Any time atheists don't pander to christian theological beliefs and condone forcing everyone else to be subject to the whims of the chrisitan fancy, they consider it atheist intolerance. They never stop to think that tolerance means being tolerant of EVERYONE'S views, not just chrisitans. If one practice is opposed to other practices, then that practice should NOT be forced on everyone else. An example, christians would not want the five pillars of Islam posted in the supreme court, but somehow think it's their right to have the ten commandments posted. The supreme court ruling that the the five pillars can't be posted would be seen by christians as a separation of church and state, while the same ruling about the ten commandments would be seen as persecution. Most christians don't seem to realize that endorsing NO religion is the same as protecting THEIR right not to be subjected to the religious beliefs of others. I think it stems from their inability to distinguish NO religion from A religion.
2007-08-07 05:27:06
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
keeping business open and refusing to allow people time off to go to church....I worked in a place like this....every one else could get time off to party or whatever...Christians would always be scheduled to work and denied time off for anything...
harassment and ridicule when wearing a simple cross necklace...
lobbied try to remove and change Biblical based laws that are part of our heritage as Americans and a nation....
TV programing that is purposely slanted to depict anything Christian as a simpleton, and that it is acceptable to insult and degrade any thing related to a persons faith.
forced education of things that are against Christianity..if the parent and / or child object, they are subjected to ridicule and harassment...
Removing the Ten Commandments from the school and public and public libraries have disappeared the books on Christianity or filed them in the back to never be found.....
A Bible Book store will have to fight tooth and nail for months to get in and conduct business.....
an adult book store or a liquor store can be up and running in 48 hrs....
I tried purchasing a biblical drama DVD...That is a seasonal item that must be special ordered??
but a person can purchase the satanic blood and guts chop up movies any time....XXX, witches, etc...
Chocolate rabbits and colored eggs, a jolly fat man, witches and such on broom sticks....Christians complain about this an we are ridiculed!!
in school kids can have a chess club, foot ball, stamps, computer, but if some child try to have a Bible study club at school they can be expelled....
try to pray over your meal in school or in a restaurant and there will be people all over you complaining.....
The dietary laws that many Christians and Jews follow, being vegetarian, etc....ridiculed and insulted....
I have had to eat my lunch in my car because
the break room was full of big mac and big mouths....
Have worked in other places that were large enough to have a lunch room that was part of the hotel/ restaurant.....we had to bring our own lunch and were ridiculed for this and not provided an area to put our lunch safely....the meal provided was not what we could eat....was usually unclean was starve or bring your own....
bumper stickers, t-shirts, with any christian statement will get insults and obscenities thrown at you....
I have had customers in the check out line make the comment when they observe my cross necklace,"Oh , you are a Christian, can't trust your kind you will short change me" and they left their pile of groceries on the belt!!..
So you don't believe in God...
does that give you the right to be rude and forget proper manners ??? Does acting like a jerk and causing problems in other peoples lives make you feel superior?
wear a brown shirt so we can stay out of your way....
2007-08-07 06:38:07
answer #2
answered by coffee_pot12 7
Maybe that person meant atheists are intolerant about the things Christians say in favor of Jesus Christ (the only God). By the way, nobody can stop Christians because they do not believe in wooden gods, but the real God
2007-08-07 05:15:13
answer #3
answered by Paulo Eduardo 6
The only problem I see in America....let me rephrase that....a problem that I see in America is the intolerance of christians. its just like a chain email i got this morning saying that muslims are killers and that disrespecting them is not only ok, but what you should do. It was all from a christian perspective mentioned jesus and the bible. Prime example of why I can't stand a lot of christians. complete hypocrites!
2007-08-07 05:14:56
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Ravi Zacharius:
Did you hear the Hollywood elite speak with passion against The Passion of the Christ? The actor Jon Voigt scathingly attacked Mel Gibson for focusing so much on the gruesome. What? Did I hear him correctly? I had to see humor in that attack, for two miracles had taken place. A relativist had finally admitted that violence on the screen can be overdone, and second, that the screen can change behavior in the viewer. Please take note. Voigt—who starred in Deliverance, which I am told is a graphic, disturbing film—and others like him resented a film for being ideologically driven but crowned Michael Moore’s film with the highest praise. They were disturbed, they said, because the film was too violent. Are these not the same purveyors of violence who are outraged by censors?
Why all this anger, I ask? This is not a little tempest in a teapot. This is a firestorm intended for one purpose alone—to silence Christianity. Can you see the trend? First, we kill God. Then, we kill man. And to justify it all, we kill language. But language is guaranteed as part of our freedom. How does a purveyor of free speech kill the right of others to have the same privilege? This is cleverly done by transferring their hatred onto those they wish to silence—and the word “phobia” is added to anything they are against. Funny, they have never thought of themselves as Christophobes.
To drive home the last stake and elevate their view they co-opt the scientific community and come up with an educated response. Enter Richard Dawkins of Oxford, who has proposed that religion is a virus that has made its way into the software of some DNA, and therefore, it must be expunged. This is liberalism’s cure for the malady that plagues their freedom. Moral absolutes, according to such demagoguery, are the bane of our existence brought into play by the virus of religion.
Here is the conclusion. No, they are not against absolutes. They are only absolute relativists. No, the destroyers of our cultural values are not against freedom. They are only against the freedoms of those who challenge them. No, they are not against phobias. They are only against the phobias that others have. No, they are not against the sacred—the head of the ACLU is brilliantly ordained as a reverend. They are only against God. No, they are not against killing. They are only against those who kill for different reasons to theirs.
2007-08-07 05:16:58
answer #5
answered by D2T 3
As a christian student, I have been attacked by gangs of atheists trying to keep me from praying. They beat me with upside down crosses and started chanting demonic verses.
Towlieban, last time I checked, fundies made up the majority of the supreme court.
2007-08-07 05:13:51
answer #6
answered by PoseidenNeptuneReturns 4
Besides the Supreme court?
Lack of respect for people's religion is very common, you should look this up sometime.
Read some of the Supreme court rulings from a few decades ago, you may see a difference. They are all secular human laws thrust upon the nation.
2007-08-07 05:13:29
answer #7
answered by great gig in the sky 7
Christians are the ones trying to ban gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, and just about anything else that they don't like. I won't be calling other people intolerant if I were them
2007-08-07 05:13:08
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
One time a kid was praying that I would stop being so cool. It didn't work.
Another time I went to church, and didn't pray. Nobody noticed.
I tried to stop my Mormon girlfriend from believing because she felt so guilty after sex. Didn't work.
2007-08-07 05:12:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
That's a classic "straw man" argument. Give it a rest.
2007-08-07 05:17:01
answer #10
answered by Jeff A 5