not at all. I'm just amazed by the ignorance.
2007-08-07 06:51:26
answer #1
answered by Perceptive 5
I feel very disrespected, & offened.
As tho the person, actually thinks / believes
I do not have a working mind.
It is upsetting bc I did used 2 b in a cult..
Scientology. Now, I am Christian.
(My mom raised her kids in this.
She's out now, been out, a long time now.)
I have looked it up @ dictionary .com,
bc ppl here @ Y/A's throw it around
like it doesn't even matter.
It does matter, like you said;
How does this make Jesus {& Jehovah God} feel?
In the brackets; is my own words.
By defination ALL of Christianity & Christendom IS a cult.
Nowadays, there is such a stigmatism attached to the word;
well after Jim Jones, David Koresh & the branch Davidians,
it is used as a Degoratory term.
And those using the word... accusing others of this are meaning to do harm, whether they think so or not.
It is hurtful. It's Not heathful. It's attacking.
And it does make a person feel hurt, mad, offened.
We are imperfect.
What was it Jesus said; "critical times hard to deal with,
men will b lovers of....."
"the love of the greater number will cool off"
we are living in these times.
It Does Bother me, Alot.
Bc I was as a child raised this way; in a cult.
Now, I am firmly planted in the truth.
Jesus is my King & Savior
Jehovah is my God & Father.
the foundation I use, to stand on will Not totter, nor fail, or fall.
I Do Not Worship a man.
I worship, ONLY Jehovah God.
So, I'm not in a cult.
'Sides, I know that His true worshipers will b persecuted,
in fact some will think they are doing a service to God,
when actually, they are hurting themselves.
And I know, that Jesus will return & then
All Will Know the truth.
Plus, it just proves Jesus' words true,
This is the only path to Everlasting Life!
and btw....
since I am becoming 'new' I am learning to Not let it,
disturb my peace. Thank YOU Jesus!
2007-08-08 08:53:16
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
The first thing that comes to my mind is the lack of knowledge on the part of those who sling around that label. So silly really since what the person is actually saying is "I know what beliefs and doctrines are acceptable and orthodox – mine! You don't share them so you belong to a cult." A bit insolent, don't you think? And wholly lacking in modesty. Orthodox means conventional, standard, accepted. Is it not God who determines what is acceptable to him rather than the one who professes to worship Him?
To illustrate: there was a question posed about six hours ago asking why Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate birthdays or accept holiday gifts. The very first response to get on the board was "because it's a cult." Aside from the fact that this hardly gives a reasonable response to the question, it is subjective and inflammatory. Sort of like when Jesus compared the generation of the first century to children who complained of everything no matter what you did. He said that generation called John the Baptist demonic and called Jesus a man gluttonous and given to drinking wine. Matthew 11:16-19
So , it seems beneficial to first get a dictionary and look up the word. Cults do exist of course, but to simply label a group as a cult because one is opposed to its beliefs ad doctrines is immodest at the very least of it, and arrogant at the very worst.
Hannah J Paul
2007-08-08 07:08:06
answer #3
answered by Hannah J Paul 7
first they should mind their own business! Just because I don't worship Jesus doesn't make me a cult member who aren't always bad by the way. I would not like to be viewed as a cult worshiper but who ever says that obviously has no clue what they are talking about so why should I care.
2007-08-07 13:56:50
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
What did Jesus call the Pharisees in His day?
"Brood of vipers!" They were supposedly following God but were far from it.
A person has to examine EVERY religion and see if it matches up to what the Bible says. It it teaches what the Bible teaches then it's true Christianity. If the teaching don't match up then they are false prophets. There are "christian cults" but when you look at what they teach and compare to to the Bible they are far from it. If something is false we as Christians are to expose it for what it is. Satan doesn't like that. Cults control peoples minds and tell them what is true and what isn't. Unfortunately we don't know what Truth is until we read the Bible and follow the teaching of Jesus.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 14:6
And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
These were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so. Acts 17:11
2007-08-07 14:14:53
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
It does not bother me. I am certain that I am worshiping God in the right way and that if I am mistaken in some areas, then he will correct me through his faithful steward in due time.
Meanwhile I know that I am no better than Jesus, first century Christians, and God's prophets of old who were also mocked.
See Acts 28:22
2007-08-08 08:24:30
answer #6
answered by babydoll 7
A Christian is someone that believes that salvation comes through Chist alone. If a person doesn't believe that Christ paid for their sins on the cross and gave them the gift of eternal life, they would not be a Christian. They may believe Christ existed or plays a different roll in their beliefs, but they are not Christians.
It all comes down to the basics of Christian faith. For example:
John 14:6 Jesus answered, "I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the father except through Me."
Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.
Christ has paid for the sins of all. One must only believe in Christ and His sacrifice and Truly repent of their sins and they will be saved from eternal damnation, and will spend eternal life with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in heaven.
2007-08-07 14:08:38
answer #7
answered by Pro-American 3
In religion and sociology, a cult is a group of people (often a new religious movement) devoted to beliefs and goals which may be contradictory to those held by the majority of society. Its marginal status may come about either due to its novel belief system or due to idiosyncratic practices that cause the surrounding culture to regard it as far outside the mainstream.
This definition obviously places Christianity in the cult bracket because no belief system in the world is held by the 'majority'.
Christianity is however the largest cult.
2007-08-07 13:54:13
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It doesn't anger me...for I realize people put derogatory titles on things they themselves don't like. I just ignore it...won't even debate with the person after the word "cult" has been brought up.
2007-08-07 15:08:00
answer #9
answered by Ahmad H 4
I feel fine with that. I am free to come and go and believe what I want to and follow Jesus Christ as I chose to with the holy spirit as my guide and if someone wants to say that is a cult than so be it. They do not know.... and I do not care. I am down right stubborn about following Christ and I don't care who calls me names anymore... once upon a time I did, but I don't anymore because if God is with me, who cares who is against me
2007-08-07 13:54:38
answer #10
answered by sassinya 6
I feel offended when people call our religion a cult.
2007-08-08 10:25:56
answer #11
answered by Anonymous