Yes, I have had many of my questions answered by the Lord. He is the light on my path!!
2007-08-07 05:09:28
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I lead a much better life when I walk my Christian walk.
I had been living with a woman for 5 years. During that time I became $60,000 in debt and lost my job. I talked to the Pastor about it and he said that God is not going to bless a situation that goes against His wishes.
I moved out the very next day and not a month later I got a job making 1/3 more money than I had ever made before. I am paying off my (her and her family) debts now and things are going great.
By the way, when I left I still payed her rent and bills for 2 months.She continued to blow her money and had a son who was out of control and starting his career as a criminal. It was a bad scene as I came from a good family. She finally cheated on me to "pay me back for moving out". I had asked her to marry me before I left but she said no. I did everything I could for them but I know the Lord didn't like me to be there. I tried to get them interested in God but they expected God to just work for them like an employee.
I can honestly say that I have a better life thru Faith.
2007-08-07 05:16:23
answer #2
answered by m_c_m_a_n 4
As a way of knowing something, until I come to the same conclusion myself (or not) it's constantly leading me, as a Buddhist, to a better life because what I originally take on faith, I test like the Buddha told us to and it generally becomes logical fact and the "faith" part moot.
2007-08-07 05:13:10
answer #3
answered by vinslave 7
Yes. I believe the world is a living organism, more alive that we can tell and that the life energy of the world is god. So, I am driving less, and live in a small house and buying less stuff and walking more, so that I can be kinder to the earth and so that I can be more connected to the earth around. I also go out and pick my own food at farms near by, so I feel the actual connection to the earth. My beliefs definately guide my choices day to day. It also helps me slow down and be more patient with my fellow humans, which is also good.
2007-08-07 05:15:36
answer #4
answered by OceanSwimmer 1
This question is not simply a yes or no question? Yes or no questions can be answered while drunk, sleepy, depressed, and uncomfortable. This question should move one to explain how this has done so.
As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, my faith has indeed been strengthened. I am protected from many of the false teachings of the varying religions. I have the answers to the most important questions as: What is God’s personal name? What is the theme of the Bible? What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? Why are we imperfect? Who must we obey, God or men? What happens to us when we die? What is the condition of the dead? What separates true religion from false religion? Is the Bible just a book, or is it inspired by God? Should we have pre-martial and extra-marital sex? Why are world conditions getting worse? Who is the evil force behind the evil acts done today? Why there will never be world peace in this system of things? Is abortion a decision that should be made by the individual? Do good people go to heaven, bad people to hell?
We live in a world of moral decay. Young teenage girls are getting pregnant and the boys are engaging in fornication. The teenage girls are left by their sexual partner(s) and have to take care of the baby themselves. Some of these ones end up with sexually transmitted diseases and emotionally scarred for life.
Genesis 39:12: “Then she (Potiphar’s wife) grabbed hold of him by his garment, saying: “Lie down with me!” But he left his garment in her hand and took to flight and went on outside. Joseph’s relationship with Jehovah God was far more important and pressure than a few minutes of pleasure
1 Corinthians 6:18 says to “flee from fornication.”
1 Thessalonians 4:3: “For this is what God wills, the sanctifying of YOU, that YOU abstain from fornication.”
Many of my peers in high school engaged in fornication at 16, 17 and 18 years of age. Some had sexual intercourse before entering high school. Not with the same partner of course. Some did it just for pleasure and to see how it feels. Little did they know how much they were really hurting the other person. Some had babies during their school years and thus had to drop out, not even getting a diploma. It was then that they realized how much it took to take care of a baby. They messed up their lives. They messed up the cleanliness of their families. Parents from both sides were extremely unhappy and knew that their children were not ready for children because they were immature. Loose conduct was common among a few of them. Their lives are strapped forever. Having a child changes everything. I studied the publication “Questions Young People Ask – Answers That Work” which had topics concerning everything that youths are faced or will be faced with.
Topics such as Dealing With Family Members, Personal Appearance, Sex and Morals, Dating Love and the Opposite Sex, The Trap of Drugs and Alcohol and Your Future just to mention a few. By studying this and gaining a deeper knowledge of the scriptures, I was protected from following the lifestyle that my peers engaged in. They seemed happy holding hands with their girlfriends, but they really were unhappy, as if something was missing. I felt as if I was perhaps missing out on a good time because it seemed as if I was the only one without a companion. In reality, I was not missing out on anything.
They were not “conscious of their spiritual need.” (Matthew 5:3)That was missing. It was not missing for me and I was protected to the greatest extent while some of those I see on the street are still miserable because of the loose lifestyle they chose to live. It just goes to show you that the decision we make does not effect just one person, but effects all those that love you and then some.
2007-08-08 04:37:28
answer #5
answered by the_answer 5
2007-08-07 05:07:40
answer #6
answered by iviss84 2
Yes, faith with works
2007-08-07 05:08:28
answer #7
answered by Paulo Eduardo 6
Yes. Right now as a matter of fact. The reason I believe in God is because when I have made changes in myself for the better of myself and others things have happened like i got really lucky things fell into place for me. I'm not Christian, but I beleive that when people help themselves God helps them too.
2007-08-07 05:09:50
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
I have everything I need in my life but I'm not a believer. If you have God in your lives and you feel good that's great, I'm just saying that one can have complete happiness outside that spectrum. Life is what you make it.
2007-08-07 05:15:44
answer #9
answered by soñador 7
Yes, i have happiness and family joy instead of strife.
I don't have to hate. I can look to the future with a clear conscience. What better life can you have besides that?
2007-08-07 05:07:53
answer #10
answered by great gig in the sky 7
No, but my lack of faith has taught me to make my own decisions, and my life is better for it.
2007-08-07 05:09:10
answer #11
answered by thegrovesofdoubt 3