God had originally created a paradise for man and woman, but mankind rebelled because of pride, wanting to be like God, so part of God's righteous punishment was to make women suffer in childbirth and man to work by the sweat of his brow:
Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
"And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;
Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field;
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. - Genesis 3:16-19 kjv.
2007-08-05 17:01:39
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It's in the bible we are supposed to work for the kingdom of
God. this is not a free walk. there is sin in the world and God hates sin. We were created to worship and praise God. Now
that sin entered we have to work to tell people of God.
And also we can't tell God to do anything... He asked us to do it. And when he says jump we better say how high.
Never Question what God wants us to do. When we get to Heaven we will understand why he does things the way he do.
2007-08-06 00:01:52
answer #2
answered by child of GOD 1
Because we're supposed to. And it would be disrespectful to "tell" God something like that. God is God. He makes the rules.
2007-08-06 00:15:54
answer #3
answered by Cee T 6
Would you sit around day in day out, week in week out, waiting for God to feed you by doing no work and just expecting food to magically appear out of nowhere...of course not! That would be stupidity because you would die for sure. You would instead go out to work to feed yourself and would be doing God's work in so doing that. God does his work through us. We are not here to test God but to do his will. Plus don't forget how close God really is:
"When thy Lord said unto the angels: lo! I am about to create a mortal out of mire, And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of MY SPIRIT, then fall down before him prostrate." (Qur'an 38:71-72)
"We verily created man and We know what his soul whispereth to him, and We are nearer to him than his jugular vein." (Quran 50:16)
2007-08-06 05:04:25
answer #4
answered by ♥zene purrs♥ 6
Because He likes it when I obey Him.
For those who tell Him to do it Himself: Who ever said that God wanted you?! God isn't sitting on a throne worried about you not accepting Him! He told us plainly that He doesn't want all of us. He only wants a few people. That's the way he has always worked, and I can show you more scripture on that than you would care to read.
2007-08-05 23:59:29
answer #5
answered by Christian Sinner 7
Doing God's work is the best way or evidence that people love God...evidence that people are surrendering to God's power....evidence that people are truly followers of JESUS...evidence that HOLY SPIRIT is really dwelling in our hearts...evidence that we people are humble and have an obedient heart to what God has commanded to us. It's all about giving GLORY, HONOR, PRAISES, WORSHIP and THANKGIVING to the HOLY GOD JESUS.
2007-08-06 08:37:44
answer #6
answered by NILDA M 1
Oh it's just a little thing called free will.
We are commissioned to share the Gospel with all people and to bring people to Christ. If God forced people to become Christians, we'd just be a bunch of little automatons running around with no purpose whatsoever.
2007-08-05 23:58:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
He is in a spirit form.When we are saved he gives us a the Holy spirit to live with in us.So we are able to be his legs and arms.There is alot of things he does hiself.Like when we are close to death someone saves us.Or when we are being really blessed.Some had to be very creative to make babies form so great and wonderful from nothing.
2007-08-06 00:00:10
answer #8
answered by dcrc93 7
They do it out of love for God God does not need us to do anything,Why must people like you be so disrespectful toward God,He sent His son to die for you,so that one day you can have eternal life,
2007-08-06 00:01:57
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Because only you can make something happen. God is there to give you strength and support and someone to lean on, but ultimately, you have to help him with becoming the good person we're all meant to become.
2007-08-05 23:57:48
answer #10
answered by Samantha B 2
He does do it Himself. He does it, however, through His people. Doing God's will is a pleasure and blessing. Climb on board!
2007-08-05 23:57:40
answer #11
answered by Caesar 3