Some bosses are extremely petty that way. They want to be seen as being in control at all times and that includes handing out rewards or restricting them (ie hours). Bosses who go from being rude to friendly to rude and back again are like terrorists. They try to keep you off balance so they can have more power over you.
A decent boss would say, "I'll see what I can do." And if it were practical, given you the additional hours.
He sounds like a total bastard.
2007-08-07 04:38:20
answer #1
answered by jewel_mayhew 3
Here's some perspective: You forgot about plans you made WEEKS ago, inconvenienced the entire office/store by asking for a Friday off at the last minute, then having the nerve to ask for extra hours to make up the time you forgot to plan ahead for.
You're lucky he didn't fire you. And frankly, you'll be lucky if you still have a job come Monday.
Odds are this isn't the first time you've pulled this crap. Try being more responsible and acting like and adult, then maybe your boss will treat you like one.
2007-08-07 13:03:51
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I'm going to play devil's advocate and side with your boss here. I sympathize with him because it is the same old story all of the time. You NEED hours. Your manager appeases you by making a schedule to accomodate you, but it never fails, those who complain about not getting enough hours are the first ones to need time off. Usually at the last minute.
I make the schedule for my therapists in the office, and it can be extremely frustrating for us when employees lack a good work ethic.
I understand where your boss is coming from. I'm going to give the person who is reliable and responsible the extra hours. It has nothing to do with being spiteful, it is more about being able to rely on the individual.
2007-08-07 11:50:12
answer #3
answered by sleepingliv 7
I think you're boss is being unprofessional about it, but in a way he's got a point. Your need for additional hours is not his problem. You really should have requested the time off sooner so that you could make up those lost hours.
It sounds like it was an honest mistake though. These things happen and your boss should understand that. Work should never be a personal matter, that's one thing I've learned over the course of my career. When you start taking work matters personal, you're only going to frustrate yourself.
Now, if your boss has the hours to let you work and he's deliberately withholding them from you to spite you, then that's wrong. Unfortunately, the only thing you can do is learn from this and try not to make this mistake in the future.
2007-08-07 12:09:41
answer #4
answered by Not quite perfect 5
It sounds like you have inconvenienced him, because you told him this at the very last minute, i.e. asking for hours today and tomorrow, when he must have already drawn up his schedule. Perhaps you should compromise by asking for more hours next week or whenever his next planning block is slated. He needs you to be reliable and to do what you say you'll do. The Friday off will throw his schedule off, and he might be expected to be ready for one unexpected change like this. But when you added in the stipulations for today and tomorrow, that probably irritated him further, since you're asking for him to re-do his entire week, in effect. If you need the hours that badly, rethink whether you really NEED Friday off or if you can work out extra hours for the next planning period; this makes it seem like you are being considerate to your boss and might sway him to be considerate to you.
2007-08-07 11:39:23
answer #5
answered by Black Dog 6
Been in a similar situation. Things deteriorated to the point where it became intolerable to work there. Don't expect to have the boss change his ways. It won't happen. Honestly, eventually you will have to begin looking for another job. Trust me on this. I ended up suing the company I worked at and got a nice settlement. Good luck to you.
2007-08-07 22:50:08
answer #6
answered by D squared 6
well when wait til last minute then u should expect some recourse. for you to expect him to not only give u time off then rearrange the schedule to add you more hours is rude on your part. u need to realize the whole schedule doesnt revovlve around u and if u needed that off u shoudl have gave ample time so they could ve have allocated u enough hours. this is the real world honey get with it.
2007-08-07 11:55:27
answer #7
answered by spadezgurl22 6
A boss is someone who rules over you in the working place. So no matter what, the best advise I can give you is to give way to him. By giving way to him, he will see to that your future career will be bright. He is your boss. You are not his boss. It is a big difference.
2007-08-07 11:42:58
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Well, unfortunately his perspective is that he needs full coverage of different shifts, and when people make plans, and want time off, it makes his life difficult. Should he be more understanding and cooperative? Sure, but he's human, and sometimes humans are crabby and unreasonable.
2007-08-07 11:39:50
answer #9
answered by GEEGEE 7