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If you owe me money and your brothers pays me can I then come to you to pay me also?
If jesus died for my sins then the debt is paid then why must I still owe a debt? Is it not up to the collector to stop collection procedings and not up to the borrower beg for forgivness from the debt?

2007-08-07 05:01:45 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

15 answers

Jesus paid the debt for whosoever will. Then, if what you're said is so true, why are we not living as the original Adam in a garden and or a sinless world, no pain in child birth, no murder. Everything should have gone back as God had first created it, something is not adding up with your facts.

2007-08-07 05:13:09 · answer #1 · answered by charmaine f 5 · 0 0

Do you know what the debt for sin is?
The wages (or payment) of sin, the Bible says, is death.
Not the death of your body...even animals die...but the final and irrevocable death of your spirit.
You do NOT have an "immortal soul"...that is a fallacy. Satan has been telling that lie since the beginning. Don't you believe him. You will, indeed, surely die.
That is why Jesus came to die on the cross...and to descend down into the grave...
The gift of God, the Bible says, is eternal life.
Think about it...why would Jesus give you the gift of eternal life, if you already have eternal life?
Some will try to mitigate your penalty by telling you that "death is separation from God"...I have to smile, because they are actually correct. Nothing can exist, separated from God.
So, now that my brother has paid my debt, does God still collect death from me as well? No...because He paid my debt, I don't have to die.
Does that mean I get to sin as much as I like, and still go to heaven?
Ahh, no...it doesn't work that way. Your sinful nature is paid for. That covers sins you may commit without knowing or without meaning to...it even covers stupid things you do as long as you apologize and do your best not to do them any more.
However, purposefully sinning, knowing full well that you are breaking God's law, with no regret and no intention of trying to change...that is on your own bill. Unless you get it straightened out now, when it comes due, you owe God a death...your own.

2007-08-07 05:23:06 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If we had been sinless Jesus could now not have had to pay that everlasting debt for us. Since SIN is a aspect of mortality on account that we LIVE in a fallen & sin-stuffed international, then this cost was once essential in order that the needs of justice possibly tempered with His mercy & grace. The CONDITIONS upon which Christ paid that cost for us nonetheless, are that we WILL REPENT of our sins - in any other case, certainly His providing shall be in useless for many who FAIL to take action. "How first-class how wonderful how whole, redemption's grand layout. Where justice love & mercy meet in concord divine."

2016-09-05 10:28:50 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The debt is only paid if you do the will of the father during life. I can't believe people think that they can be baptized and go to heaven without earning it by staying away from sin and doing good. Baptism makes you a child of God, but you will still be held accountable for every action of your life. When you offend God He requires your sorrow for his forgiveness. Live the Gospels, read them often, and follow their wisdom.

2007-08-07 05:15:30 · answer #4 · answered by carmel 4 · 0 0

I don't think Jesus died for our sins. It's an easy way out. What a warped thinking? He died because bunch of imbecile at that time didn't think he was a profit. What happened to him, happened to many other prophets around the world. Many prophets from India, china were given torturous death.
I believe his Crucifiction was such a sad event. It showed how people were so ignorant and they themselves erased a great saint with their own two hands. After their horrible death, look no other saint was born in the west soil.

2007-08-07 05:08:55 · answer #5 · answered by soniakidman 4 · 1 0

Jesus died on the cross to pay for all of our sins, so yes he paid the debt. All we have to do now is repent for our sins, and since he died for us we will be forgiven.

2007-08-07 05:15:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let’s look at it another way, in terms of a friendship. Think of the relationship you have with your best friend, what are the expectations? Do you each expect the other person to never treat you badly, do anything hurtful, or say anything disrespectful? Or is that individual free to do and say anything she or he wants, because you as their best friend know that they do not mean anything by it? How would you react if he or she continued to do this in front of you, without any consideration to your relationship?

However, we are only human, and will do or say things that hurt someone's feelings. In the case of those who are our friends, don’t you expect him or her to want to apologize to you? Or would you say that when this friend does this hurtful thing, there is no need to apologize, simply because he or she is a friend? And if the latter is the case, how long do you think that friendship will last? I would think that since you are close friends, he or she would want to apologize for breaking a promise to you. And in doing so ask for your forgiveness, of what he or she has done wrong to you. The result being that you forgive him her of their wrongs toward you.

Considering the above example is a relationship between humans, don’t you think that when it comes to a spiritual relationship between us and G-d (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit); because of a larger promise more is expected?

2007-08-07 05:54:02 · answer #7 · answered by whathappentothisnation 3 · 0 0

Yes, but we keep incurring more debt. We continue to sin.

Also...the "debt" is not something we borrowed and owe back. The debt is the consequence. It's a different analogy. The wages of sin is death. Our debt is really payment...it is owed to us. We sin and receive the payment of death. Jesus Christ took that payment on himself and conquered death. So we will not die if we choose to accept his sacrifice...but we still have to be cleansed of the blackness and cancer of sin that we carry.

2007-08-07 05:09:59 · answer #8 · answered by Misty 7 · 1 1

Yes, Jesus paid the debt in full for our sins and all we have to do is accept him as our Lord and Savior.

2007-08-07 05:18:03 · answer #9 · answered by shanla 4 · 0 1

I'm not following your analogy, but Jesus died for our sins and the debt is paid. That's called, of course, salvation. It's free to all who believe it in their hearts and confess it with their mouths.

Read Romans.

God bless!

2007-08-07 05:06:16 · answer #10 · answered by Dennis R 5 · 1 1

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