of the Jewish law
1) It takes place at night- all trials were held during the day
2) It takes place in a private home- all trials in Jerusalem were held in the court of the Sanhedrin in the Temple courtyard
3) There were very few people present - there have to be a minimum of 21 judges in a capital case- in Jerusalem the full Sanhedrin of 70 judges heard capital cases.
4) If a court cannot find a person guilty, they are forbidden to hand them over to secular authorities - the "court" in the NT does not find Jesus guilty, and then hands him over.
So four serious violations of the halacha (Jewish law)- which since they were in a capital case means the death sentence for those committing the violations- yet the NT keeps slandering the Pharisees and their strict adherence to the law!
On top of that- you have a big problem, a Roman governor who is later removed for excessive cruelty! (You gotta wonder- and this from a people that watched people fighting to death, getting eaten alive etc for fun!) And yet a conquered, powerless group of people is somehow meant to have the ability to get him to obey them?
What does make sense is if this whole ridiculous scenario is inserted in to remove the blame from the Romans when the early Christians were trying to convert them and needed a scapegoat! Who better than the people that had rejected their new God - ot removes the blame from the people they are trying to convert while giving an excuse why the vast majority of them have rejected him!
2007-08-07 14:47:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Boring and stupid question of an unbeliever. The Jews didn't kill Jesus. The Romans did.
Anyhow according to the Bible, Jesus gave Himself for our sins. Nice try, though.
2007-08-07 14:05:18
answer #4
answered by CJ 6
Don't you know your own Bible? Jews did _not_ kill Jesus. Romans did. One sect of Jews helped out with the trial, but saying that therefore all Jews killed Jesus is like saying all Christians are nuts because of the snake-handling, poison-drinking sects.
2007-08-07 14:09:05
answer #5
answered by random6x7 6
Well while we are looking for apologies, when are the people of Missouri and Illinois going to apologize for what they did to my ancestors? I think I am owed some Land in Missouri that belonged to my great great great great Grandfather.
GET OVER IT ALREADY!!! The current Jews have no responsibility in that, The ones who did, will be dealt with Justly.
2007-08-07 14:00:49
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
You don't have to say you are sorry for killing people of your own ethnic group. It is only if you eradicate other ethnic groups. Since Jesus was a Jew, it wasn't a hate crime if he was killed by Jews. If the Romans did it, they should apologize -- ooops, too late.
2007-08-07 13:56:46
answer #7
answered by BAL 5
Leave Jews alone, they didn't kill anyone.. and let me tell u something pal, saying sorry for the holocaust is just not enough!
2007-08-07 14:06:24
answer #8
answered by Haidee 3
According to the buybull myth, wasn't the persecution and execution of Jesus SUPPOSED to occur? If it hadn't, wouldn't the entire gesture have been meaningless? How stupid does this sound:
"Please apologize to me for your assistance in fulfilling the prophecy that's going to get me to heaven."
As for the holocaust: watch this video in two parts:
and read this:
2007-08-07 14:56:28
answer #9
answered by r~@~w 4
They were an instrument, just like the Romans. In fact it was the sins of ALL MEN that was responsible. You can't lay that on the Jews' doorstep.
2007-08-07 13:59:09
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Your compairing the mass slaughter of an ethnic group to one man who was accused by the jews of being a fake?
2007-08-07 14:04:20
answer #11
answered by Indiana Raven 6