1. Incest can produce children with terrible birth defects, and usually presents a major problem socially. That is, people find out and shun you and any children you have.
2. Bestiality is apparently how AIDS started. (It's a disease found in monkeys.) Also, you will get put in prison or a mental hospital if you are caught.
Both are quite disgusting. Family members should feel safe in their beds, be able to be affectionate without it turning sexual. Animals should not be abused, and this clearly is abuse.
2007-08-06 00:51:58
answer #1
answered by auntb93 7
Neither for all sins are equal, in fact the Word sin really means missing the mark, it is a letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, and there is a dot placed above it if the dot is on the left it is pronounced Sin if on the right it is pronounced Shin. Remember it is not sin if it is on the right! Blessings to you in the name of Jesus.
2007-08-10 13:29:14
answer #2
answered by cowboy_christian_fellowship 4
Does Bible say so ? Why does bible hate hindus ? i'm a Hindu via beginning, yet I appreciate all the religions the two. Being from Nepal, I easily have by no ability seen the religious fights in my community. Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims are like family contributors in Nepal. i'm so greatly surprised to examine that christians hate hindus that lots.
2016-10-01 12:03:03
answer #3
answered by gavilanes 4
Greater punishment? I thing If you vote for me for the White House.
2007-08-06 03:43:53
answer #4
answered by kollwitz71 6
The beastiality is just slightly worse that the incest. Both are pretty bat. Would you rather be bitten be a Black widow spider or a bark scorpion? it's really the same idea.
2007-08-05 20:30:01
answer #5
answered by Magic Mouse 6
engaging in bestiality and all of them are.
2007-08-06 03:07:50
answer #6
answered by @NGEL B@BY 7
ewe both........ both acts shoud get a GREAT punishment.
both acts are very sinful , specially bestiality...
2007-08-06 15:57:03
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Irellevant. Jesus has taken all your sins. Just believe.
2007-08-05 22:41:39
answer #8
answered by Cheese Y 2
no punishment for Dogs
2007-08-06 01:09:49
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
all of them are disgusting ,and if you got caught well your
looking at jail time .
2007-08-06 04:25:40
answer #10
answered by atlantismeditation@sbcglobal.net 6