Not at all. Murder is sin, and God isnt capable of murder. When he terminates life and curses us with death like he did in the garden, he has the right to do so because we are his creation. Everyone dies, its just a matter of when and how. But its important to remember that mankind does NOT have the right to pick and choose who lives and who dies, unless of coarse they fall under the category of justice like a murderer. In which case they are sentenced and executed by LAW which is a so-so refelection of Gods law.
It is more accurate to say that God allows the action to happen, but isnt going to allow the murderer to get away with it. That is why he is recording our every move and word while on this earth and we will be judged for them. A "Live and let die" policy suggests that whatever is going to happen happens and thats fine. Well, whatever is going to happen usually does happen but its NOT fine and God will be the judge.
With that being said, mankind doesnt have the right to terminate life at will or whim or assign value to it based on age. The Bible teaches that Human life doesnt belong to us, it belongs to God and it is sacred. Only he has the ultimate authority to terminate life if he so chooses, not men and women who are afriad of being parents. If mankind takes that authority upon himself, they become murderers.
2007-08-07 07:11:07
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
No, abortion is not murder. Abortion is the woman choosing to terminate her pregnancy because it is her only option. Rape? Incest? Simply unprepared to handle the responsibility of a child? Personally, I think it is wrong for a woman to have a baby for purely selfish reasons and she is incapable of raising the child effectively. A child deserves a home where people can love it and take care of it. This doesn't mean that if I ever got pregnant, I would run out and get an abortion. I just think it's the woman's right to choose what she wants to do with her own body. Don't approve of abortion? Then don't get one and shut up. I know someone who got pregnant because she wanted a baby to give her love that her parents wouldn't give her. Know what she did? She abandoned her baby with its' grandparents and ran off after the father, who got deported. Sometimes, it's an viable option for a woman to consider. It really depends on the circumstances. The age of the parents, their relationship, their own opinions, the circumstances surrounding the conception, and many other factors. In some cases, it is the best options. If you really don't believe that a woman has the right to choose what she wants to do with her body, then go to a country where the women HAVE no rights.
2016-05-20 23:52:49
answer #2
answered by janell 3
If a miscarriage is not an "act of God" or allowed by God, but merely the body's way of getting rid of a deformed fetus, then how do you explain all the deformed and retarded babies that are born? How about the women whose lives are in jeopardy during the last few weeks? That answer makes no sense at all.
Interesting way of looking at it - are we doing any more or less than what occurs when a woman has a miscarriage or delivers way to early for the baby to survive?
Personally, I don't think any one on this earth has the right to tell another person that she can't voluntarily abort a pregnancy. I don't think anyone on this planet is God.
2007-08-07 07:08:23
answer #3
answered by sandand_surf 6
By that logics, since people die of cancer every year, God must approve of murder. After all, he does nothing to save them so he must want everybody to be murdered.
Last time I check, a miscarriage was a type of "disease". Abortion was a choice.
When you become God, and create life, then you have the right to take it. And the perfect understanding of when it is right to do it. Until then, you are subjected to His laws that say the deliberate taking of a human life is wrong.
2007-08-07 07:10:03
answer #4
answered by dewcoons 7
Your concept has been twisted by either natural means, or friends, family, media and other forms of thoughts.
God is not an innocent by-stander, without power to do anything, nor is He a condeming power, drooling at the thought of suffering.
God cares, and everyday miracles you have absolutely no idea that are happening, happen all around the globe.
One thing you must understand (and hopefully accept) is that God gives every person thier own free will to choose to do right or wrong. He does not just "step in" and stop.
Believe it or not, the result of murder, abortions, rape, hurt, death, etc. is not God, but "sin". Sin "brings forth death".
It is up to every individual to choose the right thing and come to God for help and direction, to which God will even cause the sun to stand still if necessary (it's in the bible! =)) to help a soul come to Him.
What is YOUR choice today? =)
2007-08-07 07:05:59
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Clearly not all abortions involve the deliberate taking of life - for instance there are spontaneous abortions that occur when a women may not even know she was pregnant.
And then there are abortions that do involve deliberately ending a life and, depending on the stage of development of the embryo or fetus, opinions differ on whether it is right or not.
And then there is partial-birth abortion. It is legal in some jurisdictions and may therefore avoid being termed murder (unlawful killing) there but what else is it?
2007-08-07 07:37:34
answer #6
answered by jayelthefirst 3
None of this is ideal in our eyes or God's for that matter. He (God) created a perfect world, but gave man free will. Adam & Eve chose to sin against God and therefore brought sin into the world. That changed everything. A miscarriage is a result of the sin man brought into the world. An abortion is out and out sin against God. It's the killing of a life created by God.
2007-08-07 07:08:39
answer #7
answered by tigrompy 3
I don't know how to answer your question properly, I'm awfully sorry, someday i hope I'll be able to theologically discus the subject with depth (maybe some other user will, i hope).
Still, i think it is murderer and i don't see how the thousands of miscarriages change that, or make abortion alright.
In an attempt to answer your question i could say that God loves everyone, and He knows what he is doing, and he is doing it for the best. Far from enough to convince you i suppose.
I really think the abortion issue should be very, very, very discussed in order to achieve the best answer for this huge problem
Paz de Cristo
2007-08-07 06:58:59
answer #8
answered by Emiliano M. 6
You bring up a good point. If I knew completely that it is God's will to terminate the life of a yet to be born child, then I would follow that prompting. It's odd, though, that the prochoice people here are also the ones who react so strongly to Abraham listening to God's will to sacrifice Isaac. It seems to be because they don't trust God or themselves to follow God's will or even believe there is such a thing. They want to force their own will onto the situation of abortion.
2007-08-07 07:03:50
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The Ten Commandments say "Thou Shall Not Kill". This applies to humans not to God. Otherwise, no one would die naturally and we would all be immortal.
God does not act like an innocent bystander and prevent people from having abortions, anymore than he would stop a serial killer on a rampage. Through the new Covenant established by Jesus Christ, people are no longer accountable for their actions on Earth( to God anyways) and will be judged at death. This is because God gave humans free will. If he stopped us when we did something horrible or bad, than we would not be able to choose good and Love. He leaves this up to us.
This is a slight change from the Old testament because at this time, God would , at times, hold people accountable for their actions on Earth, such as striking them with lightning. He does not do this anymore and people will be judged from what they did based on their own free will. God is still sad when we do something awful , shall as kill or hurt fellow humans or ourselves.
2007-08-07 07:02:13
answer #10
answered by Anonymous