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Since some of you didn't understand my meaning:

Why is it considered worse, especially in American society, to be an atheist than to be a believer in any of the numerous absurd cults that are out there?

I hear it all the time: "I would rather you believe in anything than nothing."

What the f--k?

2007-08-07 05:07:06 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

24 answers

Christians see other cultists as misguided people of a false faith. Therefore, they hold out the hope that they can be redirected into whatever christian cult a person belongs to. It is just a matter of adjusting their faith beliefs from whatever version of god they believe in to the "correct" version.

Atheists, on the other hand, reject the concept of god. This strikes at the core of every religious cult, from the independent church to the largest christian denominations. Once you accept Atheism, you are no longer subject to their arguments.

2007-08-07 05:10:15 · answer #1 · answered by Dave P 7 · 1 0


okay, now with this clarification, you have moved into the realm of politics, rather than religion, believe it or not. in the us, religion has become intrinsically woven with politics for the neo-conservatives. they mistakenly believe that religious issues should determine how you vote, rather than oh, let's say competency for the position, or ethical standards such as keeping the constitution in place rather than dismembering it. you can see what toll the religious right has taken on us society because they vote on three issues: does the candidate profess to be a born again christian, the candidate's stand on abortion and how they feel about gay marriage. hence, despite the voting infractions which are well documented and the stealing of an election, you get the type of government that has existed in the us for the past seven years. these folks would rather continue to act in the most unchristianlike fashion by actively stating that anyone who doesn't share their beliefs doesn't rate. god is god, no matter what name god is given. at any rate, the country gets gutted economically, the constitution gets destroyed, the corporations are now running the country, on and on it goes, all because certain people choose to align themselves with a certain theocraticc belief system and all the rest be damned (in their minds literally as well as figuratively, much to the dismay of thinking people). these folks who are in power use religion to promote their own self interests politically and economically, while generally living lives of intense hypocrisy. conversely, those of this particular religious ilk don't think any other belief system rates in their minds and atheism is held in the same account in their minds. as for the "numerous absurd cults" to which you refer, they feel the same about them, too. in short, in the current us, it's all about money and sucking in the "true believers" while living a life of lies. i don't know if this helps but i hope it does.



2007-08-07 12:20:52 · answer #2 · answered by puffnagel 1 · 0 0

I think it's a fear that people follow no set of rules, which is absurd. I'm an atheist and I follow rules. I'm more law abiding then some of the people with "faith" are.

But I'm not really sure. I actually had someone tell me once I had to believe in god because I was a good person.

Some people just don't understand

2007-08-07 12:11:42 · answer #3 · answered by thegrovesofdoubt 3 · 0 0

I guess because, it shows that others are searching for the truth at least even if they are in a cult. It shows that they have some kind knowledge that there is a higher being where as an Atheist lives without any hope of anything beyond this world.

2007-08-07 12:18:56 · answer #4 · answered by Stormchaser 5 · 0 0

I think it scares people to not believe in a God or higher power. Atheism is threatening to many because it touches on their own doubts about the existence of God. Hey, they haven't seen God, and a lot of faith is required to believe in what is unseen.
I look at it the same way people react to people who don't get vaccinated. If a person is vaccinated and they meet someone who isn't, why do they worry about catching something? It is an irrational fear.
If I believe in God or a higher power, why should it bother me that someone doesn't?

2007-08-07 17:00:50 · answer #5 · answered by NRPeace 5 · 0 0

I think because believing in God is so big and so many people do follow some God, that not believing in anything is seen as being strange or satanic.
Going against the mainstream is a position where you have to just accept the others who do not accpet you.

2007-08-07 12:13:13 · answer #6 · answered by metalholics18 3 · 0 0

Well, it is true. Ameicans will elect a Catholic president, or any variety of protestant president. They might even consider a Jewish or Muslim president, but never an atheist president.

So we will continue to have a president who has a nuclear arsenal at his or her disposal, yet at least publicly believes that the second coming of Jesus will begin in a global war. That's comforting, huh?

2007-08-07 12:11:26 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is just a little "deep" for ME; You should ask My brother Sesshomaru, but HERE GOES: In your America, Government has created three main "CONTROLS" to keep you people of Society "in line": submissive & subservient... These three Controls are : POLITICS, LAWS, and RELIGION! Their reasoning is simply this: IF one is not influenced by any ONE of their Controls, he WILL be able to be controlled by any ONE (or more!) of these controls. RELIGION is one of Society's MAIN Controls, Worldwide, so by being an ATHIEST, a NON-BELIEVER, you have NEGATED one of their major overall Controls! GOOD LUCK with the other TWO!!!

2007-08-07 12:23:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone has been raised to believe in something. It is inconceivable to them to not believe in something. This shows us where we need to change our thinking or mode of thinking. Being born and raised without that kind of bias would produce a whole new generation of free thinkers. Love the thought.

I smell like pot, too when someone answers their dang phone!lol

2007-08-07 12:12:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The whole idea that religion (or "anti-religion religion") has to be about beliefs is a Western approach. I think it's very unfortunate, as it tends to obscure the foundational attention to practical experience, insight, and compassionate disposition.

As just one example: a huge part of Zen Buddhist practice is the activity of open-minded questioning of all our made up beliefs.

2007-08-07 12:12:44 · answer #10 · answered by bodhidave 5 · 1 0

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