Well, SOME of us have lived just fine with SOME of those laws. Of course, SOME people lived quite well under slavery, but I think we can agree that change was good in that circumstance.
Religious freedom for ALL is a good thing, sweetie. Christians are not the only ones with rights.
2007-08-07 05:04:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
You're an idiot, and if I knew you in real life, I fear I would already be in jail.
Laws that you grew up with? So because a law is old it is correct? There are people alive that grew up with Segregation, would you support that still being around? From your avatar, I deduce that you are some kind of Asian. Would you like to be treated as a lower class citizen because of your heritage? Well if we had kept laws because, that's the way it has always been, then you wouldn't even be on a computer right now. You have no idea what you are talking about and every question you ask only embarrasses you further.
2007-08-07 05:04:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If the Christians insist on maintaining their privilege and the antagonism toward other thinking, then you have a point. Oppress others and you get to feel superior.
Your moments of prayer and saluting the flag only date from the 50s. The national motto wasn't "In God We Trust" until then. You've got quite a bit of chutzpah suggesting that your way of life, which included oppression of women, black folks, gay folks, asians, Jews, etc., was a grand and glorious time for anyone other then your parents and yourself.
So, No, I don't agree!
^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
2007-08-07 05:06:50
answer #3
answered by NHBaritone 7
We haven't lived just fine with the laws that have "protected" marriage. We've denied basic rights to at least 10% of the population (homosexual couples) by preventing them from receiving the same political benefits as heterosexual couples.
At one point marriage was "protected" against interracial couples. Was this right? Was everything just fine then?
Explain to me how we've been "just fine" all these years? Has all the crime, oppression, and evil in the world simply been an atheist myth? You don't really believe the world is peachy-keen, do you?
2007-08-07 05:04:47
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
So we should have kept the laws in twenty-odd states that prohibited interracial marriage, the last of which was abolished less than seven years ago?
Yes, let's stop trying to eliminate Allah from the american way of life, and bring him back into schools. You wouldn't mind that, right? Or is it just your particular god that should be everywhere?
2007-08-07 05:04:34
answer #5
answered by Dreamstuff Entity 6
You apparently want a society that protects YOUR right to believe what YOU were taught growing up but denies those who grew up in other traditions their rights. I, on the other hand, believe in religious freedom for all. I want government to stay out of the religion business and let each person be religious or nonreligious as his/her conscience dictates. I don't want a school board to decide what religion my child should follow. I will decide that for myself by taking my child to the house of worship of my choice and teaching him at home. I don't feel the need to tell my neighbors what they should believe.
2007-08-07 05:11:47
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yeah, everyone was just fine, unless they were a minority! Can you imagine being gay or being Buddhist or being black in your idealized version of the 1920s?
Grow up, laws aren't here to protect the majority. This is the US.
2007-08-07 05:04:11
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
The day you allow a satanist to hold a prayer in school with your child is the day I allow you to pray with his.
The day you allow a Wicca to freely display their symbols alongside your is the day I allow you to dis play yours just as free.
You are hypocrites and you know it not. You are NOT persecuted but persecute others and know it yet reject your actions as being just.
When YOU truly accept the freedom of religion means ALL religions not just christian then I will stop fighting your self serving bullshit.
2007-08-07 05:08:28
answer #8
answered by honshu01 3
You may have lived just fine, but you obviously have no concern for those less fortunate than yourself--you are a "true christian" in that respect--completely self centered--the last shall go first and the first shall go last--I will see you in hell
2007-08-07 05:07:32
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Like the laws that made enslaving other human beings legal.
Or the laws that make being a homosexual a crime.
Maybe we could even go back to the days when women were "asking to be raped" by dressing sexy.
I pity you your ignorance....
2007-08-07 05:04:24
answer #10
answered by Anonymous